Long Hair Sighting (her secret enclosed)

Less is more!!! I K.I.S.S. all the time and i'm thinking to cut back even more this summer.

My products right now:

Herbal Essencse bone straight shampoo and cond. (soon to be Pau Mitchell)
Paul Mitchell "The Conditioner" ( my leave in before I blow dry)
Sweet Almond Oil

That's it! 5 products!

When my hair isn't straight, I use LaBella gel #10.

Actually, I think hair is gonna grow no matter what you do to it. I mean, if you're using heat every day, putting color on top of a relaxer, bleaching your hair, cutting or trimming every few weeks, of course it won't retain length.

but if you take care of your hair, I believe it will get to be very long, waist length even. If you use a lot of products, it will grow to waist length. If you do very little, it will grow to waist length. If you do nothing, it will grow to waist lenght. As long as you aren't damaging it, or doing things that will take away length (notice I didn't say stop growing) hair will get very long no matter what the type or genetic pool...

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So was this woman natural or relaxed?

From your post it made it seem like she had 4a/b long RELAXED hair until she said that she didn't have chemicals or use heat.

And the "do nothing" is misleading. She was probably trying to back you off of her. She coulda said what she actually DID. But oh well, women can be like that.
In her defense, she may also think of what her normal routine as nothing. She may wrap her hair in a scarf before going to bed but because it was her routine, she viewed it as nothing or she might braid it or whatever.
I agree with the aforementioned...she probably thinks of her routine and nothing special. I'm sure she does SOMETHING. But truly less is more. When I was first lurking the forum I had a dressing table covered in products. now I KISS and my hair has never looked better.

LocksOfLuV said:
No prob bob.

It wouldn't have hurted her to go:

OP: What do you do?
Her: Nothing, just wash and condition it __ times a week.

Just to flat out say "Nothing" is kinda misleading. She know she wouldn't have all that hair on her head if she did absolutely nothing to it.:rolleyes: Whatever.

Well what about people who don't wash their hair often? I mean I know that sounds nasty but I remember there being a thread on here about it. Somebody said someone they know with long hair doesn't wash it often. My great grandmother has waist length hair that she pins under a short wig. She gets my aunt to wash it once a month for her with Pantene. She just recently bought the one for grey hair. She showed it to me last time I was there and asked if I thought it was ok for her to use it. She wears it in one braid. That's all she does. No grease, no oil, nothing. My mother said when she was a child, my great grandmother just wore it up in a giant bun on top her head. She never did anything to it. So if somebody asked her about it, I'm sure she'd say nothing. She doesn't even cover it up when she goes to bed. She just puts the wig on the mannekin.
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I believe it! My mother is the same way. She washes her hair once a month and literally does nothing eles to it but pull it back when she goes outside. Sometimes she will use S-curl or some oil but not everyday or even every week. Her hair has grown from SL to BSL twice in 2006. I recently cut it back to a little below SL in November and it is already past APL amost to wear my hair was in my siggy. My mom is currently transitioning almost a year post and it is working for her. Me, I coudn't do it...I have to wash condition and deep condition atleast once a week and spray some S-Curl atleast every couple of days. But doing nothing really does work for some ppl. My mother's motto is "if it grows and its healthy then leave it alone!"
When you have long hair and people ask you what you did to achieve it they are not trying to hear you say you just wash, condition and moisturize.
They want you to say you use a million vitamins , some magic growth potion and some special trick.
When people ask me that question it goes without saying that we all wash and condition our hair so they're asking what extra I'm doing to achieve length.
And of course me saying "nothing" is quite unacceptable. So that's exactly what I say. I do nothing. Cause I don't do anything extra other than wash and condition anyway.
Sounds like the key-- to do nothing. Most ladies I've come across have beautiful waist length hair and they just wash and wear a single braid. That is my challenge as a newbie. I just can't go out looking like any ol' way. I have to balance low to no heat and manipulation and still finding styles that are professional for work.
She: hmmmmmm no, no chemicals, no heat, no comb, nothing. I just get it fixed every so often at the beauty school.

If it was me, after this point, I would ask her what products she DID use.

And what 'fixed' means.

But that's just me, because I know I wouldn't be content with 'do nothing' as an answer.

Because do nothing does not mean KISS.
StrawberryQueen said:
So was this woman natural or relaxed?

From your post it made it seem like she had 4a/b long RELAXED hair until she said that she didn't have chemicals or use heat.

And the "do nothing" is misleading. She was probably trying to back you off of her. She coulda said what she actually DID. But oh well, women can be like that.

That has to be what it boils down to.

Or once again maybe I took it too literal. Because my nothing, is literally NOTHING. So if I went around going "nothing" I would be lying and I wouldn't insult anyone's intelligence like that. I am the type of person who needs a little more than that. And I automatically assume that others are the same.

I also know that not everyone shampoo and DC. So since it is the norm here, I can't expect it to be the norm outside hair boards. Oh well, what the who, I just hope I never come across any of the long haired ladies here in real life who say "I do nothing." For that little bit of info, I could have kept to myself or not even asked at all.:look:
Great thread!

If you say that the hair was a bit unflattering, and the fact that she's African, I totally believe her. I know a looot of Africans who have really long natural 4a/4b hair that they keep in weaves. And being Nigerian, I must have missed this secret somehow :lol:.

I think I posted on here a long time ago about a good Nigerian friend of mine who asked me to braid her hair. She always wore weaves so I never thought she had any real hair underneath so I quoted her real low. Well, she comes over for braids and lo and behold she's got natural blowdried hair down her back! I let her know I was honored to work on her hair :lol:.

As of yesterday, I started seeing her stylist and yep, all the hair routine involves is having her weave your hair, come back to wash/condition, return in 2 months for deep condition and re-weave. One of her customers that came in had natural hair seemingly almost as long as mine, but I nearly flipped when I heard that she had only begun growing her natural hair almost 2 years ago :blush:.

To digress even further (sorry!), I went yesterday to have my hair done for the 1st time in at least 5 yrs:perplexed :
- She only uses Avlon products (KeraCare, Affirm reconstructor for deep conditioning, etc...). She seems to swear by them
- When she hot comed my hair, she only used a KeraCare leave in after washing and styling spritz for the press & curl. Only recommends a little bit of Biosilk serum in the morning after taking down the wrap.

In two weeks, I hope to be getting my 1st weave done by her!
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I just want to add my 2 cents and then I'm ghost. Do what your hair tells you...don't fall into the do nothing and your hair will grow. It might work for some ladies but not ALL...I have been reading the threads in regards to being tired of wearing buns and I will admit...I am tired of wearing buns also and I plan to stop wearing buns all the time BUT for some of us..."doing nothing" got us jacked up hair and is what led MOST of us here. Now as I stated, I am not trying to start an argument or anything but for the ladies that can "do nothing" to your hair and still have it healthy...more power to you BUT for the ladies that "did nothing" to their hair and jacked it up (including me) CONTINUE to do what you are doing and you will see results:)

ETA: When the lady said "doing nothing" I take it to mean, literally doing nothing also. If you wash and deep condition your hair once every 3 months, that's "doing something" to it...you catch my drift....doing nothing in my opinion, means just that doing nothing....
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Ayeshia said:
I believe her...she said she goes to a beauty shcool to get her hair done. I know people who get their hair in a certain style at the shop and do not TOUCH their hair until they go back to the stylist. years back when I used to get my hair pressed there was one lady who had almost WL and all she got was tight wet sets done...never combed the curls out until she came back to the stylist a week later, by then they had fell. all she did was spray with oil sheen and wear a satin bonnet to bed in between visits.

I believe her too and agree with your post. I think a lot of people would have much longer hair if they did the same thing. The more we manipulate our hair, the more we weaken it and make it more prone to damage and breakage. Leaving it alone gives it a chance to grow longer.
"Do Nothing" is a relative term and quite different than "keep it simple".
For example,
  • rinsing your hair every day and diffusing is not "do nothing".
  • going to the salon every 3-6 weeks and pinning it up every night isn't "do nothing"
  • CW twice per week and bunning isn't "do nothing"
  • no heat or chemicals is not "do nothing"
  • low manipulation and protective styles is not "do nothing"
  • wearing your hair in twists for 6 weeks is not "do nothing"
There is a multitude of other "simple" regimens that I could post, however individuals on and off of this board retain length by keeping it simple. If someone asked me what I did to grow my hair out prior to hair boards I would not know how to answer them. I might respond, like "nothing special". But looking back, my regimen was simple, my diet & excercise program was on point. This probably contributed to my growth retention. I just would not have known what they wanted to hear.

One of my friends get's her hair roller wrapped by a stylist every two weeks. she moisturizes in between and does nothing eles. This probably contributes to her length retention. Another rinses her hair almost daily and wears a wng, while another buns frquently. All of these things, they do in effort not to be bothered with their hair. If you asked them, thay might say they "do nothing". The common thread between all of these women is retaining moisture, little heat use and low manipulation.

Maybe the lady meant "do nothing" in terms of growth potions, lotions, weekly visits to the salon, avoiding frequent styling and manipulation, no heat use, etc.

We should not assume that people are being secretive but maybe they just don't know how to answer the question. I just don't think that simple equals "do nothing"
Maybe she meant "nothing special"...to some washing and conditioning your hair isn't "something" thats like saying how do you get your skin so pretty...my mom says nothing...she uses dove and regular body lotion, not fancy creams and potions etc. Really its genetic b/c my skin would laugh at me if I used body lotion as a facial moisturizer.
dynamic1 said:
We should not assume that people are being secretive but maybe they just don't know how to answer the question. I just don't think that simple equals "do nothing"

I agree. I can't assume that when someone says "nothing" that it means absolutely nothing. I assume it to mean that it's just a simplified regimen. Taking it to litterally mean "nothing" would mean that her hair should be in dread locks by now, right?
dynamic1 said:
"Do Nothing" is a relative term and quite different than "keep it simple".
For example,
  • rinsing your hair every day and diffusing is not "do nothing".
  • going to the salon every 3-6 weeks and pinning it up every night isn't "do nothing"
  • CW twice per week and bunning isn't "do nothing"
  • no heat or chemicals is not "do nothing"
  • low manipulation and protective styles is not "do nothing"
  • wearing your hair in twists for 6 weeks is not "do nothing"
Maybe the lady meant "do nothing" in terms of growth potions, lotions, weekly visits to the salon, avoiding frequent styling and manipulation, no heat use, etc.

We should not assume that people are being secretive but maybe they just don't know how to answer the question. I just don't think that simple equals "do nothing"
I agree, esp. with the bolded part. Because to me, if someone said they do nothing to there hair, I would take it literally, like a lot of ppl have already said. And "doing nothing" literally to me would mean:

1. Not washing your have or having it washed...
2. Not conditioning your hair or having it conditioned...
3. Not combing/brushing your hair or having it combed/brushed...
4. No wrapping, styling, NOTHING!

You get the idea. Even if she meant that she did nothing once they do it at the school, she at least wraps it, puts it in one braid at night, etc. I mean, literally speaking, if no one did ANYTHING to their hair, we'd all be walking around with big, funky, foul smelling, dread locked be hives on our heads! :eek::eek::eek: :lol: And it wouldn't matter what race you are, cuz even white folk's hair will dread after a while...:cool:
gn1g said:
Me: It sure is long, how did you get it that way?

She smiled and began to pull at her hair. Her hair seem to be very strong.

She: I do nothing.


Ok, I had to go back and read the original post.
She asked the woman how did you get her hair that way. Meaning how did she get it so long.

By saying nothing, she's saying she didn't do anything activly to get it long.
I could understand if the Op asked her what she did to her hair and she said nothing but she asked her what she did to get her hair so long.
Big difference.
tsmith said:
I just want to add my 2 cents and then I'm ghost. Do what your hair tells you...don't fall into the do nothing and your hair will grow. It might work for some ladies but not ALL...I have been reading the threads in regards to being tired of wearing buns and I will admit...I am tired of wearing buns also and I plan to stop wearing buns all the time BUT for some of us..."doing nothing" got us jacked up hair and is what led MOST of us here. Now as I stated, I am not trying to start an argument or anything but for the ladies that can "do nothing" to your hair and still have it healthy...more power to you BUT for the ladies that "did nothing" to their hair and jacked it up (including me) CONTINUE to do what you are doing and you will see results:)

ETA: When the lady said "doing nothing" I take it to mean, literally doing nothing also. If you wash and deep condition your hair once every 3 months, that's "doing something" to it...you catch my drift....doing nothing in my opinion, means just that doing nothing....

I so agree with you. As tired as I am of my buns, I know something about that old carefree hair lifestyle that I used to lead led me here. I know one thing, I will not be making the same mistake twice. So, as much as I hate my buns I will be duking it out because that is one thing I know that works. Needless to say, Iw ill not be joining the "do nothing" routine anytime soon. It led me here once, and I don't doubt that I would be back to square one, again.

