LOL, Maybe I'm Trippin'


New Member
Okay, I was looking up coarse hair on youtube to support my theory that coarse hair, regardless of hair type, just does not have that swang (and also to see if anything can be done about it) when I stumbled upon this video:

So, ol' girl is complaining that her curly hair just does not grow. But then she says she cut her hair from SL in March. Now this video was recorded in August 2008, and her hair is BSL.

Please tell me y'all see/hear it too.

I wish my hair not growing included being able to grow from SL to BSL in 5 months. :lachen:

I just found it amusing.
Didn't look at the video...sorry, but you're theory is flawed. My dd, niece and my sister have coarse hair. They have SWANG/BODY...just like me.

Something is not in balance in the regimen if the hair doesn't have body.

On the other hand I wish my hair grew that fast too!

ETA: Yes, I do their hair.
Hmm... I don't know what it is then. I've just noticed that some people's hair just does not move at all, no matter the type or health of it, so I figured it might be because people with thick strands (like myself) don't have hair that moves because there's too much weight to the hair.

I have body, no problem there. My hair just does not move no matter what. Actually, I have had hair that moved but that was once.... trying to figure out why...

Didn't look at the video...sorry, but you're theory is flawed. My dd, niece and my sister have coarse hair. They have SWANG/BODY...just like me.

Something is not in balance in the regimen if the hair doesn't have body.

On the other hand I wish my hair grew that fast too!

ETA: Yes, I do their hair.
Hmm... I don't know what it is then. I've just noticed that some people's hair just does not move at all, no matter the type or health of it, so I figured it might be because people with thick strands (like myself) don't have hair that moves because there's too much weight to the hair.

I have body, no problem there. My hair just does not move no matter what. Actually, I have had hair that moved but that was once.... trying to figure out why...

I don't know about all that stuff but I'm going to try the waves like she did in this video with the flat iron
Hmm... I don't know what it is then. I've just noticed that some people's hair just does not move at all, no matter the type or health of it, so I figured it might be because people with thick strands (like myself) don't have hair that moves because there's too much weight to the hair.

I have body, no problem there. My hair just does not move no matter what. Actually, I have had hair that moved but that was once.... trying to figure out why...

Body (motion/movement) = Swang

Can you tell me what you consider body? AND if you had it once you can have it again!!! You really can! What is different now, since you had it once?

Re the weight issue it is due to the products weight not the weight of the actual strand...make sense??

Do you mind sharing your regimen and techniques?
My hair is quite coarse but it has swang... anyways, I saw this video last summer and I was like:rolleyes: Whatever:rolleyes:... my 12-year old neighboor an Indian girl from Guyana is like that as well, she cuts her hair to shoulder length at the begining of september every year and the spring after she's WL again:yep:
Oh, lol. When I hear body, I think volume. My bad.

I have no idea what was different then. I wasn't in control of my hair then. I was in high school, and I started going to a different stylist. After he was through with my hair, it was blowing in the wind.

That was before I went natural, so that was the first and last time I had swinging hair. It doesn't bother me, but I have been trying to figure out why some hair moves and some hair doesn't.

I don't use much product in my hair. I usually just wash 'n go and put coconut oil in my hair. I don't even use leave-in.

Body (motion/movement) = Swang

Can you tell me what you consider body? AND if you had it once you can have it again!!! You really can! What is different now, since you had it once?

Re the weight issue it is due to the products weight not the weight of the actual strand...make sense??

Do you mind sharing your regimen and techniques?
^^^ I agree with Mamato. Plus, her definition of "shoulder length" is probably not the same as the LHCF definition. Her SL is probably APLish
^^^ I agree with Mamato. Plus, her definition of "shoulder length" is probably not the same as the LHCF definition. Her SL is probably APLish

Could be. From the "SL" she was showing to the length she had then still required a growth of about an inch a month.

I just thought it was funny listening to someone say there hair doesn't grow, and they're getting an inch a month.
Oh, lol. When I hear body, I think volume. My bad.

I have no idea what was different then. I wasn't in control of my hair then. I was in high school, and I started going to a different stylist. After he was through with my hair, it was blowing in the wind.

That was before I went natural, so that was the first and last time I had swinging hair. It doesn't bother me, but I have been trying to figure out why some hair moves and some hair doesn't.

I don't use much product in my hair. I usually just wash 'n go and put coconut oil in my hair. I don't even use leave-in.

LOL, no worries!

You're regimen sounds like ours. We are all relaxed. However my dd just got hers relaxed last November. Before that she still had SWANG. You may want to try different maint. products. Love me some coconut oil...that is the ONLY thing I put in our hair as it is a true moisturizer.

Oil does NOT equal moisturizer.
Yeah, I know. I was only doing that because I was having trouble with my hair breaking every time I went to put something in it.

I have been finding out my hair likes heavy moisture lately - cholesterol, shea butter, especially when I put it on dry hair. So, I am trying to get a hold of some shea butter to keep my hair happy, lol.

LOL, no worries!

You're regimen sounds like ours. We are all relaxed. However my dd just got hers relaxed last November. Before that she still had SWANG. You may want to try different maint. products. Love me some coconut oil...that is the ONLY thing I put in our hair as it is a true moisturizer.

Oil does NOT equal moisturizer.
Yeah, I know. I was only doing that because I was having trouble with my hair breaking every time I went to put something in it.

I have been finding out my hair likes heavy moisture lately - cholesterol, shea butter, especially when I put it on dry hair. So, I am trying to get a hold of some shea butter to keep my hair happy, lol.

Okay, I understand...yeah that's not good. I hope you find what your hair needs. Hmmm wonder if it is a change in diet, the weather or something like that? Just wondering....
Okay, I understand...yeah that's not good. I hope you find what your hair needs. Hmmm wonder if it is a change in diet, the weather or something like that? Just wondering....

I hope I figure it out too. My hair looks and feels healthy but there are just certain things that have me feeling nervous. I am starting to wonder if it's all in my head, lol. Either way, I've decided to stop thinking about length and start enjoying my hair as-is.
I might be mistaken but aren't euro/straight hair strands thicker than afro/curly/kinky strands.(I remember reading that somewhere.) But I think that is why our hair is so fragile and doesn't generally grow as fast. I don't have coarse or fine strands but only since my hair has gotten SL curly do I get movement when dry. If it still won't move straight than it probably is an issue of overall health(body and hair) that is the problem like Pixel Lady said
Um, according to what I heard Asians have the thickest strands and African hair has the the second thickest. But even with that, everybody is different. I have a mix of thick and medium strands with a few fine strands littering my head.

See, that's what I'm trying to figure out. My hair is in good health. And I started thinking about other girls I see with hair that doesn't move. I noticed a lot of Arab girls with really thick hair strands and hair also have hair that does not move. It moves when their head moves but it does not blow in the wind. Then, I started to notice I've seen it in a lot of different hair types.

Just been trying to figure out, lol. It's like a hair mystery to me. I always find some little mystery I have to figure out, hair or otherwise.

I might be mistaken but aren't euro/straight hair strands thicker than afro/curly/kinky strands.(I remember reading that somewhere.) But I think that is why our hair is so fragile and doesn't generally grow as fast. I don't have coarse or fine strands but only since my hair has gotten SL curly do I get movement when dry. If it still won't move straight than it probably is an issue of overall health(body and hair) that is the problem like Pixel Lady said
Um, according to what I heard Asians have the thickest strands and African hair has the the second thickest. But even with that, everybody is different. I have a mix of thick and medium strands with a few fine strands littering my head.

See, that's what I'm trying to figure out. My hair is in good health. And I started thinking about other girls I see with hair that doesn't move. I noticed a lot of Arab girls with really thick hair strands and hair also have hair that does not move. It moves when their head moves but it does not blow in the wind. Then, I started to notice I've seen it in a lot of different hair types.

Just been trying to figure out, lol. It's like a hair mystery to me. I always find some little mystery I have to figure out, hair or otherwise.

my hair never really had swang. i dont care.,swang is overated:lachen: it does blow in the wind on a real windy day i have thick strands mixed with some medium.
my hair never really had swang. i dont care.,swang is overated:lachen: it does blow in the wind on a real windy day i have thick strands mixed with some medium.

Lol, yeah, it doesn't bother me. I'm just being curious. But I'm glad you came in here and said this because I thought maybe it had to do with length too. Another theory out the window.