

New Member
The other day at beauty school this girl brought in this girl she was babysiting as a model. The girl was adorable but she walks in scratching all over herself and nobody thought anything of it. They shampooded her and styled her hair then one of the girls noticed brown things on her scalp, only to discover it was eggs from the lice attatched to her scalp because it had been their for so long. when you looked closer you could see the little bugs crawling all around her hair. We had to disinfect EVERYTHING with barbicide immediatley because we are not supposed to deal with lice, she needed to see a doctor. I have a feeling a lot of girls are gonna get it now because everyone was touching all over hair telling her how cute she is. Im not worried that ill get it because i put grease in my hair but its still nasty.
OOOH! THIS IS GIVING ME THE HEEBIE GEEBIES!! lol i would have went home and disinfected myself. yes, i'm ocd about
you got me scratching my own head right now as i sit here with conditioner in! lol

i do think that grease keeps lice away bc it suffocates them so they cant breed. however if you get them, putting grease on them wont get rid of it cause theyre already in there. i think. i just know that its not as typical for curly hair as it is for straight.
I heard that children are prone to getting head lice because of interacting with other kids who may have it. There is something to prevent this though, I just can't remember right now.

Also (and I don't know if this is true), someone told me to be careful when sitting and leaning back in cabs or on busses, airplanes, etc. because the headrest can be infested with lice and whatnot from other people's heads.
Makes sense...I always wondered as a child how come none of the black kids had lice. gee...makes me kinda glad my mom put grease in my hair.
Lol, I didn't know of any black kids with lice when I was growing up either but they're out there somewhere, lol. This scares me, I'm already pretty paranoid about germs. I try not to touch stuff in bathrooms with my bare hands, hate touching doors with my bare hands (love the winter because of getting to wear gloves all the time
), and wash my hands way longer than necessary after using public computers. Now I'll be worried about touching surfaces that little children have been around for fear of lice. Can you say ocd,lol