As for the bolded, that was the point I was trying to articulate. Even if you wash your hair once a month you are still doing SOMETHING. I was also trying to say, I would not assume that the person may not be taking your "do nothing" literally. I know if someone told me that, I would.
I guess I am guilty of that. When someone compliments me on my hair and asks me what I do. I say I don't do anything. Then I always elaborate though. I say I don't comb, only on wash days twice a month. I just leave it alone. I bareley ever toouch it. I'm thinking they want me to tell them some miracle pill of how my hair grew, but truth be told my hair didn't start growing until I left it alone.
sweetcashew said:
Ok, I had to go back and read the original post.
She asked the woman how did you get her hair that way. Meaning how did she get it so long.

By saying nothing, she's saying she didn't do anything activly to get it long.
I could understand if the Op asked her what she did to her hair and she said nothing but she asked her what she did to get her hair so long.
Big difference.

PRECISELY!!! The OP didn't ask her 'how she took care of her hair?' The OP didn't ask her 'What's your hair regimine??" She asked her - what did YOU do to make your hair long? And the Woman answered her - nothing. Which, makes PERFECT sense to me. And then - she elaborated that SHE didn't do anything to make her hair long - instead, she stayed any from chemicals and heat and did low manipulation as part of taking CARE of her hair - and her hair, left mostly alone, got long ON IT'S OWN.

Dang - I'm shocked at all the folks who called this woman a liar!!!!! :ohwell: :perplexed

Amazingly enough, not EVERYONE has to do elaborate routines and specialized products to grow their hair out. As was covered in another thread - sometimes, if you eat right, and work with your hairs natural texture, and use products that give your hair what it needs (and maybe, just maybe, HER hair didn't need that much) - it WILL grow.

The OP also noted that the woman had a thick accent, which means she might not be aware of the african-american womans issues/attitudes about hair, and therefore thought that saying the things that she DIDN'T do to her hair would be more important than saying that she washed her hair every week.
sylver2 said:
I guess I am guilty of that. When someone compliments me on my hair and asks me what I do. I say I don't do anything. Then I always elaborate though. I say I don't comb, only on wash days twice a month. I just leave it alone. I bareley ever toouch it. I'm thinking they want me to tell them some miracle pill of how my hair grew, but truth be told my hair didn't start growing until I left it alone.

I think that I need to leave mine alone too. I think that i'll stick to CW once per week, and washing every other week. that seemed like the only time my hair really grew...
I don't think it's so hard to believe that she does nothing. Why say the poor woman is lying? LOL

To each his/her own.

Personally, if I 'did nothing' to my hair, i'd end up with freeform dread locks in a minute....but that's just me
So when someone says "wow your hair is really long" or 'your hair is long' then that means that they don't like your hair..they just think its long??:confused:
not good since majority of what I get is the 'your hair is long' only:lol:
LocksOfLuV said:
I so agree with you. As tired as I am of my buns, I know something about that old carefree hair lifestyle that I used to lead led me here. I know one thing, I will not be making the same mistake twice. So, as much as I hate my buns I will be duking it out because that is one thing I know that works. Needless to say, Iw ill not be joining the "do nothing" routine anytime soon. It led me here once, and I don't doubt that I would be back to square one, again.

As for the bolded, that was the point I was trying to articulate. Even if you wash your hair once a month you are still doing SOMETHING. I was also trying to say, I would not assume that the person may not be taking your "do nothing" literally. I know if someone told me that, I would.

I agree, she should have elaborated a little more because "something" is being done to her hair whether she go to the beauty school or not...someone is washing, dc'ing, and taking care of her hair even if she isn't "doing nothing" to it:)
sylver2 said:
So when someone says "wow your hair is really long" or 'your hair is long' then that means that they don't like your hair..they just think its long??:confused:
not good since majority of what I get is the 'your hair is long' only:lol:

:lol: I think it depends on how they say it and they facial expressions.

If they go" Wow,:eek: Your Hair is Long!:) " Then I am assuming they like you hair.

Now if they go "Wow, :look: Your is is Long:ohwell: " Then they just might think it's gross.:lol:
sylver2 said:
So when someone says "wow your hair is really long" or 'your hair is long' then that means that they don't like your hair..they just think its long??:confused:
not good since majority of what I get is the 'your hair is long' only:lol:

girl, your hair is long, beautiful, thick and you rock the hell outta some braidouts..so whatever;)