I realized my hair was kind of long when...

I realized my hair was getting longer when:
- my bangs touched my shoulder :yep:
- I was walking around my house w/ a bra and felt something tickling the bottom of my back, thought it was a bug and it was my hair :blush:
- I went into a BSS and someone asked me "what length Remy are you wearing, 16-18in?"
- It gets caught under my arm, pocket books, seat belt....etc...

GNR!@ "what length Remy are you wearing, 16-18in?" :lachen::lachen:
Your hair is so gorgeous!!!!!!

What are you doing for weight loss dear cause it shows! Keep it up,that's great progress! I may need to know your workout/eating plan so I can drop a few pounds. I'm 190. :( And being military we have to be fit and do fitness exams and I need to be ready especially since we are doing them twice a year and not once anymore.
I like this thread! Reading these posts makes me feel kinda hopeful. I want one of these moments lol :)
I like this thread! Reading these posts makes me feel kinda hopeful. I want one of these moments lol :)

Me too! I'm trying to make sure I don't let the enemy make me jealous but moreso excited and more commited and more determined to be where these ladies are. You know how you try to be more faithful and not let the devil make you feel inferior? He's a liar. So I will give congrats and use that motivation for my own hair. :)
When I detangle my hair wet in sections I'm pretty surprised by the length and how long it'll take me to comb from root to tip....sometimes I have to fully extend my arm to get to the end.

When I flat iron my hair sometimes I'll do a pass where I flat iron the hair on the crown upward toward the ceiling and its getting to the point that the ends are like beyond my arms reach lol I'm starting to bend my head for access.

I've had several instances where I freak out and I'm like hey whats on my back! I whip my head around and I'm like oh yea I havent straightened in a while....thats just my new hair length:lachen:

I like the fact that on the rare occasion I go to the salon the stylists fawn over me and say they can't wait for their natural hair to get this long and talk about how encouraging my hair is to them....its nice:yep:

Another new thing for me is how it starts to get in the way and try to get caught in things:ohwell: I guess I just need to adjust:perplexed
When my hair got closed in the sunroof while i was driving ('cause it was blowing upwards)! It really hurt when i tried to get out the car.
1. when i realized that i cant just brush my hair back anymore. i have to part it, bring it in front of me and then brush each side if i want to get to the ends
2. when i went to the stylist and said 'regular price right?' and he gave me a look and made me turn around to show the length and then i had to give him the evil eye.
3. My bun shape changed
4. People told me
I can only pray that one day (soon, lawd!) I will be able to share my story. But I've made a couple of "goal" markers.

The day I can reach my hair in the back from underneath, like a lot of y'all do to stretch it in ur siggy pics, that's the day I'll know my hair is long.

Or the day I can make a full ponytail (not puff) with my curly hair and the hair outside of the scrunchie it is STILL bigger than my head...that's the day I'll know my hair is long.

Or the day my shrunken curls hit between SL and APL, that's the day I'll know my hair is long.

*sigh* I can't wait for that day...
.... i have to rollerset the mohawk section with all my hair going forward, i can't stretch straight up cause my hair passes my arms.:nono:
....my hair gets caught in the seat belt. Oouch!
....i feel something crawling on my arm and realize it's my hair
....lean back in the chair and accidently tug on my hair
....get ask every 4months (when i retouch and where my hair down) are my parents both black.:perplexed
....get stares in my stylist chair and someone referring to my hair as long
....i can feel my stylist hand in the middle of my back (from trimming).
:drool: these threads make me daydream of the day my hair will get caught up in everything make me think bugs are attacking me and yes I want a weave check(or get asked if its a weave lol)
1. (yesterday) while doing my hair i pulled a piece in the front down and it was inches past my chin.

2. when i had to stand up for my stylist to trim it when i got it straightened.

3. (today) when i realized that i will need a silk scarf to go over my winter coat collar because my TWISTS were on my shoulders!

4. when people compliment my hair...then tentatively ask me if its all mine.
- When it started to get caught in my seatbelt
- When it started to get caught in my backpack straps
- When I wore a BSL half wig and no one knew the difference
- When my BEAUTICIAN said, " I dont know what to do with all this hair!"
- When I got weave checked 3 times by 3 different people on the same day
When I sit down in a chair my hair gets caught between my back and the chair

People comment on it being long generally

People ask if it's all mine

I absolutely have to comb it in sections now and I have to comb it forwards over my shoulders so I can comb the ends through.

When I feel it on the back of my arms, I always think it's a fly or some other bug crawling on me.

I eat it now along with my food.
Love this thread!!

When my friends started telling me they hate me lmao!!!

When my boyfriend's family started asking him if I was wearing weave!
When it started getting caught on my purse and seatbelt. Also when I'm sitting and leans back on it I feel it pulling.:grin:
I realized I was at new lengths when I felt something grazing the back of my arm and was startled to feel that it was hair. I think we all are so focused that we sometimes forget how far we've come.
Well, I cut it over the weekend. (Insert sad face here), but I started noticing it was long when it'd get caught in my car door. I'd literally close my hair in the car door.
My moment happened on Sunday after I relaxed and straightened my hair. I sat down in the couch and my hair was being pulled because it was stuck between my back and the couch.
My moment happened on Sunday after I relaxed and straightened my hair. I sat down in the couch and my hair was being pulled because it was stuck between my back and the couch.

yeah - that one never gets old - i still love that feeling - its like a slight pull which is almost massage-like (im so weird lol).

BTW - wedding in two days :grin: - CONGRATS!!!!!!!!
Definitely the bolded, and ....

in bed, when my dh lays on my hair (unbeknownst to me) and when I try and get up I get yanked back down! OUCH!

I realized my hair was getting longer when:
- my bangs touched my shoulder :yep:
- I was walking around my house w/ a bra and felt something tickling the bottom of my back, thought it was a bug and it was my hair :blush:
- I went into a BSS and someone asked me "what length Remy are you wearing, 16-18in?"
- It gets caught under my arm, pocket books, seat belt....etc...
I am stll very much in transit, but
1) I felt my hair was getting longer when it tickled my back in a pony.
2) When I can feel it on my lower neck/shouldrs in a wash n go pony (and it's not gathered at the lowest point on my head, it's actually almost three inches up from my hair line)
3) when Y'all said it looked long to you in my thread. Thanks Ladies!

I am very encouraged by the comments, so keep 'em coming!
When the few times I have had it flat ironed and my neighbor along with my relatives asked me if it was a weave.
im just a bit past APL, so I don't consider myself having 'long' hair, but I realized my hair was getting longer when

-my twistouts went from above neck length to shoulder length
-my hair would get caught on my bag strap sometimes
-people would be like, "is this all yours?'
-my hair would take longer to dry under the dryer
-i was charged extra for kinky twists
-progress pictures with wet hair would surprise me, like my old siggy (because I swore my hair wasn't making progress)
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When my DH said "I thought we discussed the weave issue" and it was my hair (last year when I was BSL the second or third time).
When wearing my hair down one day in the spring (this year) and it got caught around the thing you use to adjust the top portion of the chair - the knob at the back of the chair.

This is kinda OT, but I realize my bun was maybe a little to big when I could no longer get my ex-large flexi8 clip over it.:nono:
Definitely the bolded, and ....

in bed, when my dh lays on my hair (unbeknownst to me) and when I try and get up I get yanked back down! OUCH!

That's happen to me recently.:lachen: I wanted to start a thread on it but decided not to. First time (in a long time) I had slept with my hair unprotected and will never do it again.

oh I was trying to be cute.
When I was taking care of a white patient and she could not believe that "my hair was my hair". It was styled into two pokahontas braids. She kept going on and on. She just could not believe that "we" could grow our hair long. :perplexed Also get weave checked quite a bit. :ohwell: