COARSE hair support thread

The coarse part of my hair is extremely resistant to chemicals. When I tried texturizing a few years ago, I tried using a mild relaxer and I left it on for 15 minutes with a lot of smoothing and my hair didn't process at all. Same with chemical hair color. When I do henna treatments I have to deep condition right afterwards or else my hair breaks. CO washing saves my hair on a regular basis, but if I use a silicone or heavy oil based conditioner without shampooing first my hair will feel like Brillo.

My hair hates CON shampoo! I have no idea why it makes my hair hard and tangly but it does. Same with ORS penetrating pak. I normally avoid silicone based products but now I am going to try Silicon Mix in the upcoming months. :grin:

And my hair broke several combs over the years! No blowdryer pik attachment has survived after it met my hair :look:.
The coarse part of my hair is extremely resistant to chemicals. When I tried texturizing a few years ago, I tried using a mild relaxer and I left it on for 15 minutes with a lot of smoothing and my hair didn't process at all. Same with chemical hair color. When I do henna treatments I have to deep condition right afterwards or else my hair breaks. CO washing saves my hair on a regular basis, but if I use a silicone or heavy oil based conditioner without shampooing first my hair will feel like Brillo.

My hair hates CON shampoo! I have no idea why it makes my hair hard and tangly but it does. Same with ORS penetrating pak. I normally avoid silicone based products but now I am going to try Silicon Mix in the upcoming months. :grin:

And my hair broke several combs over the years! No blowdryer pik attachment has survived after it met my hair :look:.

What do you use to Co wash?
see for me, I think it's the coarseness that causes my breakage because it's hard to keep the hair moist, therefore it breaks.

I use CON shampoo and it makes my hair feel so soft but after I DC it's back to feeling dry again:ohwell:

I always wanted to try the John Freda clear glaze.

The one time I tried silicon mix, my hair was dry and dull.

I never understood the purpose of hot oil treatments. Because oil molecules can't penetrate the hair strand and therefore does not moisturize. So how does a hot oil treatment work?

U know what? Maybe you should try using cream of nature shampoo AFTER you deepcondtion, a couple of people do it on the fine hair section, and i've seen it in about 5 other peoples fotkis and regimens.

No conditoner i've ever tried left my hair feeling moisturized after i rinse at all, they all seem like i wast of time and left my hair tangled or dryish and dull also....So for the past year i've been conditoning then using cream of nature, then i found out other people do it too. In the end my hair is left detangled and soft.

For about a month i stopped using conditoner all together because i thought they were pointless, it was good for a second, then my hair started getting kind of "fly away" and a weird frizzy/dry.

So i started using ORS packs becore shampooing with CON, and my hair felt much more "hydrated" and behaved better for some reason.

Then i tryed Silicon Mix before CON, and my hair just feels really really soft.

You should really try the John frieda clear glaze, my hair never shines that much, but it does give me some shine where after i use it i think "dang my hair is kinda shiny there" and then i remember what i used.
But the reason i really use it is how soft it makes the hair.

Well oil is just as needed as moisture and protein, for the most part, it doesnt need to penetrate and wont moisturize at all. The two major things that make our coarse hair feel rough and look dull is the cuticles sticking up, and lack of oil.
On silky hair, the cuticles lay down, and the oil lays on top of the cuticles, helping to hold moisture in the hair, protect the cuticles, lubricate them and keep them smooth and from tangling with each other, and shine. They are like our natural silcone or clear rinse treatment.
On our coarse hair, the cuticles are laying up, the moisture is not staying in our hair, and there is no oil---so aside from us having extra cuticle layers that will make hair dull and cuticles that stick up that will make hair tangly and rough,--The lack of oil is also helping our hair to be dryer because the little moisture that is inside of our hair is not protected and held in by oil, and there is no oil to lubricate the shaft and help with tangles, and theres none on the shaft to help with the shine

Before you put your conditoner on your hair, try putting some oil on there first, then deepconditoning.....after i did it once, my hair was actually easier to detangle, dried straighter, felt better, and had more shine. I could tell that my hair really needed it.

It doesnt seem to benefit me though if i use it after moisturizing.

I always use alot of conditoner and oil, then use CON and my hair is left with just the right amount of everything, and i just moisutrize daily and my hair feels silky, and is pretty shiny.
I dont know how to get those results any other way though
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U know what? Maybe you should try using cream of nature shampoo AFTER you deepcondtion, a couple of people do it on the fine hair section, and i've seen it in about 5 other peoples fotkis and regimens.

No conditoner i've ever tried left my hair feeling moisturized after i rinse at all, they all seem like i wast of time and left my hair tangled or dryish and dull also....So for the past year i've been conditoning then using cream of nature, then i found out other people do it too. In the end my hair is left detangled and soft.

For about a month i stopped using conditoner all together because i thought they were pointless, it was good for a second, then my hair started getting kind of "fly away" and a weird frizzy/dry.

So i started using ORS packs becore shampooing with CON, and my hair felt much more "hydrated" and behaved better for some reason.

Then i tryed Silicon Mix before CON, and my hair just feels really really soft.

You should really try the John frieda clear glaze, my hair never shines that much, but it does give me some shine where after i use it i think "dang my hair is kinda shiny there" and then i remember what i used.
But the reason i really use it is how soft it makes the hair.

Well oil is just as needed as moisture and protein, for the most part, it doesnt need to penetrate and wont moisturize at all. The two major things that make our coarse hair feel rough and look dull is the cuticles sticking up, and lack of oil.
On silky hair, the cuticles lay down, and the oil lays on top of the cuticles, helping to hold moisture in the hair, protect the cuticles, lubricate them and keep them smooth and from tangling with each other, and shine. They are like our natural silcone or clear rinse treatment.
On our coarse hair, the cuticles are laying up, the moisture is not staying in our hair, and there is no oil---so aside from us having extra cuticle layers that will make hair dull and cuticles that stick up that will make hair tangly and rough,--The lack of oil is also helping our hair to be dryer because the little moisture that is inside of our hair is not protected and held in by oil, and there is no oil to lubricate the shaft and help with tangles, and theres none on the shaft to help with the shine

Before you put your conditoner on your hair, try putting some oil on there first, then deepconditoning.....after i did it once, my hair was actually easier to detangle, dried straighter, felt better, and had more shine. I could tell that my hair really needed it.

It doesnt seem to benefit me though if i use it after moisturizing.

I always use alot of conditoner and oil, then use CON and my hair is left with just the right amount of everything, and i just moisutrize daily and my hair feels silky, and is pretty shiny.

I dont know how to get those results any other way though

I'm gonna try this. Thanks!

How much did you pay for the clear glaze?
I'm gonna try this. Thanks!

How much did you pay for the clear glaze?

$10 :perplexed

But its good.

I've used it about 7 times and theres still alot left. Im usually pretty heavyhanded but since it cost that much (thats alot for me :look:) i use no more than a glides on pretty easy. I use a trick a poster told me to start from the bottom and you can use much less that way

Adore clear seems to have the same core ingredients so i tryed to buy that instead because its like $5 cheaper....but it doesnt detangle and leave the hair soft.

I use it before shampooing and conditong like the directions say :look:
This is very interesting...I know I have really coarse hair, but my hair is not resistant to chemicals at all. Relaxers did not have to be left on long, or combed through, and my presses look like fresh relaxers.

I think a large part of it is the type of chemicals and the stylist as well.
$10 :perplexed

But its good.

I've used it about 7 times and theres still alot left.

Adore clear seems to have the same core ingredients so i tryed to buy that instead because its like $5 cheaper....but it doesnt detangle and leave the hair soft.

I use it before shampooing and conditong like the directions say :look:

I used adore clear too, and it tangled my hair, plus I didn't get any shine from it.:ohwell:
This is very interesting...I know I have really coarse hair, but my hair is not resistant to chemicals at all. Relaxers did not have to be left on long, or combed through, and my presses look like fresh relaxers.

I think a large part of it is the type of chemicals and the stylist as well.

