Long Hair Sighting (her secret enclosed)

sylver2 said:
So when someone says "wow your hair is really long" or 'your hair is long' then that means that they don't like your hair..they just think its long??:confused:
not good since majority of what I get is the 'your hair is long' only:lol:

:lol: I think it depends on how they say it and they're facial expressions.

If they go" Wow,:eek: Your Hair is Long!:) " Then I am assuming they like you hair.

Now if they go "Wow, :look: Your is is Long:ohwell: " Then they just might think it's gross.:lol:
sylver2 said:
So when someone says "wow your hair is really long" or 'your hair is long' then that means that they don't like your hair..they just think its long??:confused:
not good since majority of what I get is the 'your hair is long' only:lol:

:lol: I think it depends on how they say it and they're facial expressions.

If they go" Wow,:eek: Your Hair is Long!:) " Then I am assuming they like you hair.

Now if they go "Wow, :look: Your is is Long:ohwell: " Then they just might think it's gross.:lol:
sylver2 said:
So when someone says "wow your hair is really long" or 'your hair is long' then that means that they don't like your hair..they just think its long??:confused:
not good since majority of what I get is the 'your hair is long' only:lol:

Sorry Syl, if I told you that I think it's pretty would you believe me. . .I really do.:D
caligirl said:
Ok, I'm rolling over here because you put the complete dialogue like it was a screenplay!

Me: I enjoy writing like that. (laughing while thinkingto herself , it brings everybody to the scene)
sweetcashew said:
Ok, I had to go back and read the original post.
She asked the woman how did you get her hair that way. Meaning how did she get it so long.

By saying nothing, she's saying she didn't do anything activly to get it long.
I could understand if the Op asked her what she did to her hair and she said nothing but she asked her what she did to get her hair so long.
Big difference.

Exactly! That's how I percieved the woman's response as well. I strongly believe that low manipulation is the key to achieving length.
At least the manufacturers don't want us to go on a "do nothing" routine. LOL


seraphinelle said:
I agree.

But I was thinking... Some regimens work for some people but not for others.

I hope we don't all jump on the 'Do nothing' band wagon. :lachen:
sweetcashew said:
Ok, I had to go back and read the original post.
She asked the woman how did you get her hair that way. Meaning how did she get it so long.

By saying nothing, she's saying she didn't do anything activly to get it long.
I could understand if the Op asked her what she did to her hair and she said nothing but she asked her what she did to get her hair so long.
Big difference.

That's how I took it also.

If someone asks me what products I use I have no problem telling them, but I don't do anything special to my hair. I assume everyone washes their hair so I'd feel stupid and sort of condescending telling someone "Oh I wash and condition my hair".:look:
I don't believe we need to go into overscrutinizing how this woman responded TO A PERFECT STRANGER approaching her out of the blue asking her about her personal grooming habits.

Take it for what it is, let's stop overscrutinizing common sensical things and do what we can with the information we have.

I ASSUME, give benefit of the doubt, that the majority of people walking around is at least washing their hair on some regular basis (1nce a week, 1nce every 2 weeks, 1nce a month, etc.) so unless the OP stated she saw nit balls, smelled a foul odor coming from her hair and/or it looked very dandruffy and dusty - let's just give the woman the benefit of the doubt that the woman AT LEAST washes her hair and let's use common sense and stop being overly literal and make an assumption that if someone says they do nothing to their hair, that implies they are not going through major and complex beauty regimens to achieve their current length (whether short, medium or long).

LocksOfLuV said:
No prob bob.

It wouldn't have hurted her to go:

OP: What do you do?
Her: Nothing, just wash and condition it __ times a week.

Just to flat out say "Nothing" is kinda misleading. She know she wouldn't have all that hair on her head if she did absolutely nothing to it.:rolleyes: Whatever.
Yeah I agree with you. If someone were to give that answer, someone could easily assume they were being a smart alec by stating what could easily be assumed to be the OBVIOUS.

camellia said:
That's how I took it also.

