Listen to this....


New Member
While skimming through this month's issue of Glamour I came across these hair tips, let me know what you guys think:

*For styling hair, some hair stylists recommend using Chap stick by dabbing it on the tips of your fingers and rubbing it on the ends-it holds without weighing hair down, and there's more-for super shiny hair, some pros swear by lip gloss...
*Here's another- Down to your last drop of shampoo? Dish soap works just fine. Out of conditioner? Try using fabric softener instead, just dilute both with an equal amount of water....
I for the record don't think I will be trying any of these "hot" tips, what about you? <font color="red"> </font color>
nah, me neither!! this has gotta be a joke! why use chap stick when there are special products that will do the job, do they think we are so cheap! also, dish soap is pure alkaline and WILL strip the hair, a pH-balanced shampoo is better.
LMAO @ their HOT tips.

**secretly is gonna go home and find out the ingredients of her fabric softner**

LMAO I;m addicted to the smells, but I'm not jeopardizing my hair length for it.
Heheheheeehahahahaaa! They've got to be kidding! Heheheeee! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
It's interesting that the magazine suggested using fabric softener to soften your hair if you ran out of conditioner, because this chemical is contained in many conditioners and shampoos that we use. I saw the below excerpt from the Aubrey Organics website:

Stearalkonium Chloride — A chemical used in hair conditioners and creams. Causes allergic reactions. Stearalkonium chloride was developed by the fabric industry as a fabric softener, and is a lot cheaper and easier to use in hair conditioning formulas than proteins or herbals, which do help hair health. Toxic.

When I saw that on their website, I picked up some of the conditioners and shampoo bottles that I use and I saw the above chemical included in the ingredients.
i don't think these are that crazy.

• i would equate the Chap Stick to my putting Vaseline on my ends. so i'd probably try that if i liked Chap Stick.

• i might even try to fabric softener one. i think some of my clothes are more delicate than hair, and it works okay for them.

• i would love to compare the ingredients in a lip gloss to one of the shine products.

• i would definitely pass on the dishwashing liquid though. /images/graemlins/shocked.gif

On the fabric softener thing. Poeple have used it on their pets for years to soften their fur without any ill effects. It makes the fur very soft. Just make sure to rinse it completely out after applying it to your hair.
Naw, I am not down with any of that! Chap stick, maybe if I had a short hair someone stated it is probably the Vaseline that is doing the trick. Dish soap no way seems to harsh and fabric softener...I can understand the idea but I do not know how that would mix with chemicals from a relaxer. What a sad state if someone had to result to those suggestions....I mean shampoo, conditioner and even Vaseline are not that expensive...BUY GENERIC! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I saw this in the DEC.2002/JAN.2003 issue of Cosmogirl:
"The fatty alcohols in coditioners and creams are good for your hair.The alcohol in hair spray or spray gel evaporates off your locks before it can do any damage!"

This is completely false!At least for most African Americans.Also alcohol is very drying.
Well--I know that stearalkonium chloride --which is present in MANY conditioners is also present in fabric softener. I learned that from "Hints from Heloise" years ago.

I try to stay away form these conditioners but My Elucenc MBC has it but this not advertised on the website. It was too late becasue I had already asked someone to get me three bottles in Florida. I like the Elucence but that part always makes me cringe so I try not to think about it.
Dish soap and shampoos have the same base: SLS and SLES!!
Only shampoos have conditioning agents added. You could take some dish soap, mix it with 2 egg yolks, some oil and you have an amazing shampoo!!

If you go on Google and do a search on: benthemonium chloride (sp?) and all quats we have in conditioners, you have fabric softener manufacturers coming up. /images/graemlins/shocked.gif One of the many reasons I prefer silicone stuff...

Chemically, the advice she gives is sound...

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Poster: Fatima
Subject: Re: Listen to this....

Dish soap and shampoos have the same base: SLS and SLES!!
Only shampoos have conditioning agents added. You could take some dish soap, mix it with 2 egg yolks, some oil and you have an amazing shampoo!!

[/ QUOTE ] Yes Fatima, but every hair site I've been to with a focus on black hair considers sodium lauryl sulfate the cardinal tormentor. I've never heard SLS spoken of in a good light.

There are other "tormentors" in the products this journalist recommends, too. For example, yes, chapstick will make your hair and lips more shiny, but the shine ingredient is mineral oil. Chapsticks also tend to contain petrolatum and beeswax.

I see Fatima's point that the advice is at least chemically sound, but I'm guesstimating that this journalist doesn't honestly know a thing about good and bad hair care.