Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Unruly

Country gal

Well-Known Member
I have just a few of the details. Apparently my little 8 year cousin had her hair blown out and flat ironed. I heard it was beautiful. She went to school the next day, another classmate put water on her hair and the rest of the class laughed at her. They started calling my cousin Aunt Jemima and my cousin was crying. She has natural hair and it started reverting back when the water hit it. At first we were up in arms because we just heard somebody threw water on her hair.

I find out it was a little white girl that did it. She said when her hair is unruly her mother puts water on her hair. My cousin wanted the girl's parents to pay for her to get her hair redone. The mother said I don't have $50 to spend on hair.
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

Awww wow... I can just imagine the class reaction, that poor child. :nono:

At first I was coming into this thread all pissed off going no that girl knew what she was doing when she put that water on your cousin's hair but now I'm not sure. What did your cousin say? Did she try to stop her from doing it? Also, I'm assuming she is at a majority white school bc I would think other black children in the class would have defended her.

As for the girl's parents paying for her hair, I'm not so sure about that one. I know it was their daughter's fault but like I said unless she just threw the water on her, I have to think about your cousin's actions in the situation. Like what did she do when the girl said it was "unruly"? At any rate, it was a mistake and not something permanent or even damaging. Besides, we know our hair can revert at even the THOUGHT of humidity, sweat, rain, etc. and we don't blame those facts of life. :ohwell:
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Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

WOW! Does the principal know? That little girl needs to be disciplined. EVEN if she didn't know what was going to happen, why are you throwing water on people? Did the little girl join in the laughter? Mmm mmm not acceptable!
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

^^^ I second that. I just don't think black children would be even nicer. They weren't when I was growing up. I feel for that your cousin.
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

The mother would have to be held account for her daughter's actions. She most definitely would have to pay.

The little girl may have meant well, but no one would want water poured on them. At eight years old, she knows better!
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

I'm so sorry to hear that this happened. :( Somehow I doubt the little girl was trying to help your cousin's "unruly" hair. Who would put water on someone's hair without their consent to "help"? It shows a lack of proper home training in my opinion.

This reminds me of another story I read on her where something similar happened to a member (except I think some Caucasian "friends" of hers pushed her into a swimming pool). I get sad every time I read something like this.

I hope proper restitution is able to be made (though that still won't take back the feelings of humiliation from being laughed at by her class).
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

Country gal, I'm so sorry that happened to your cousin. I think the little girl's mother should pay for your cousin's hair to be redone because the little girl had no right to put water on her hair in the first place.
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

and I bet the teacher saw none of this...smh!
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

I was pissed at first because I thought it was just some mean girl on the playground. When I heard more of the story, I don't think the little girl meant any harm. I guess she doesn't understand black hair. I don't have all the details but the principal was involved. I believe my cousin may have addressed it with the girl's parents.

It is said that in 2010, black kids are still calling each other Aunt Jemima. Luckily the hair stylist re did her hair for free. I thought it was a very classy move. I know my cousin was devasted because it was her first blow out. She was feeling so good when she left for school only to come home in tears.
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

Other races don't understand the relationship we have between water & our hair. When I was in college, I had an chinese friend who always wet her hair when it got dry and had flyaways. In between classes, she would go to the bathroom, wet her hair and brush it. It worked really well for her. One day we were in the bathroom and I'd just flatironed my hair that morning. I had a few strand sticking out and she told me to put water on it and brush it. I had to explain to her what "reversion" was. She had no idea. Point being, the little white girl probably thought she was helping and had no idea what the end result would have been. I'd give her and her parents a pass - this once.
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

Wait why should her and her parents be given a pass? It's not about her attempts to help! Did the girl ask your cousin if she wanted water on her hair? I'm not gonna run up to someone and pul gel on their edges because I think it should be slicked back and as a parent, you are supposed to train your child to keep their hands to themselves. I'm beyond the teasing that may or may not have been the reason behind this behavior. But the behavior in and of itself is unacceptable. Did she apologize? Defend the girl? If they were friends, she wouldve done both. If they were not friends, she should not have touched her.

That was so very nice of the hair stylist but those kids will not forget about her hair. Matter fact, the class needs to be talked to about the beauty of diversity.
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

I bet the girl did it on purpose to bring CG's cousin down a peg.
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

That is so sad. I know this moment will be in her thoughts for a very long time.
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un offense to the little white girl's parents, but I can already see that they aren't training her right. Because FIRST of all, how does she get to decide what's unruly for somebody else? There is no such thing as trying to fix something on somebody else without their permission because YOU don't like it, and now is a great time for her to learn that. Her parents need to pay for that blow out on behalf of the little girl, and maybe she can do chores to work off the debt or something. Because she needs to learn a lesson in "keep yo hands to yourself OR ELSE get your little hands to washing these d**n dishes!"

Oh, and she needs to apologize as well. You can't just be all walking up to people talking about, "oh, your face looks unruly. Let me fix that. Oh, what's that you say? You have vitilago? Whaaaat? Well, bye now! :crazy:"
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

I don't know if she did it on purpose or not but the parents should definitely pay for her to get it flat ironed again. I'm sorry your niece had to experience that and the the teasing.
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

I bet the girl did it on purpose to bring CG's cousin down a peg.

Wait why should her and her parents be given a pass? It's not about her attempts to help! Did the girl ask your cousin if she wanted water on her hair? I'm not gonna run up to someone and pul gel on their edges because I think it should be slicked back and as a parent, you are supposed to train your child to keep their hands to themselves. I'm beyond the teasing that may or may not have been the reason behind this behavior. But the behavior in and of itself is unacceptable. Did she apologize? Defend the girl? If they were friends, she wouldve done both. If they were not friends, she should not have touched her.

That was so very nice of the hair stylist but those kids will not forget about her hair. Matter fact, the class needs to be talked to about the beauty of diversity.

Country gal, I'm so sorry that happened to your cousin. I think the little girl's mother should pay for your cousin's hair to be redone because the little girl had no right to put water on her hair in the first place.

The mother would have to be held account for her daughter's actions. She most definitely would have to pay.

The little girl may have meant well, but no one would want water poured on them. At eight years old, she knows better!

I agree with all of the above. We can pretend the clear girl didn't know or whatever. Sometimes youthful ignorance cost money.

So, the clear girl's redneck parents better put in more hours at the Dairy Queen and come up with some reimbursement. She/they need to be held responsible and need to be taught a lesson. Good thing this wasn't 8th grade...YT girl would have gotten KTFO, I'm sure of it.

So what was the punishment that the girl received? I still haven't read that.
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

Wait why should her and her parents be given a pass? It's not about her attempts to help! Did the girl ask your cousin if she wanted water on her hair? I'm not gonna run up to someone and pul gel on their edges because I think it should be slicked back and as a parent, you are supposed to train your child to keep their hands to themselves. I'm beyond the teasing that may or may not have been the reason behind this behavior. But the behavior in and of itself is unacceptable. Did she apologize? Defend the girl? If they were friends, she wouldve done both. If they were not friends, she should not have touched her.

That was so very nice of the hair stylist but those kids will not forget about her hair. Matter fact, the class needs to be talked to about the beauty of diversity.

I think they should be given a pass because nothing was stated that implied anything malicious was intended. While you are correct in everything that you say, IMO this is how children learn and how children are taught. She clearly made a mistake and now she knows not to put water on someone else's head - irregardless of the motive. These are children. I would never expect an adult to walk up to someone else and "fix" their hair. But I do expect a little girl to walk up to someone and touch/fix their hair, because that's what kids do until they are taught different. And while I know that some children can be malicious, based on the information provided, it simply sounds like kid stuff.

This is the perfect opportunity to teach the class about diversity (as you stated), but IMO, this is not something that should be made into a big deal. Until proven different - give the child the benefit of the doubt. Little girls love to play in each other's hair.
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

Wait wait, how would she know not to do it again unless she is disciplined? If her parents and the school just brushes it off like its all good and fun and games, then I'm pretty sure she wouldn't learn anything from it. Or does she get a nice "talking to" like they usually do?
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

I don't have any more details. When I talked to my cousin she had some other stuff going on so I didn't get more details. I only know that the principle did respond and my cousin was pleased with the outcome. Thanks ladies for the support.

I agree parents need to teach their children boundaries. I wouldn't dare think to touch someone or fix someone's hair as a child.
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

I agree with all of the above. We can pretend the clear girl didn't know or whatever. Sometimes youthful ignorance cost money.

So, the clear girl's redneck parents better put in more hours at the Dairy Queen and come up with some reimbursement. She/they need to be held responsible and need to be taught a lesson. Good thing this wasn't 8th grade...YT girl would have gotten KTFO, I'm sure of it.

So what was the punishment that the girl received? I still haven't read that.

Ok, why they gotta be all that, though? That's no better than the kids calling CG's cousin "Aunt Jemima".

Like you said, it wasn't like this was an 8th grader, this was an 8 year old who probably didn't have a clue that this was gonna happen. Now, should she be made aware that it's inappropriate to go around messing with other people's hair? Of course.
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Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

I am sorry to hear this, I believe the girl did it on purpose I am sure she knew her hair would curl back up. She was probably jealous of how nice it looked, especially if she was getting lots of compliments.
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

Ok, why they gotta be all that, though? That's no better than the kids calling CG's cousin "Aunt Jemima".

To me, what she did was Redneck-ish and then for her mom to turn around not have $50...yep, redneck-ish. Matter of fact, when I pictured this in my head, I pictured a Redneck family. So I'll stick with my initial assessment.
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

I think they should be given a pass because nothing was stated that implied anything malicious was intended. While you are correct in everything that you say, IMO this is how children learn and how children are taught. She clearly made a mistake and now she knows not to put water on someone else's head - irregardless of the motive. These are children. I would never expect an adult to walk up to someone else and "fix" their hair. But I do expect a little girl to walk up to someone and touch/fix their hair, because that's what kids do until they are taught different. And while I know that some children can be malicious, based on the information provided, it simply sounds like kid stuff.

This is the perfect opportunity to teach the class about diversity (as you stated), but IMO, this is not something that should be made into a big deal. Until proven different - give the child the benefit of the doubt. Little girls love to play in each other's hair.

I agree. Unless she shoved the child's head under a faucet, I really think people are overreacting a bit.
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

Without all of the details I can't really give an informed opinion on the motiviation of the young lady. I am sorry that your cousin had this experience.
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

It came off as if the mother was belittling paying $50 on hair. She said I don't have $50 for hair. It's $40 for the style and $10 for the tip.
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

It came off as if the mother was belittling paying $50 on hair. She said I don't have $50 for hair. It's $40 for the style and $10 for the tip.

Guess what? That's not her decision. When your kid ufkcs up, you gotta pay. So not only should my kid be able to behave badly, but I get to decide how I am going to make it right. Entitlement 4.0 right there.
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

I have a different opinion than most it seems.
If one child is at fault, they are all at fault.

The children in the class were wrong for the teasing and this needs to be addressed by the teacher and Principal.

But...if the little white girl is wrong then the 8 year old cousin was wrong too.
She should have said don't touch my hair, don't put water in my hair, leave my hair alone.

8 year old girls mess with each other's hair. That's a fact of life and why many parents try to train their children to say no don't touch my hair.

Unless that little white girl was being malicious which I doubt...then this is a learning experience for all the children. I really doubt that white child has any clue what reverting is or what a blow out is or how water affects Afro textured hair.

Kids are kids, especially young kids, and they are going to do innocent things that end up wrong. I think the expectations are too high for this child. She's 3rd grade?

BTW: I grew up with water being used to do my hair or neaten up my hair. For the few years I was raising my two little sisters, the water bottle immediately came out when doing their hair. At 8 years old, I would understand them putting water to their hair if they thought to neaten it up. They would have no idea what reverting was either. When they played in my hair, they also used water.

I think we need to have age appropriate expectations. The little white girl was just imitating what has been done to her hair. She only knows what she knows.
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Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

It came off as if the mother was belittling paying $50 on hair. She said I don't have $50 for hair. It's $40 for the style and $10 for the tip.

If the little girl is uneducated enough about Black hair to think she could fix it by putting water in it, it's not a stretch to me that the parent's might think $50 on hair is excessive. We know better, but they might not.

I'm just trying to give the benefit of the doubt here, because I think too many assumptions are being made based on very little information.
This is exactly why I don't think I should have kids. An incident like this would have resulted in somebody's parent getting cursed the h*ll out or possibly punched in the mouth if she woulda started getting crazy. She definitely would've been paying for my child's hair. Honestly people need to teach their children some humility and understanding. I don't doubt that the little girl didn't know about reversion. How could she?? But it is up to the parents to teach their children that everyone is different and those differences should be respected. If she felt your cousins hair was unruly is d*mn sure wasn't that little girls place to try and fix it.

I needed this app!!!
Re: Little White Girl Puts Water on My Cuz's freshly Blown Out Hair because it was Un

I have a different opinion than most it seems.
If one child is at fault, they are all at fault.

The children in the class were wrong for the teasing and this needs to be addressed by the teacher and Principal.

But...if the little white girl is wrong then the 8 year old cousin was wrong too.
She should have said don't touch my hair, don't put water in my hair, leave my hair alone.

8 year old girls mess with each other's hair. That's a fact of life and why many parents try to train their children to say no don't touch my hair.

Unless that little white girl was being malicious which I doubt...then this is a learning experience for all the children. I really doubt that white child has any clue what reverting is or what a blow out is or how water affects Afro textured hair.

Kids are kids, especially young kids, and they are going to do innocent things that end up wrong. I think the expectations are too high for this child. She's 3rd grade?

BTW: I grew up with water being used to do my hair or neaten up my hair. For the few years I was raising my two little sisters, the water bottle immediately came out when doing their hair. At 8 years old, I would understand them putting water to their hair if they thought to neaten it up. They would have no idea what reverting was either. When they played in my hair, they also used water.

I think we need to have age appropriate expectations. The little white girl was just imitating what has been done to her hair. She only knows what she knows.

There is no way that child should be blamed for someone else throwing water on her hair. Even if the girl that did it didn't know better,the blame shouldn't be distributed just because she is a child. She did it,and she needs to understand that you don't go around doing things like that because you felt like it.