Who has complemented you on your hair lately???

My SO kept playing with my ponytail and said," I thought I asked you to stop wearing extensions". He knows I'm no longer wearing them, so I guess it was a comp. We picked a friend of ours up at the airport and he sat behind me in my S.O's car. He asked if my S.O would put the top up so the wind wouldn't make my hair slap him in the face. I was in Walmart and I missed the beginning of what these 2 Ladies were saying, but I did catch one saying to the other "and that's all her real hair too, I can tell!" When I turned to look back they were staring at me. In all the years I've worn wigs and weaves, no one has ever made comments on my hair like that.
I was at the Gym with my trainer, who is usually very respectful of my personaly space, well, today I slightly OD on Oyin's Juices and Berries (the smell is divine!!!) and he was all in my area, annoyed and ready to :boxing:, I asked him what was the problem, and he was like, YOUR HAIR SMELLS SOOOO GOOD :lachen:
My daddy, he said "letting that hair grow out I see, it sure is pretty!" Big compliment seeing as though men rarely recognize these things....

I so fell u on that one! Today, my SO told me "Your hair really is getting longer." Yay me! He hardly ever sees it straight AND down. I know it seems silly but every time he compliments me I light up inside :yep: He makes me feel tingly
Everyone has complimented me this week. My husband, my co-workers, my kids, my mom... but its only because I got my hair straightened. I'm sure that when I wash my hair again on Sunday and leave it in a curly ponytail I won't hear from those people again LOL
The other day I went to take my mom some food at work, and noticed one of her co-workers staring hard.. I had my hair in a braid out.. So I ignored the look as usual..

So my mom came home and said you know one of my co-workers was ranting and raving about your hair. I said really, she said she just kept going on how beautiful my weave was and my mom said I kept letting her talk, Then she said after she finished she told her "That was not a weave that was all my baby's Hair. She said the lady looked so embarassed, :blush:apologized and said she did not know.. My momma said that ok thanks for the compliments, I will let her know and she gets that all the time.. :yep:
i did a good detangling the other day and although i'm still dealing with these funky layers, i wore my hair out anyway.

compliments left and right. apparently i'm the only one who thinks it looks like a jheri-curl mullet :lol:
I was on my way into Jewels when a white guy who works there was coming out, and he said "I love your hair, it looks good on you." He made my whole week, lol.

Also, one of my supervisors told me that my hair looks good on me and it fits me.
The other day I went to take my mom some food at work, and noticed one of her co-workers staring hard.. I had my hair in a braid out.. So I ignored the look as usual..

So my mom came home and said you know one of my co-workers was ranting and raving about your hair. I said really, she said she just kept going on how beautiful my weave was and my mom said I kept letting her talk, Then she said after she finished she told her "That was not a weave that was all my baby's Hair. She said the lady looked so embarassed, :blush:apologized and said she did not know.. My momma said that ok thanks for the compliments, I will let her know and she gets that all the time.. :yep:
Now that's funny!
One day last week I wore my hair in two low buns, one just behind each ear. I get to work and an older guy held the elevator for me and said "I have to hold this door for Princess Leia" and bowed :rolleyes: I said "thanks.", but one of my bosses was like "you're the only person I know that could actually wear that style and make it look cute!" I was just lazy after my CW and wanted to let my scalp get some air and sunlight.

I was over my friend's house the other day and her sister and cousin were over there. As soon as I sat down, the sis says to the cousin, "See, I told you she had long, pretty hair. See how thick and curly it is. It's gorgeous." Then she just starts twirling my HUGE ponytail (airdried, w/nothing in it:blush:) and turns to me and says "We're trying to show him that black girls have hair too!" :eh:I must've missed the beginning of that convo.
I got my hair in kinky twists for a month but everyone who saw me was like where did the curls go?? That's a kinda backwards compliments!!
My 4 years old DD , I'm sure that if I have a new hairstyle she will tell me : Waow I love your new hair style .
Hah!! And after I had said no one complimented me - one of my coworkers said that my hair always looks so good, and my styles always compliment me very nicely. :yep: :love3: :giggle:
My SO, I was deep conditioning no real style at all and he said WOW! babe your is really growing.

Lots of my online friends especially when I make a new video.

Random young girls who want to go natural have been complimenting my puff a lot these days. They usually think it's a piece but I tell it isn;t and all of the questions and compliments start.
I have my hair in a bun, one of my co workers touched the top and said it is so soft. Made me feel good inside.

Oh when I visited my sister recently she said my hair looks so healthy.:grin: