LHCF techniques that do NOT benefit you

Vo5 moisture milks (suave works better for cowash but I still prefer poo)
Overnight DC hair way too fraigle and mushy afterwards
-Baggying....just don't get this.
-Constant protective styling....why bother growing your hair if you're just gonna hide it!
-Super long stretches....what's the point? You're either natural or relaxed...why both??
-No combing....yeah right....knot and tangle hell!
-1000 step regimens....don't have that kind of time on my hands..and if I did, I'd rather be doing something else.
Protective styling 24/7
No Combing
No Heat- Heat is my friend
No Cones
Oil on wet hair- Grease city
Growth Aids
Extremely Long Stretches
Handful of Vitamins
No Sulfates
Ayurvedic Stuff- Made my hair hard and very difficult to comb
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Cowashing : Breakage.
Baggying : Breakage.
DC with heat : Breakage.
PJism : Dandruff, Breakage, Hairloss.
No combing : WT..?
Overmanipulation, like washing more than once a week.
very frequent co-washing
growth aids
sticking with natural products only(sometimes salon products work better)
Hmmm, observing something very interesting. Everything definitely aint for everybody.

I don't know if we're seeing the same thing, but I wish this had been a poll so we could see the numbers easily. It seems like the most popular lhcf practices don't work for a lot of people. That leads me to believe that sticking with the basics is more important than the extras (baggying, etc.).
Conditioner washing- My scalp is prone to dandruff and seborrhea, it's simply too much buildup for my scalp which flakes if you look at it too hard.

Oils- Most leave my scalp peeling and flaking. Coconut oil is the main culprit. Besides, my hair is fine and so I wind up looking greasy.

Natural products- Just doesn't do anything for my hair. What's the use in using a shampoo bar with wonderful ingredients if your head looks a mess afterward? Same goes for those baking soda, salt, and vinegar rinses. Do nothing for me.

Avoiding petrolatum, grease, mineral oil, etc.- My holy grail hair products have an ingredients list that looks like "Water, mineral oil, some other stuff." I think we go too far sometimes with this all natural stuff when we still breathe polluted air, microwave our food in plastic, etc. I'll take my chances with the mineral oil, thanks. :lol:
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