LHCF Rocks!


New Member
Ok, here's why the LHCF rocks...:yep:

I'm a member of another hair forum and for the sake of keeping the peace, the name of that forum will remain anonymous:perplexed

Anyway, I was just browsing the threads on this board, when I came across some commentary on my youtube vids...

The vast majority of the women on the site were just slamming me...I had to be texturized because I can comb my hair... and I wasn't really natural because I color my hair and, according to them, hair dye straightens one's hair.:lachen::lachen::lachen:

Furthermore, they proceeded to just diss my vids and demand that I add a disclaimer that states THIS TECHNIQUE MAY NOT WORK ON MOST NAPPY HEADS.

I was really hurt...damn near tears!:cry3:

My youtube videos were meant to help, not harm anyone. They serve as away for me to share what I know about my hair with other people. I don't proclaim to be a hair expert...I only know what works for me, and if it helps another person, great....Anyway,
My first reaction was to :catfight::massmoon:

But then, I remembered you guys at the LHCF and how we (naturals, relaxed and texlaxed) support one another, and I felt better.:love4:

So I just wanted to say Thanks!:worship2:

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It's sad how some people are just so ignorant. Plz, continue making your youtube videos...I enjoy watching them. :yep: :grinwink:
I found it strange when I found this board how we all co-existed together. I still find it strange sometimes too. But co-existing, sharing, and supporting each other is always a good thing. People need to just realize it's just hair and in reality it's really not that serious!:rolleyes:
I have a feeling that I know what board that was. *** them! Keep doing you because you are inspiring and helping a lot of people. Just because they feel that natural hair can only be the way THEY see it and theirs cannot do/does not act as yours, doesn't give them the right to condemn you. They are ignorant and close minded but yet they probably claim to be "enlightened". We love and appreciate you and you make me smile!
I don't know who it is..but there is a person on this board with all types of shades of a brown, golden, honey color in their head. And you can't tell me that person isn't nappy. Because I see a TON of napps when I look at their beautiful hair. It's like WOW. I can't wait until I get a fro that big. Nappy Power.

In saying this..I don't believe that color relaxes or un napps one natural hair. And...I like how they just totally decided your napps weren't legit. Tell me this..How does one nappy person say to another "Hey your napps aren't legit. Or We have declared that you have de-legitamized your napps (sp..is that a word? lol) by adding color. You can no longer call yourself nappy. Please add a disclaimer. And yes we are the nappy police. We have founded the principals of what it means to have legit napps".

I find this foolish. Complete foolishness. All the stuff the African folks back in our native land use to put in their hair. All that different color mud and stuff they sometimes put in their hair for design. And you have the audacity to sit in judgement. Please.

Anyway...I am here to say if it weren't for you videos people IRL wouldn't think I was as cool as they think I am. :yep: I'm just being honest. I learned the puff from you (I couldn't get my hair to do it) and I learned how to get my coils to pop. Now I consider myself 4a/b and my hair looks nothing like yours...but your technique got me a desired result. My fluffy napps turned to coils. And you have encouraged me to be more creative in my nappy hairstyles. Not just sticking to the fro, puff, ya knoww...but getting out there and doing some creative styles.
Thank you.
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Yep I love this forum too. I love your videos! I know which forum you are talking about bc I saw that thread a while back. This is home!
Wow is it that serious that they have to be so critical? Sounds like they are waging hair wars :ohwell:. I love your videos and they have been very helpful. Clearly LHCF is where you are supposed be, this is your home. :yep:
I LOVED your curlformer video!! It was what help me decide to get them. Sometimes I see a pic of someone's style and I'm hesitant to try it because I wonder how the heck did they make THAT happen? Your tutorial showed me exactly how to work the CF and you gave tips that helped make my experience a success. Plus, you're hilarious :grin: Thanks for sharing and helping me take my hair to another level! I'll continue to watch your videos. To h*ll w/ those haters!! You keep doin the d@mn thing!!!
I saw that on the other board and I'm glad it didn't bother you! Watching your video sealed the deal for me and using CurlFormers. Please don't let the ignorance of a few sour you on helping others in the future with your videos.
plz don't stop making vids because some ppl are just evil! u can add me to the list of ppl who have been helped greatly by your youtube videos! :grin:

