LMAO, if you could've seen the look on his face!

vivEz daNs lamouR

Well-Known Member
I don't know if you remember this thread or not, if not it's over here! http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=280667&highlight=

So yesterday was my best friend's mother's birthday so I decided to go over there to see her and spend some time with the family. When I walked in everyone was happy to see me, but my best friend's cousin (the one who has been persistent in us hanging out, dating, and eventually sleeping together) literally had :blush: look on his face because he didn't think I would be there. Which then turned into a nervous smile, followed by following me and my best friend into the back room later while we were talking.

But then he avoided me for the REST of the night.



Damn moron, probably thought I was gonna air his dirty draws out. :lachen:
Yeah, and the sad thing is that his girlfriend gave me a hug when she was leaving (I was extending my hand for a handshake), and she's a nice person.

The even sadder thing? She KNOWS he's cheated on her twice before (those are the only two times she's known about) and she's still with him.

I'm so so so glad that even back before I knew that he had a girlfriend (although his reasoning was "we're not technically kinda sorta together) I chose not to do ANYTHING. God gives us instincts for a reason! :yep:
Yeah, and the sad thing is that his girlfriend gave me a hug when she was leaving (I was extending my hand for a handshake), and she's a nice person.

The even sadder thing? She KNOWS he's cheated on her twice before (those are the only two times she's known about) and she's still with him.

I'm so so so glad that even back before I knew that he had a girlfriend (although his reasoning was "we're not technically kinda sorta together) I chose not to do ANYTHING. God gives us instincts for a reason! :yep:

If he cheated on her twice already and she's still with him, I doubt one more time would make a difference. She'd probably get mad but take him right back. You were right to save your breath. It's not like she doesn't know what he is all about.
If he cheated on her twice already and she's still with him, I doubt one more time would make a difference. She'd probably get mad but take him right back. You were right to save your breath. It's not like she doesn't know what he is all about.

My sentiments exactly. :yep: