LHCF techniques that do NOT benefit you

Overnight DC--> Hot & moist head=zero sleep

Cutting then growing--> Unless they're splits ends or damaged, I'd rather grow then cut (unevenness is annoying though, so I do a lot of braidouts :ohwell: )

Growth aids--> When I started I was all over MT, but now I'll focus more on having a balanced diet & up-ing my protein intake

No Sulfate Shampoos--> I've tried some sulfate-free poos that are so much more stripping than some of the sulfate poos I own (however, I have found some wonderful sulfate-free moisturizing poos & I alternate between Sulfates and Non-sulfates)
Denman brush= way too much hair coming out and i doubt that's all shed hair.
Same here, it just ripped my hair out. I threw mine out. I use a plain Conair cushion brush, works much better.

No Sulfate Shampoos--> I've tried some sulfate-free poos that are so much more stripping than some of the sulfate poos I own (however, I have found some wonderful sulfate-free moisturizing poos & I alternate between Sulfates and Non-sulfates)

Same here.
Detangling my hair in the shower with conditioner & a shower comb.
This was not good for my fine strands. :nono:

I lost so much hair when I did this, it was noticeably thinner. :perplexed
LOL! The denman brush thing makes me laugh. I just tried to use it again the other day and thought I just don't get what the rave is b/c way too much hair comes out. Now, the shower comb does not take out any hair. The denman was a waste.
Detangling my hair in the shower with conditioner & a shower comb.
This was not good for my fine strands. :nono:

I lost so much hair when I did this, it was noticeably thinner. :perplexed

I love this thread, its a great example of what works for one does not work for the other. So many people dislike the detangling in the shower. I love that junk. It works for me big time; however I have thick, coarse strands so maybe that's it.
LHCF techniques that DO NOT benefit me:
-washing hair in the shower. (nope: I get skeeved just thinking about that stuff running down my body....uugghhhh. Bathtub is my preference.)
-using a denman brush (I bought one. Big mistake. My hair simply will not cooperate & stay on my head :pullhair: ....it keeps wanting to gyrate around the plastic bristles in this thing.)
-coWashiing (tried it faithfully. Its simply not for me. :hardslap: )

I'm still new in my "Discovery" of my Hair Likes & Dislikes so my list is probably a little short::look:

1) Pre-Poo (although I loved the mixtures I created) I Now only use 'Poo to Clarify
2) Leaving Conditioner in Overnight. I don't rest as well & It bothers my sleep:nono:
air drying. it just doesn't work for me and I found that I was getting breakage that way. don't know why. :ohwell:
Baggies made my hair mushy and it shed like crazy
co-washing and wet bunning made it brittle and crunchy, not to mention how ugly my ends were
avoiding sulfates or cones...I use them sparingly, but my hair still needs them
I love this thread, its a great example of what works for one does not work for the other. So many people dislike the detangling in the shower. I love that junk. It works for me big time; however I have thick, coarse strands so maybe that's it.

Lol, that's funny how you put it. Your hair is beautiful, hmmm I wonder what it feels like to have thick coarse hair?

Yep, I'm pretty sure my hair doesn't like the conditioner/detangling method because I have fine hair. Fine hair barely likes anything. :lachen:

I can't stand the Denman brush I have (think its the D4?). Worst. Brush. Ever. :wallbash:

Aloe vera gel/juice
Castor oil

Also, Alter Ego garlic conditioner did NOTHING for my hair. Didn't condition, didn't decrease shedding from MT, and didn't smell good. To each their own...
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Washing hair once a week - AWFUL for my hair.
Lanolin is a no-no - totally disagree, I don't pile it on but use it regularly - god send
Heat is a non-non - totally disagree. my hair loves it especially when dirty
What I have just realized is that I'm not doing a lot of stuff that I use to do..For example, I have stopped doing bunning and deep conditioning, purchasing/using every product with 2 minutes of popularity, etc.

What I have been doing is applying Profectiv Healthy Ends on my edges, wet my hair before combing and use this fantastic product (Stabilizer Plus) after washing and that's it. The only few things that I'm not going to stop doing is stretching my relaxer, using henna and my beloved Phytorelaxer. Away from that, I believe my hair grows no matter what and it's how I minimize breakage and conditioned my ends that really matters.
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Wet baggying- My hair did not like that at all so I do a modified moisturized baggy/wrap at night.
No/low manipulation- My hair tangles hardcore and I just can't do it.
No poo- I can do low poo but not none.
Hardcore protein- My hair doesn't like it at all.
Frequent roller setting- my hair is just not down with it and the straightness never lasts so I don't bother.
Using a reconstructor after relaxing. No need to, especially when my protein moisture balance is on point. Wet bunning is a negative my ends were horrid. But I got lucky because I only needed a mini dusting after a 15 week stretch.But my ends were a ham!

No combing

Growth aids

Super long stretches (Trying my very first 8 week stretch now. Maybe I'll try to go longer eventually. I'll have to see how my hair responds.)

Too many vitamins/pills (I take one multi-vitamin a day. I did this pre-LHCF also)

Hard/heavy protein treatments (I need protein, but my hair seems to be doing fine with my weekly light protein treatments)

Transitioning for healthier hair (Relaxer has never taken my hair out - even when I got a retouch every 4 weeks. It was my improper care that caused all of the damage)

I love cones!!!! :grin:

There are other techniques that I haven't tried, but I know won't work for my hair (baggying, overnight DC, etc.)
No Heat
No Combing
No Cones..I love Cones!!!
Daily moisturizing & oiling
No Sulfates
Air Drying
Heavy Protein


Mixing stuff into the relaxer
Protein/other tx before neutralizer
Protective styling
Growth Aids
Cheapie Conditionerstoo much chemicals for me
Sealing with oil-greasy mess
Denman Brush-took out twice the amount of hair than a shower comb:nono:
Co-washing daily-way too much build up
Pre-poo-not necesary to me, poo is gonna strip my hair regardless
Stretching for too long. I think 10-11 weeks is my max.
Daily moisturizing.
No combing.