LHCF techniques that do NOT benefit you


New Member
This is interesting, and in the vein of everything is not for everybody.

Some people swear by certain techniques and, through trial and error, I realized some are just not for me.

Baggying - I might as well wash my hair, it gets so drenched
Oils on the hair - they seem to make my hair brittle and cause more breakage. I only use 3 drops of oil per spray bottle when rollersetting
Heavy proteins - nope. I have to mix protein and moisture 50 50 when I DC or cowash
Bunning - only with a hairzing. Hairpins rip my strands.

What techniques can you not use?
Going without combing my hair for the entire week. I am working with three textures now and detangling is a MUST for me, or I'd up with a bunch of tangles!
Baggying left my hair a mushy mess.
I cannot go without heat. I roller set twice a week.
Cannot do buns 24/7. My hair likes some manipulation. Or wigs. I swear I can hear my hair crying under wigs.
My hair hates coconut and olive oil, but recently tried jojoba oil and fell in love.
Trying to stretch a relaxer now, but I know in a month I'll be reaching for that creamy crack.
- all the aryuvedic stuff
- 24/7 protective styling- if my hair only grew by being in protective styles, i'd rather be bald. no offense to anyone who can't keep hair without them.
- all the obsession with no cones, sulfates, alcohol stuff
- growth aids... all i have is time.
the No Combing, No Brushing
the No Cones
the No Mineral Oil
the No Heat

the main ones, lol

Okay spill the beans about how you made this luscious gorgeous bun...

Back on topic:
baggying left my hair too mushy and overmoisturised so that led to breakage
cowashing frequently led to my hair thinning at the ends
coconut oil (in winter) my hair froze and broke
No cones sorry but my hair loves cones
Growth aids any thing that causes me to do my hair more than necessary is out
No petrolatum/mineral oil - my hair is still on my head and growing longer each year.
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--- Whole head baggying -- That's just asking for a H.A.M.
--- Protective Styling--- My hair grew just pass BSL getting rollersets and wearing it down most of the time
----Bunning---- My ends ALWAYS get raggedy when I do this 24/7. If I wear an updo, it HAS to be in a clip where I can lightly tuck my ends in or up- but wrapping it around my bun is....:nono:
Baggying - left my hair a mushy mess
Air Drying - leaves my hair crunchy
Egg on hair - Yikes! too much protein for my hair
co washing w/cheapie condish
Baggying (mushy hair)
2+ hour deep conditioning (I don't have time like that)
Pre pooing (unnecessary)
protein (hair hates it all)
No trimming ( I like even hair sorry)
constant protective styling (unnecessary)
growth aids (oily smelly scalps, umm no thanks it'll grow...)
No shampoo (my scalp produces too much sebrum for that)

So yeah pretty much everything other than keeping it simple :)
oil pre-poo and oil rinsing....my fine hair does not like this at all. Not to mention it leaves a coating, drying feeling afterwards
1. No mineral oil or petroleum - I haven't seen any damage to my hair when using products with these ingredients.

2. No shampoos with harsh sulfates.

3. Washing the hair several times a week.
No combing--umm, yeah, only if you're gonna try and get through this head for me :lachen:
Only wide toothed combs--my hair actually responds very well to a fine toothed comb, and it have little to no breakage using it when twisting
Whole head baggying--:nono: Hair's not long enough for ponytail baggying, so we'll see
Juries' still out on cowashing--I like the Aussie Moist and the HE condishes, but I really just like shampoo better :yep:
Airdrying--really, I'd like my hair to actually dry at some point, and not take 2-3 days to do it. Nope, I need a dryer.
Heavy proteins
I won't even try baggying- I get hot enough w/out it
Water as my main moisturizer- my skin won't have it- neither will my hair
Frequent cowashes. Once or twice a week is fine
Baking soda for clarifying. Worked fine for a go or 2, but then it left my hair hard.