If someone asks me what products I use I have no problem telling them, but I don't do anything special to my hair. I assume everyone washes their hair so I'd feel stupid and sort of condescending telling someone "Oh I wash and condition my hair".:look:
CurleeDST said:
I don't believe we need to go into overscrutinizing how this woman responded TO A PERFECT STRANGER approaching her out of the blue asking her about her personal grooming habits.

Take it for what it is, let's stop overscrutinizing common sensical things and do what we can with the information we have.

I ASSUME, give benefit of the doubt, that the majority of people walking around is at least washing their hair on some regular basis (1nce a week, 1nce every 2 weeks, 1nce a month, etc.) so unless the OP stated she saw nit balls, smelled a foul odor coming from her hair and/or it looked very dandruffy and dusty - let's just give the woman the benefit of the doubt that the woman AT LEAST washes her hair and let's use common sense and stop being overly literal and make an assumption that if someone says they do nothing to their hair, that implies they are not going through major and complex beauty regimens to achieve their current length (whether short, medium or long).
Great job overscrutinizing :lachen:
StrawberryQueen said:
Great job overscrutinizing :lachen:

Exactly!! OMG:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

And let's be "sensical" everyone does NOT wash or condition their hair once a week. The only overscrutinizing that is happening in this thread is ASSUMING. I never even noted that I did not believe the woman didn't wash her hair. I was actually suggesting the opposite...:look:
I do not really understand why some people cannot accept that some people do not have to do anything extra to have long hair.

So what if a person is 4a or 4b! I think some of you contradict yourselves. Many tout that black women hair can grow and most believe that "black hair" is mostly representative of the 4a or 4b category which is untrue. Yet, when person says they do nothing and have 4a or 4b hair you complain they must be doing something. I just do not get it, especially after all the information provided on this board. Some comments to me are frustruating.

I believe your hair is 50% what you do to it and the other 50% is genetics.

Some people hair will grow slow and some grow fast. Some people can get to shoulder length in a year and some take two years.

The way you all write, is like we are all related. I do not think I am related to any of you, so none of you can be my standard to how my hair will grow but you can offer encouragement and give hope to those who think long hair is not possible for a Black woman.

Even your family members can be different from you. It depends on what you do with what you got and what your genetics entail for you.

Some people will make it to waistlength and some people will not. This is is life. In the meantime you just have to love what you have. I see a lot of women on here with shoulder length beautiful hair and shorter.

Maybe if some people start loving what they have and stop lusting over what they do not have..then MAYBE they God will bless them with more rewards.

You have to love what you have in order to get more. In addition, what is someone elses is not yours.
Let's assume that this woman was being open and honest when she stated what her top NO-NO's were -- why has this thread turned into a DEBATE ?:confused:

If this has worked for her - more power to HER! ;)
camellia said:
That's how I took it also.

If someone asks me what products I use I have no problem telling them, but I don't do anything special to my hair. I assume everyone washes their hair so I'd feel stupid and sort of condescending telling someone "Oh I wash and condition my hair".:look:

i was thinking the exact thing.

i always say nothing unless im asked a specific question.

Thanks for your response.

I know most people on here do not like some of my posts but I could care less because at least I keep my posts real.

I do not cater to anyone or try to make people feel better. I give the truth but I try to do it in a positive manner. Or sometimes I say nothing at all.

Yet, some days after a few days away from this board, I get a little overwhelmed with statements that contradict people or reak of pure bullsh#t.

I am not saying that no one cannot reach their hair goals but come on now. Some us of will and some will not based on different factors.

I am not going to sit here lusting over someone else hair. Their hair is not my hair and my hair is not theirs.

I am grateful that some people on here post their progress so that other Black women or ethnic woman with similiar hair issues know that their hair will grow. Yet, I am intelligent enough to make challenges for myself and be happy with what I have.

There are some women whose hair fell out from cancer or some other health disease and they wish they had even a speck of hair while other women are crying about brastrap. There are women who are wondering how they will feed their babies and do not have time to cry about single strand of hair they lost in the sink. Some of these women do not even have a sink!

I love hair. So I love reading the posts but after being in the hair game for a minute I have seen many people's hair stay the same length or not grow as much which leads me to believe that some people are meant to have long hair and some not. Race is not the only factor.