I agree

No-lye relaxers from the stores that i did didnt do anything for me

Lye relaxers proff. brand like Affirm at the salon got the job done well---didnt have to be left on long either, on the other hand a soft and beaut. no lye relaxer would have to be left on 10 min. longer for the similar to the same results as the salon brands and still prob. wouldnt have looked the same

My hair gets really straight fast too, but the only way i could get it to feel smooth and shine at home instead of dull and rough was to use pressing oils.....what do they use on your hair at the salon or when you do it at home for good results?
Interesting. I call my hair piano wire, and joke that on a good day, I could pick a lock with a strand of hair - but at the same time, my strands are fine and my hair can be very soft - but ONLY when it's properly moisturized - which means it's usually super soft for a day or two, and then gradually gets 'harder' since I can't afford to do that much manipulation to my loose strands.
My hair is SUPER resistant to chemicals - back when I was relaxing, I was getting a super-perm (should I have been? no clue :lachen::ohwell: ), and my hair is amazingly resistant to color - even bleach. And I've broken more than one comb in my day!! :lol:

Hrrm. Very interesting.
This is very interesting...I know I have really coarse hair, but my hair is not resistant to chemicals at all. Relaxers did not have to be left on long, or combed through, and my presses look like fresh relaxers.

I think a large part of it is the type of chemicals and the stylist as well.

hey Kinker, we'll have to start a wiry hair support thread........we can't be the only ones with wire for hair :perplexed
Quick question.

Do any of you successfully rollerset?

The reason I've never even attempted this is because after 4 weeks post the only think that will straighten my roots is a pressing comb. So does this work for any coarse 4a/b heads? Are you really able to get swingy, shiny hair without 400 degrees of heat?
When I started on this board 5/07 I began with the Cathy Howse method every 3 days wash and dc on my fully relaxed hair. Now that I am stretching I use her method every other day but also add a few pre poos into the mix (prepoo = conditioner and olive oil). Next to no heat, low manipulation, and virgin coconut oil help out alot making my hair softer and more moisturiezed. Also, I tried coconut milk and lime juice on my streched hair under a heat cap a few times and it seem to make a difference. My hair went from hard as a wire to puffy and soft but it took some time to get it here.
*sits in the stands*

Not a coarse head but I am observing...if yall don't mind of course :look:

Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you're here :grin:. You broke it down in another thread about the differences in the coarse and fine hair types and cuticle layers etc. and why certain products work different on hair types etc.

Come on girl, drop that knowledge like it's hot!
Stick with the Kenra! My hair is COARSE. But I have been using Kenra consistently for about three years and my hair is acting brand new. When I have it in a puff or braided, it actually feels soft.
Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you're here :grin:. You broke it down in another thread about the differences in the coarse and fine hair types and cuticle layers etc. and why certain products work different on hair types etc.

Come on girl, drop that knowledge like it's hot!

I am just glad you all have a thread. Things like this just continue to prove that one size doesn't fit all in hair care. I can't stand when people just expect for everything to work for everyone because hair is fundamentally different. Its like, all hair is made of bricks but the options in type of house is limitless. I have found info in many cosmetic chem books and cosmetology handbooks about the different types of hair and the accomdations you have to make. I am listening to you all to see if I can put 2 and 2 together with some info I know.
I think my hair is on the low to mid end of coarse.

On a bad day (like today and past couple of weeks:nono:), i would describe it as feeling like straw :ohwell: you know, like from an old broom or something.

its not that resistant to relaxers/ being pressed though as some others have noted. i don't really have much of a curl pattern in most places. it has those tiny sharp and irregular bends and zig zags.

things that tend to improve it are not using harsh shapoos/shampooing too often. also, focusing mostly on moisture, one tip too far on the protein side and it will snap off with a quickness. And then if u add heat to it on top of that, more snapping. However, if hair is properly moisturized and if its done properly and in moderation, i've seen my hair do good with straighter styles acheived by occassional heat. it is smoother so i can get my hands through it without it snapping off (in comparison when i airdry sometimes just fingercombing will make my hair snap off).

The weather will dry my hair out very quickly too. Even living in north florida, my hair always got dry in the winter. I also noticed a big difference in my hair from drinking water and vitamins (just a multi and biotin)
I have thick course hair as well. My weekly deep conditioning has helped my hair tremendously. When I'm pressed for time, adding Olive oil to my conditioner gives me the same results.:yep:
My ten year olds daughter hair is coarse and porous. It never shines. She had a press and curl one year ago and that burnt out a lot of her hair. The only shine she can get is with gel + oil mixture, or QRS and oil mixture. Then her hair lies smoothly and has shine. Very different from my hair, I am trying to figure out which products and procedures work best for her, so she will be set when she takes over her own hair care. Jeve
Quick question.