That's all I've tried so far that I've discarded. Everything else still works and I'm not in a hurry to try anything new. My hair is growing and that was my goal. (Sorry- I have to say the mantra. Its payday and I've got 2 days off - the pj in me keeps taking my to beauty retail web sites).
Most things I have a pretty good feeling beforehand whether it is for me, but:

- when my hair was dry, it just gave me mushy hair that would break to the touch and after it dried it would be dried out again:nono:

"detangling" in the shower:rolleyes:- hmm shower combing 4 month post fine hair at its weakest state with the downward force of water added to it:nono:- it doesnt detangle my hair but it does snap off hair, and there were countless knots in my relaxed hair that took hours to work out. I was traumatized that wash day and so glad I didn't have a setback. I detangle on dry hair and I feel the shed hairs slipping out and there is minimal/no breaking. I have been washing/dcing already detangled hair in braids ever since.


airdrying is a no for me unless it's 100 degrees out or something
sulfate free shampoos tend to be the harshest shampoos to me. I'm good with my kenra& pc
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1. Pre-poos... No need
2. Growth Aids... Waste of Money
3. Shower Washing/Rinsing... I can't control my waterflow and just brought a spray hose attachment for my sink instead. Probably one of the best things I did for my hair.
4. The No This/No That Ingredients List... Use whatever works. Sometimes it's a product from my kitchen and other times it's a product that may have mineral oil in it somewhere that works for me.
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* Any product (aside from Henna) used in Indian reggies such as shikakai
* Traditional leave-in products
* Having 416 steps in my regimen (:look:)
* Using a hooded dryer to DC
* Combing often (by often, I mean at least once a week with a comb)
* Pre-shampooing
* No sulfates/no cones
Dcing - they used to benefit me but I have found that now I don't need to
Growth aid - waste of time and money IMO
Scalp Massaging/Oiling - my hair has always grown without these so I don't see the point
Petroleum/Cones - I still avoid them most of the time because I don't like to poo but my hair doesn't suffer from using them sometimes in particular products
Baggying - I never liked all the water this seemed to produce. It was weird for me
Protein treatments - my hair thrives on a consistent, balanced of products that have moisture and protein. Having a moisture/protein schedule for my hair seems pointless. I give it what it need when it needs it.
No brushing of edges - I brush mine often with a regular plastic bristle brush.

I thank LHCF techniques for getting my hair to optimal health but once I got there I realized that I only need simple things to stay there.
Air Drying
Detangling in the shower under running water w/ conditioner
Cheappie Conditioners
Daily co-washing
-No Heat...I neeeeeds it!!
-No Cones...the conditioners that have worked best on my hair contain them.
-EVCO and EVOO leave my hair hard, but Jojoba is lovely.
-Sealing. Just doesn't work for me.
-Protein. 50/50? Not on me. More like 98/2..the higher being moisture.
Detangling soaking wet hair in the shower with a shower comb.

Ditto...my hair did not like this one at all!

Stretching. I can't go past 8 weeks or I get a lot of breakage.

I feel you on this one. I'm doing my first stretch ever, trying to do 10 weeks... i should have stopped at 7-8 weeks :nono: 'cause i'm losing a lot of hair! I'm at 9 weeks now and getting relaxed next week.

Also, washing with conditioner is not for me...it just turns into a gummy paste that i can't get out.
Wash and gos- found out its the cause of my horrible ends leaves ends extremely dry and brittle needs 2 inche trim but i am not having it

Cowashing- taking too much time now that i cancelled out my wash and gos
Prepooing- sorry but it doesnt make any sense to me
Weaving- for growth yes it grows your hair but it also thins your hair
Baggying- leaves my hair looking a little crazy but i might try it again
trimming- i have to do it the splits only go up more causing greater damage
Ditto. I lose a lot of hair when I do this.

Me 3. I can only detangle after my hair has been stretched and dried. and then I spritz a section, put shea butter on it, and THEN detangle.

Co-washing = tangle city, nasty scalp gunk

Too much oil, daily oil-sealing = nasty oily hair that still dries out anyway.
Rinsing/detangling under the shower spray - doesn't work for me and wastes a lot of water
Washing more than once a week - just don't want to spend that much time on my hair
Growth aids - just don't believe in them
Pre-poo - an unnecessary step for me
Regular protein treatments - my hair does better without them
Regular DCs - not necessary for me because I keep my hair moisturized. I DC 4 times a year (at touchup) and that's enough.
Regular trims - I trim only as needed, which is not very often since I don't use direct heat.
No cones - My hair loves them.
No SLS shampoos - as long as I dilute with water first, these work just fine for my hair
Constant protective styling - I wear protective styles about 50% of the time and continue to make progress.
washing more than 1x a week.

leaving my hair alone & not fussing with it everyday has been one of the best things i did for it.

& the term "protein sensitive" irks me. your hair IS protein, how can it be sensitive? argh! :grin: