Long Hair Sighting

OMG!!! I GOT A PIC OF THIS WOMAN'S HAIR!! one of my co-workers came to my desk to give me something, and she happened to see the "just in case" digital camera i brought to work. lol! when i told her what i had it here for, she marched me right over to the woman's desk and asked her for me. the woman took her hair out of the high ponytail, combed it and turned around. if only i'd known it was that easy.
she's a very nice person.

anyway, now i just have to get the pic off this new camera. i should have taken more than one, huh? *sigh* i'll post it this evening if i figure out how!!

Went to a salon and this little girl about 8 or 9 had hair hanging to her butt. Her hair was in a ponytail half way up from the nape. I suspect that her hair would be past her butt when taken completely down. It was so pretty and wavy I could only glance for a few seconds at a time.
here is the pic of her hair:


like i said, if it was me, i'd trim a couple of inches, but as you can see, her hair is just about at her knees. i think i have a couple of feet to go before i catch up to her.

the other person is the girl who asked her to take the pic for me.
OMG!!!! Look at that. I hope you grilled her on what she does to keep it that long. Wait a couple of days though. You don't want to look like a stalker!
Is it me or does it seem like men can grow their hair longer than women? I have seen and know a couple of men who have long hair -- almost butt length -- and the length of time it took to grow it out was four months. It seems to take longer in women.
That's about the same length as the girl I saw at the mall... I wouldn't want my hair that long...at that length, you can't do much with it...
I would cut it to waist length, or a few inches under brastrap
Thanks Adrienne, for getting the picture!!!
shelli, her hair is probably type 1 in the back, but the hairline is maybe 2A because it has a little wave to it. for all i know, it might all be 2A but is straight because of the weight. ya know?

glad yall liked the pic..
Lindy you are so right.While it is beautiful to look at that must be so hard to maintain unless it is always up in protective styles.Not very much styling options either. From the looks of her ends I was wondering if she sits on her hair too much.

Do you guys think that most people with hair past waist length have stringy hair with no definition to it besides the length?
~Quote~..::Is it me or does it seem like men can grow their hair longer than women? I have seen and know a couple of men who have long hair -- almost butt length -- and the length of time it took to grow it out was four months. It seems to take longer in women::..~Quote~

You talking about men of color? why can't my hair just grow
On Thurs. I went to the club with my fiance's sister and her friends. So, I leave the apartment get in the front seat of her car and turn around to see three of the most gorgeous heads of hair I've seen in person in a long time. Girl #1 had hair that was 3C (silky) and she had her hair in a big bun with some curls hanging from it, Girl #2 had bra strap length totally even hair flat ironed straight back she looked like a 4A (silky) relaxed, and then Girl #3 was the ultimate w/ 2 inches from waist length hair all completely even and blunt cut!!!! She looked like maybe a 3C or 4A (cottony) with either a mild relaxer or a blow out. I was like this
!!! I couldn't believe it first I was a little intimidated, but later I felt empowered like hey maybe I can do this
