LHCF techniques that do NOT benefit you

& the term "protein sensitive" irks me. your hair IS protein, how can it be sensitive? argh! :grin:

Some people don't need to do an actual treatment for it. Like myself. I have some protein in one of my conditioners, but it's not a protein conditioner and it's more than enough for me. If I do an actual treatment, my hair turns into this evil monster. :(
I notice that a lot of ladies are saying bagging is bad for their hair, and it doesn't work for everyone, but the ones that whole head bag if your hair is long enough maybe you should try doing your ends only 2 or 3 times a week. Start small, and you must incorporate protein into your hair since it will be in the bag all night or day. When I first was bagging, I hated it due to the mushy hair, but then I figured out what works for me which is to use a very mild protein at least once a week and that fixed a lot of my problems. Now I baggy everyday and have gain a lot of length from it.
Some people don't need to do an actual treatment for it. Like myself. I have some protein in one of my conditioners, but it's not a protein conditioner and it's more than enough for me. If I do an actual treatment, my hair turns into this evil monster. :(

oh, i totally understand how some may not need as much protein as others. just the actual term irks me :grin:
No Shampoo- I need to do this at least once a week because I use alot of hair gel and other products in my hair.
Cowashing daily- I do cowash, but not daily. I had so many single strand knots after doing this for about a week and had to trim my hair. Since I stop I do not have that problem anymore.
Protective styling- I really don't care for it and I love to wear my puffs. I have seen many woman grow their hair without doing this.
1. Co-washing-way too much moisture for my hair

2. Baggying-way too much moisture for my hair

3. Washing my hair every week-too much manipulation for my hair

4. Detangling in the shower--too much manipulation for my hair

5. Cheapie conditioners--they just don't work for me. I know that many ladies mix them w/ other condishes and/or oils & it works well for them that way, plus it may be cost effective; however, I am not fond of having to add extra stuff to a product to make it work.

6. Using only heat protectant to flat iron-I know that grease + heat is a big no-no around here, but my hair barely looks like I did anything to it if I only use a heat protectant.
sophisticated regimens
heat or regular heat with hot combs and blow dryers
trims and cuts
growth aid bandwagons
regular heavy protein use
buns - don't know if I will ever be able to do this
almost everything someone with chemically treated hair would do
regular shampooing

There are probably others but this is what I could think of for now.
I tried co-washing does not really benefit my hair.


Trimming with every relaxer- I dust as needed

Braids, wigs, flat ironing hair once a week.

Washing my hair everyday.
Detangling when wet-- I find that my hair is the most vulnerable to breakage when it is wet.

Cowashing-- Doesn't really do anything for me
Co washing daily- I love doing it but I get too much build up

Detangling in the shower- Once I started doing it on semi dry hair, I got fewer broken hairs

No daily combing/ no small tooth combs- As much as I don't want to comb my hair everyday, I learned that I get to many knots, tangles, and matting if I don't get rid of shed hair often;and the wide tooth combs don't get rid of all the shed hairs

Deep conditioning after shampooing- I love DCing before shampooing, my hair still feels soft and moisturized. It saves time and I don't have to keep getting in the shower!

Daily bunning- As much as I would like to do it, I know that I cant because I just love wearing my hair out and I don't think I'm cute enough too wear my hair pulled back all the time:sad:. Maybe I will when I'm waist length and can make a GINORMOUS bun!:yep:
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No cones wasn't working for me. Its leaves me with few usually expensive options. i now use one in ORS DC. Oh yeah and Castor oil, made my hair extra greasy and smell funny...
avoiding protein like it's the devil--everyone else posts it does not work for them and that naturals do not need it. mine definitely thrives with it.

avoiding sulfates, mineral oils, cones, etc.--i am just looking for what works.

all natural stuff and the superiority over it some people have--sometimes it does worse by my hair. see above, i just need what works

really complicated regimens using 3942084029842 products

using only my fingers to detangle (but i admit, maybe this will change as my hair gets longer)

taking a handful of pills every day--i take a multivit and a hair, skin, and nails formula, if i had to take as many pills as i have read i would give up and be happy with super-slow growth. i would never have any room for actual food!

no shampoo.

no heat--since i started blow drying after washing i have yet to see a single strand knot, and also i keep a lot more spirals/coils and curls that way
No Heat
No Combing
No Cones..I love Cones!!!
Daily moisturizing & oiling
No Sulfates
Air Drying
Heavy Protein
Co-washing several times a week-too much wetness and manipulation
Detangling with a comb in the shower-I'd be bald pulling on all that wet hair
Using tons of cheaper conditioner to rinse-better results using less of a good conditioner
DC'ing overnight with wet hair
Mixing oils in conditioners-slowed the conditioning process
Staying away from silicones, petroleum, mineral oil-some of my staples contain these ingredients
butters and oils on relaxed hair-justs coats myhair, not much else

Now even though some of these did not work for me, I know they worked for others. That's the beauty of sharing hair techniques on this board. We get to try if, and if it doesn't work for you, its ok because you're constantly learning about your hairs' needs. Then you get to move on and try something else!:yep:
I NEEEED this in my life! How do you keep the braids in while washing?

Little girl barettes . I only braid a little past my demarcation and rollerset those ends. After an hour under dryer I unbraid the section and re roll it and then get back under the dryer. I am going to be rollersetting this way for the rest of my transition. This is the only way my relaxed hair doesn't tangle up bad. I couldn't believe it when the comb slid through. HTH
deep conditioning
growth aids
no comb/brush
no cones
routines that take more than 10 mins
no fine tooth combs
protective styles
pre poo
any miracle grow that comes up every now an then example: surge.....
Co washing
Cheapie Conditioners
Tried cowashing with VO5-yuck! I felt like some kind of film was on my hair.
Tried with my boo hello hyrdation and did not have the film but scalp itched two days later
Shampoo bars-left a film just like VO5-yuck
Doing anything on dry hair-its like the conditioner or oil is not soaked into my hair even with a steamer. In the future, I will have to wet it first then apply.
No mineral oil-love my silicon mix too much for that
No cones-love my alter ego way to much for that too
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Finger Combing...it helps a little bit, even when I take time with it, but ultimately, I need a comb. I definitely need a comb when detangling in the shower.
Denman brush= way too much hair coming out and i doubt that's all shed hair.

using VO5 condish.

DC overnight= Mushy stringy hair and itchy scalp.
Oil rinsing, sealing with oil, no cones, no mineral oil, baggying

OT: MSA, when did you do the BKT treatement? What happened with your tx?
sealing with oil

daily moisturizing

co washing

avoiding sulfates

avoiding silicones

pre pooing

washing more than every 5 to 7 days

detangling soaking wet hair

no combing

avoiding protein

no heat

no trimming

using growth aides
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Oil rinsing, sealing with oil, no cones, no mineral oil, baggying

OT: MSA, when did you do the BKT treatement? What happened with your tx?

I didn't do a bkt, I was just listing techniques that don't benefit me. (I haven't gotten a relaxer or used growth aids either.)