LHCF trained or approved hairstylists in your area?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, I need y'all help with something. I recently did an interview with a hairstylist in chicago that I found via twitter. She had been on hair boards and lhcf for about 2 years learning everything she knows before she decided to go to school for it. She is now a hairstylists and she shared her trials and tribulations with me since her methods were unconventional b.c she applied what she had learned in conjuction with what she picked up from school.

Well anyway, because I featured her on my blog, she ended up getting tons of clients from my referral much to my suprise. So I decided that I would search out and find LHCF trained and approved hairstylists for my readers. All recommendations are needed and I also need contact info for these people.

I would appreciate it so much. Thanks!

ETA: oh yea and if your interested in reading her story, here is the post
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Great idea to make a list of LHCF & Youtube stylist. I would love to be able to quickly find a stylist that has the same hair care philosophies or at the very least understand my point of view.
I would like to recommend Ms. Leonie Richards in Greenacres /West Palm Beach FL. She works at a shop called Hair's Beauty 561-707-7354 or 561-641-0019.

Now if only I could find someone as good as her in LA. can't wait to see the other responses to this thread.
Great Thread OP!!!

Bumping for more responses specific to Broward/Dade (South Florida)...pretty please. :)
Chu Chu at Salon Essence in DC (PM me for her cell number). She detangles gently, uses great products (Joico, KMS) believes in DCing, and looked at me crazy when I told her most stylists believe in trims every six weeks (she believes once every 3 months is sufficient).
She has long hair herself ( I think its at least APL) and was the first stylist EVER to tell me that my thick coarse 4a/b strands did not need a relaxer. She ignored me when I tried to get the Rihanna cut because she knew I was just bored of my SL hair and reminded me I told her I wanted to grow it out.
Oh, and her trims are mostly dusts. I didnt see her for over a year b/c I lost her # but she scolded me because she had to trim an entire inch off me when she usually only dusts!
Oh, and she does some banging a$% weaves.

I love her!
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Does anyone know of any LCHF hairstylists in Tallahassee, Florida or Jacksonville, Florida?
OT: You're not looking forward to the FAMU Rattlers since you posted Tally...you mentioned the Sonic Boom for your location, assuming your talking about Jackson State Sonic Boom. Just curious. I'm a Rattler for life. It's all in good fun. Hey, is JBCO available in Tally as I'm traveling there for homecoming.