Do any of you successfully rollerset?

The reason I've never even attempted this is because after 4 weeks post the only think that will straighten my roots is a pressing comb. So does this work for any coarse 4a/b heads? Are you really able to get swingy, shiny hair without 400 degrees of heat?

People told me that I got my hair pretty straight for doing a rollerset.My roots dont come out that straight but the ends do. I don't think I ever get that swang or that shine though:ohwell:

coconow I thought about deep conditioning more but I alreayd lose way too much hair just from washing once a week:ohwell:

Caligirl I've been using Kenra for almost a month now. I'll continue using it until the bottle is done.

Gymfreak you know your welcome here. Drop some knowledge on us:grin:

Imani did the water help to keep your hair moist? My hair had those bends and zig zags too and it's drier in the winter also.

Tiffany I wish deep conditioning worked for me. Every week I DC and my still feels dry right after I do it.
I'm a 4a/b natchal and my hair tends to be coarse and dry. Cowashing has saved my strands and my sanity.

It must work well for you because your hair is lovely! Your hair has grown a lot.

A couple people in here mentioned cowashing but when I tried it. It left my hair so dry. I didnt get any moisture from it at all.

What conditioner's do you use to cowash?

Do you apply any leave in's or oil afterwards?
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It must work well for you because your hair is lovely! Your hair has grown a lot.

A couple people in here mentioned cowashing but when I tried it. It left my hair so dry. I didnt get any moisture from it at all.

What conditioner's do you use to cowash?

Do you apply any leave in's or oil afterwards?

Aww, thanks :blush:

Well,ummmm of course i love the watery cheapy conditioners like the Suaves and VO5's. When cowashing those are my staples. Also the Tresseme moisture conditioners are a favorite. What else....for leave in's to be honest i use whatever i have on hand (since I have so many :rolleyes:). One that I really like is Wella Biotouch leave in. For me though, one thing i like is leaving in some of the conditioner after co washing. It makes manipulation (like if I want to slick it in a pony) easier, and also leaves my wash n go's softer. Also, sealing with coconut oil tends to keep the moisture in as well.
have you tried the pantene relaxed and natchal treatment? This is the business for me. I sometimes co wash with this as well, it instantly turns my hair into butter :yep:
Hey Loca....if I sent you something to try would you? I have a product that is designed for you type of hair so I can send you some to try to see if we can find things that are actually effective for you:yep:
My hair is extremely coarse, and thick. It is resistant in some areas on the side, the back is finer and a looser texture.

I as well have a hard time retaining moisture and ultimately retaining length. Co washing helps me, but its also harder to manage because my hair grows fairly fast, and the new growth is so thick and hard to handle.

Upgrading to better products have helped me alot, my hair loves Jocio and Kenra. As well as Indian oils and powders.
I think my hair is on the low to mid end of coarse.

On a bad day (like today and past couple of weeks:nono:), i would describe it as feeling like straw :ohwell: you know, like from an old broom or something.

its not that resistant to relaxers/ being pressed though as some others have noted. i don't really have much of a curl pattern in most places. it has those tiny sharp and irregular bends and zig zags.

things that tend to improve it are not using harsh shapoos/shampooing too often. also, focusing mostly on moisture, one tip too far on the protein side and it will snap off with a quickness. And then if u add heat to it on top of that, more snapping. However, if hair is properly moisturized and if its done properly and in moderation, i've seen my hair do good with straighter styles acheived by occassional heat. it is smoother so i can get my hands through it without it snapping off (in comparison when i airdry sometimes just fingercombing will make my hair snap off).

The weather will dry my hair out very quickly too. Even living in north florida, my hair always got dry in the winter. I also noticed a big difference in my hair from drinking water and vitamins (just a multi and biotin)

DANG - that sounds just LIKE my hair!!! I'm still scared of heat, though.
Hey Loca....if I sent you something to try would you? I have a product that is designed for you type of hair so I can send you some to try to see if we can find things that are actually effective for you:yep:

Yes I would!

That's very sweet of you, Gym. :kiss:

Thank you so much!