New Member
All i know is that my hair is stupidly coarse and a combination of very thick(middle and sides), medium (back) and a very small amount of fine hairs. My hair doesn't agree with co-washes or frequent washing. PERIOD. I am not running from water - its just that to much washing/ co-washingjust works against my hair. Therefore i only wash once a month (sometimes i mayleave it a little longer, sometimes i may leave it a little less). My hair doesn't like thick creams and whatnot. I only use 2 products in my hair. First i spray with African Royale hair doctors, and then this oil
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It is a life saver! It detangles, softens and moisturizes. Even though i do not wash frequently at hair is growing nicelyand retaining legnth.
In general my hair cannot be touched with anything but a wide tooth comb...Pressing was a task, my Grandma would say my hair islike telephone cords or barbed wire. BTW im not just trying to push this oil lol, its justthe bestthing i've found that works for my hair. I have tried nearly everything, nearly every band wagon, all the oils and mixing, the "best" shampoo's and conditioners and nothing else has worked!

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It is a life saver! It detangles, softens and moisturizes. Even though i do not wash frequently at hair is growing nicelyand retaining legnth.
In general my hair cannot be touched with anything but a wide tooth comb...Pressing was a task, my Grandma would say my hair islike telephone cords or barbed wire. BTW im not just trying to push this oil lol, its justthe bestthing i've found that works for my hair. I have tried nearly everything, nearly every band wagon, all the oils and mixing, the "best" shampoo's and conditioners and nothing else has worked!
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