one of the biggest things that attracted me to LHCF is the support given to everyone (relaxed, texlaxed, transitioning and natural) without bias. this is the only place i saw where i could begin my journey with every intention of being 100% natural and then switching to texlaxing w/o being afraid of getting harassed like i know i would have been at "other" forums. (and i know that if i want to go fully relaxed and then transition back to natural all over again, i can do that here too! :lachen:)

so i most def. agree that LHCF Rocks :yep:
Aww. I know what board you speak of. If I recall, there was much love for your video in addition to the people questioning if you had a text. I think it was because you said you got your roots touched up. Color effects people differently. Some people do get some loosening of curl with color, but I know plenty of naturals whose curl pattern didn't change with color.

Needless to say, I love your videos. :love: Please keep them coming. I am nappy style challenged and they really help out. Your braidout video was so cute. I was thinking, "this girl is really feeling her hair today." And rightfully so. :grin:

Please don't let a few apples spoil the bunch.:yep:
Keep doing your thing sister. I LUV your video's and techniques regardless of your hair texture. LHCF does indeed ROCK!!
I wonder if they knew they don't have to watch your videos if they have such a problem with what you do with your hair. Add me to the list of folks who were helped and encouraged after watching your videos....keep 'em coming!!! :grin:
Um those ppl can KISS it! Because A. your videos are the BOMB and B. your hair is the ish! C. Since when was it a requirement to not be able to comb your hair when you're natural? I'm sorry but almost all the naturals I know can comb their hair just fine. D. You are correct LHCF is the bomb!
Ok, here's why the LHCF rocks...:yep:

I'm a member of another hair forum and for the sake of keeping the peace, the name of that forum will remain anonymous:perplexed

Anyway, I was just browsing the threads on this board, when I came across some commentary on my youtube vids...

The vast majority of the women on the site were just slamming me...I had to be texturized because I can comb my hair... and I wasn't really natural because I color my hair and, according to them, hair dye straightens one's hair.:lachen::lachen::lachen:

Furthermore, they proceeded to just diss my vids and demand that I add a disclaimer that states THIS TECHNIQUE MAY NOT WORK ON MOST NAPPY HEADS.

I was really hurt...damn near tears!:cry3:

My youtube videos were meant to help, not harm anyone. They serve as away for me to share what I know about my hair with other people. I don't proclaim to be a hair expert...I only know what works for me, and if it helps another person, great....Anyway,
My first reaction was to :catfight::massmoon:

But then, I remembered you guys at the LHCF and how we (naturals, relaxed and texlaxed) support one another, and I felt better.:love4:

So I just wanted to say Thanks!:worship2:

This is one of the best things about lhcf:yep:.

I didn't see the tread but I can tell by your description what board you're talking about. I don't think you'll have to worry about any of that over here. Personally I love your video's and I was thrilled when I saw you on this site. Keep doing what you're doing girl!
I have a feeling that I know what board that was. *** them! Keep doing you because you are inspiring and helping a lot of people. Just because they feel that natural hair can only be the way THEY see it and theirs cannot do/does not act as yours, doesn't give them the right to condemn you. They are ignorant and close minded but yet they probably claim to be "enlightened". We love and appreciate you and you make me smile!

Ummmm...yea...what she said. I love you vids.
Your 'defining your curls' video hooked me up.

I'm not going to lie, when I first watched it I didn't think it was going to work for me, but I figured nothing from nothing.....so I tried it out and now it's something I do on the regular.
I've watched your videos and I loved them....I would not worry about other peoples opinions ....... When you open yourself up to the public it comes with the territory.... It is impossible to please everyone and make everyone happy....What your doing is positive...Keep it up !!!!
Wow sis, sowwy.

the very 1st time i was introduced to your video was at the other board you speak of and i believe i said i liked you (as a person first because your positive spirit was just so evident!). i also said was a bit (might i say) jealous that you could comb through your hair as easily as you did :grin:. it was a cute moment cause i could actually hear my napps and kinks saying, yea itchbay, try THAT on us if you dare :lachen:

btw, i'm gr2006 :)

keep doing what you're doing, it's so positive and helpful to others and you really do make me smile!!

I enjoyed your video. It was very informative and made the process look so easy. The results were nice also. Forget the naysayers and keep the videos coming :yep:.

I'm not trying to knock that whole forum, I just don't want to deal with all the drama.

That's not to say that I don't expect people to find fault with my vids...I don't mind constructive critisim...if someone has a better way of doing something, I am more than willing to try it.

And if you just didn't like it, move along:yep::yep::yep:

Lynnie B, I saw your comment and I wasn't in the least bit offended, it actually make me laugh :lachen:Btw, your hair is BEAUTIFUL...CAN WE TRADE?
so... they are not intelligent enough to understand that different people have different hairtypes? i mean the girl on the original Curlisto method video had a looser texture than i have... didn't mean the technique wouldn't work for me.

i also didn't know they were there when you "secretly" texturized your hair... :rolleyes:

***they're lucky i can't find the thread, i'll put my 2 cents in and it won't be nice... :look:***
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:wallbash: I also know what board U speak of as I lurk over there :rolleyes:
It's a damn shame.
I tried your technique on myself and my naps laughed at me :lachen: but I took some other things out of it and use it for me :grin:
Everybody's hair is different, that is what makes us sistas unique. :yep:
If people don't like it, they just need to move on instead of criticizing especially when you are helping natural sistas.
:rolleyes: we all know what forum that you speak of... well I like your videos also. Heck you have inspired me to prop my camera up on a shelf in the bathroom and make some videos myself:lachen:
What I have learned about that board is how to love my naps for what they are. Everything else in life I have learned from THIS BOARD:drunk: LHCF rocks! Nuff said!
so... they are not intelligent enough to understand that different people have different hairtypes? i mean the girl on the original Curlisto method video had a looser texture than i have... didn't mean the technique wouldn't work for me.

i also didn't know they were there when you "secretly" texturized your hair... :rolleyes:

***they're lucky i can't find the thread, i'll put my 2 cents in and it won't be nice... :look:***

Lol Thanks what I'm saying!:yep:

I wasn't going to try the Curlisto method,b/c I didn't think it would work for me, but your video inspired me. Your rocked it!!!:yep:

Here's a link for those of you who want to try the Curlisto method of defining curls
Ok, here's why the LHCF rocks...:yep:

I'm a member of another hair forum and for the sake of keeping the peace, the name of that forum will remain anonymous:perplexed

Anyway, I was just browsing the threads on this board, when I came across some commentary on my youtube vids...

The vast majority of the women on the site were just slamming me...I had to be texturized because I can comb my hair... and I wasn't really natural because I color my hair and, according to them, hair dye straightens one's hair.:lachen::lachen::lachen:

Furthermore, they proceeded to just diss my vids and demand that I add a disclaimer that states THIS TECHNIQUE MAY NOT WORK ON MOST NAPPY HEADS.

I was really hurt...damn near tears!:cry3:

My youtube videos were meant to help, not harm anyone. They serve as away for me to share what I know about my hair with other people. I don't proclaim to be a hair expert...I only know what works for me, and if it helps another person, great....Anyway,
My first reaction was to :catfight::massmoon:

But then, I remembered you guys at the LHCF and how we (naturals, relaxed and texlaxed) support one another, and I felt better.:love4:

So I just wanted to say Thanks!:worship2:



I think that you are a ROCKSTAR:band:...........So Please don't be sucked in by the DRAMA threads out there ( I think I know what you are talking about)

Anyhoo......................Many folks don't think about how their words might affect someone else.............

YOU GO GIRL!!!! Personally, The video - totally helped me with a technique that I did not know about. I don't detangle my hair the way you do - but that was not the point of the video. I was like .....:yahoo:this is COOL!

I know - that my hair is different..... I always give people WARNINGS about my tips and way of doing things - it may not work for everyone.......

ANY HOO - YOU are my hero :superman:- I want to make Videos!!!!!!
:bighug:feel better.......