Another Horror Story! Naturals weigh in...

I don't understand if she was a friend on a member on here, why they didn't post a thread asking for help!! I mean look at all the GREAT advice she's gotten now. Doesn't makes sense to me
Oh my goodness! That story made me itch and cry at the same time!!! :wallbash:
It it were me, I would've tried anything...ANYTHING to stop me from having to cut my thigh length hair....and to cut it to ear length? :crying3:
Well, since it's after the fact, all I can do is send my blessings. I'm sure that her hair will get back to great lengths in a few years.
BillyJay, if you get a chance show her his thread if for nothing else the useful information and encouragement from the ladies posting.
I am sooo confused. What happened to the "rumor" that black folks don't get lice. Geez. When I was a kid, the nurses would never even search my hair. I guess one look at my tight cornrows or pressed pony tails never made me a good candidate.
That's sad. I know I would've killed those lice and saved my hair though...someway somehow.

On a bright note, her hair can and will grow back. It seems like she knew how to take care of it well, it was thigh length!
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Im sorry for the little girl!

Her hair Should be Back in no time if was Hip Length her mom had to be taking Great care of it:yep:

I wish the Best of luck for her and the Family:bighug:
She was one of those women who grew her hair with little to no products. Kept her hair in a pony and went on her merry little way.:ohwell:

This just goes to show that low manipulation WORKS! :yep: And you don't have to buy 5011 bottles of Holy Ghost Grease or whatever ridiculously expensive salon products to get results!

Shoot, I'm thinking 'bout upping my goal length from Classic to Thigh!!!!
I always thought we didn't get lice because of all the extra stuff we put in and do to our hair. Such as hot combs, grease, relaxers.
That's what the nurse at school used to tell me, back in the day. I went to Catholic school from Kindergarten to 4th grade. Every year they would do a lice check. She told me, "well I really don't have to check your hair because they can't live in your hair," or something to that affect. :lachen:
WOW, this is such a sad story. I wish she would have done some research first. As someone mentioned you can get rid of them with mayo or by dousing your hair with oil and leaving it overnight or longer.

She probably had them for month due to reinfestations. you cannot get rid of lice by hairwashing alone. You have to treat the whole house, all the bedding, furniture, stuffed animals, etc. If not, those suckas will be right back before you know it.
Girl you said it for me, I would have gotten rid of them without cutting!

A hot comb
plastic baggy
tea tree oil

The would have been hauling *** out of my hair, hell, out of my house!

For real. I would have taken a week off of work if need be but I wouldn't have cut it. :nono: Q
I would have used a credit card to go to a doctor. I don't get it. Why didn't she ask anyone for help? I'm baffled.

Like someone else said the lice is still in the house, how did they get rid of that?
OMG I read this and was scratching my hair! This gave me the heebie jeebies...

anyway my daughter had lice and I couldn't get rid of it for nuttin in the world. I called my mom down in the Dominican Republic and she told me to buy butter or lard and just spread it all over my daughter's hair. I didn't think it was going to work but it did! I got them all and didn't have to cut her long hair.

I wouldn't have cut my hair. I would've gotten a relaxer or slept in a pool till I drowned them sucka's LOL :grin:
That's horrible!

As much as I pine over 18" inches I can't imagine how much psychological turmoil that could be had from going from thigh length to almost-no-length hair.

I would have texturized.

Or fully relaxed.

Or had a HARD press -right to the scalp. Burns heal faster than hair grows.

Or a VICIOUS curl with MARCEL irons. Old school. Protein could build my hair back up.

I'm serious.

I can only pray that those around her support her through this. This is just horrible. :nono:
Did the rest of the family with 4B hair have to cut everything off too?

No Way / No How! There is no way I would have hacked off all that hair. I would have found a way to get rid of the mites. I probably would have started with the medicated shampoo. Even if I had to go to PetSmart and use the kind that is for Cats.
I would have Tried that First. I would have used baking soda & Vinegar. I would have tried to burn the suckers out with a hot comb or flat iron! After straightening my hair I would have used one of those flea combs from the pet store.
Hell, I bet some Relaxer would have fixed the problem. I mean if it's your last resort and you're gonna cut it bald anyway. Why not...Lice would never survive the chemicals of a relaxer.

Then I would have cornrowed and been dousing my scalp with aloe vera juice every day.
There's always a way. I might have even got that FRONTLINE product that they used to get rid of my cat's Fleas!
Please believe me! I would have found a way!

Mook ain't playin! :gunner7:

I would have researched and called my auntie since she's a nurse.
I would have pressed/hot ironed my hair, and then gone through it strand by strand and gotten rids of the nits. Then, once I got rid of most of them, I would have COATED my hair in vaseline (that's supposed to suffocate them) and left it in for a day or so, washed with a tea tree oil shampoo/conditioner, then re-vaselined, and repeated until all of the lice were dead.