I think everyone, needs to first be happy with what they have. I also know some people who have been struggling and lusting over long hair need to know it is okay if they do not reach their goal because they are still beautiful and their hair is just as beautiful.
spiceykitten said:

Yet, some days after a few days away from this board, I get a little overwhelmed with statements that contradict people or reak of pure bullsh#t.
I totally relate. I've been a little spicy minded myself lately. :)
spiceykitten said:
I do not really understand why some people cannot accept that some people do not have to do anything extra to have long hair.

So what if a person is 4a or 4b! I think some of you contradict yourselves. Many tout that black women hair can grow and most believe that "black hair" is mostly representative of the 4a or 4b category which is untrue. Yet, when person says they do nothing and have 4a or 4b hair you complain they must be doing something. I just do not get it, especially after all the information provided on this board. Some comments to me are frustruating.

I believe your hair is 50% what you do to it and the other 50% is genetics.

Some people hair will grow slow and some grow fast. Some people can get to shoulder length in a year and some take two years.

The way you all write, is like we are all related. I do not think I am related to any of you, so none of you can be my standard to how my hair will grow but you can offer encouragement and give hope to those who think long hair is not possible for a Black woman.

Even your family members can be different from you. It depends on what you do with what you got and what your genetics entail for you.

Some people will make it to waistlength and some people will not. This is is life. In the meantime you just have to love what you have. I see a lot of women on here with shoulder length beautiful hair and shorter.

Maybe if some people start loving what they have and stop lusting over what they do not have..then MAYBE they God will bless them with more rewards.

You have to love what you have in order to get more. In addition, what is someone elses is not yours.
Man this is a discussion board about HAIR. This is what we do, talk about HAIR. The hair we want, the hair we have, the hair we admire, the hair we hate, real hair fake hair, who's lying, who's got a wig on, who's hair is falling out.

Come on now. It's not that serious to be freaking out at home about this. But I do get what you're saying-but this is what folks around here do, ok? :lachen:

And while she probably meant "little" instead of nothing, nothing is LITERALLY nothing to some of us (me), meaning "I do not wash, comb, condition my hair." Others intrepret it differently-ok? Is that alright? :lol:

I still wanna know if she was natural or relaxed. I dunno what "fixed" means? :confused: Pressed maybe? But she said no heat...soo?

My dear, I am actually a cool cat right now. I am sipping ginger bear as we speak.

I am not freaking out. My words come out strong at times. It is how I am. In my culture they say the mix make you hotblooded and make the brain not thick. Brain and blood is always boiling, so excuse my frankness.

This is why I barely post because most people cannot handle the spice or cannot draw the meat out of my comments.

I am going to get some coconut cookies to go with my drink, so I will bow out.
I think the world "our" was used to describe black hair IN GENERAL. Not hair typing, softness, curls, dividing us, making each other feel bad, whatever.

Spicey you don't have to subscribe to this word since you are not Black, it's not hurting us none. Personally, I wouldn't expect you to anyways since you aren't Black. It's just that it wouldn't make sense to say "you all's hair" since the vast majority of us are Black or have some Black in us, so we use "our." Not a big deal. Forreal.
:lachen: :lachen: Okay spicey and Strawberry you are making my stomach hurt.

New member disclaimer - Proceed with caution...do not jump on the "do nothing" (literally) challenge and come back blaming LHCF for your hair woes.

But seriously, maybe there should be a LHCF disclaimer.
Warning: All products, methods, techniques, etc. contained on this site are not guaranteed to work for everyone.
spiceykitten said:

My dear, I am actually a cool cat right now. I am sipping ginger bear as we speak.

I am not freaking out. My words come out strong at times. It is how I am. In my culture they say the mix make you hotblooded and make the brain not thick. Brain and blood is always boiling, so excuse my frankness.

This is why I barely post because most people cannot handle the spice or cannot draw the meat out of my comments.

I am going to get some coconut cookies to go with my drink, so I will bow out.
I hateeeeee ginger beer! Are you drinking it straight?????? It's so strong it's like medicine. :ill:

Dynamic you are onto something with that disclaimer for real.

Locks...GANGSTA! Back up there Michael Corleone!