Poor woman - that's rough. There's no way I would have cut it off, though.
Oh wow :nono:

I've read that henna kills lice...

I would have gotten the money to get some meds. You can go the the pharmacy and get SOMETHING for a reasonable price.

OMG... so much hair lost? That's too bad :(

Ok, I mean you can even go down to the health department and they will help you. You can go to the hospital, fill out the forms to claim indigent and they will help you. I would not have cut my hair off. I would have went to my local library and searched for natural remedies to kill them, then washed or thrown out all pillows ect. that I couldn't get them out of......:nono:
Mook mentioned Frontline and while it sounds kinda weird, I would have tried it before cutting. Worst case, you'd have to cut anyway so might as well go all out.

I would have doused my hair and scalp in Seabreeze and Listerine. I've used both just for a deep scalp cleansing and dandruff and they work. I would have drowned my hair in both, baggied and repeated for an entire weekend. I would deal with the dry hair issues later.

My thoughts are with your friend's friend.
OH thats disgusting. idk what i would have done but after a few months i would have made the sacrifice to go get some OTC meds or something.
Oh that's very sad story , I hope that she wil have enough money to see the doctor the next time because maybe it' s not the last time for h daugther to have louses.
Shoot, I'm thinking 'bout upping my goal length from Classic to Thigh!!!!

I am right there with you on this, which is why I was asking for pictures I have never ever seen classic or thigh length 4b hair in real life. I am having a time wrapping my brain around that, I know I shouldn't but, I have just never seen it and I guess somewhere in the back of my head I must not have thought it was possible even though I have mentioned it a few times.

Like you I am thinking about going for broke (AGAIN) and just letting it grow until either I get tired of it or it won't grow any further. :yep: The only person I know that is even close to this is the lady who created Hairobics but her hair texture is NOT 4B.

It gives me hope even in the midst of this tragic story. My goodness.
I am right there with you on this, which is why I was asking for pictures I have never ever seen classic or thigh length 4b hair in real life. I am having a time wrapping my brain around that, I know I shouldn't but, I have just never seen it and I guess somewhere in the back of my head I must not have thought it was possible even though I have mentioned it a few times.

Like you I am thinking about going for broke (AGAIN) and just letting it grow until either I get tired of it or it won't grow any further. :yep: The only person I know that is even close to this is the lady who created Hairobics but her hair texture is NOT 4B.

It gives me hope even in the midst of this tragic story. My goodness.

OKAY!?!?!??! Shoot, in the horror of the story, I totally skipped over a chance to drool at the THOUGHT of thigh length, 4b, hair. :nono: That must have been a GORGEOUS sight to behold.
dayyyyyyum...I wouldve borrow the money from someone if I was in the right situation or pawn my tv or something IF I HAD NO $ at all just to avoid cutting it and get the right treatment..yup I am crazy when it comes down to my hair . Thank god theres free medical care in canada. Thats when I hear stories like that ...that I realize how sometimes we critize our system to a crazy extent but in the end its not as bad as we think.
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First let me say I'm sorry she had to loose all that hair.
Now on the other hand ..I can't believe in the Glorious Country of USA this lady could not get help to rid herself of lice... I have to believe cutting her hair bothered you and us more than it did her. As I read all the other threads and I have to agree, I would have been in the doctor's office after the first few failed attempts. :ohwell:
Tips from a Primary school I used to work for:

Tea tree oil and a cheap conditioner (not quite sure of quantity - would have to experiment) as a lice treatment.

Yeah, I heard Tee Tree oil is like a miracle EO. I feel bad. Her hair will grow back eventually propobly not fast enough.
dayyyyyyum...I wouldve borrow the money from someone if I was in the right situation or pawn my tv or something IF I HAD NO $ at all just to avoid cutting it and get the right treatment..yup I am crazy when it comes down to my hair . Thank god theres free medical care in canada. Thats when I hear stories like that ...that I realize how sometimes we critize our system to a crazy extent but in the end its not as bad as we think.

that's the first thing i said. this is CRAZY. i thought this story was a fable. but now that the OP is posting more replies... i'm believing it !

i would have done everything in my means to keep my hair... i have never heard of someone having to cut their hair off because of lice... when i was in elementary school. an Indian boy had lice in his hair he was sent home and returned the next week still with full head of hair !

4b thigh length hair :blush:!!! i'm freaking out
Yall, I wish this wasnt true, it is, but friend did call me and I told her to get to the pharmacy:

Answer from friend:

Kids dont have lice anymore they have shorter hair, washed all the sheets ect.

She DID go to the doctor, ( I stand corrected) she got a prescription and it worked but she couldn't get rid of nits because of her length. So the cycle continued.

She entertained a relaxer the doctor (black) told her to get a relaxer to kill the lice. but, (explanation from friend) because she had 4ft of hair to work with, she was limited with her funds.

Oh, sorry she's a 4a not 4b:drunk:

One more thing, she was almost knee kength.:blush:
Tha all I know folks.
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