Learning howto braid- for real!

I know we all learn differently, but the most important thing in braiding that I was messing up on is the grip. If you're initial grip is off or bad, then it's a wrap. Finding a gripping method that works will do wonders with your braiding.

With the twist, the key is to make sure in addition to twisting the whole thing, you have to individually twist each piece of hair as you rotate one strand around the other. otherwise, they will unravel or look more like bushy dreads instead of twists.

HTH, but stay tune for the vids.

eta: Hopefully by the time you decide to travel here, I'll be good enough to actually teach you how to braid!!

Will wait patiently for the video. Thanks for the tips.
I will be waiting on these videos...my braiding skills are pitful :nono:

But that's so nice of you, thanks in advance!
We used to call the inverted braid, braiding overhanded, and the cornrow (what I call a cornrow) braiding underhanded. Because in the first case your hands are over the hair while you're braiding, and in the latter your hands are under the hair.
Good for you asuperwoman. I can braid well but i just learned to do the twists. I did senegalese twists on my own hair yesterday.

Any of you ladies in the DMV area can PM me. I'll teach you free of charge, that's how I learned :)

We used to call the inverted braid, braiding overhanded, and the cornrow (what I call a cornrow) braiding underhanded. Because in the first case your hands are over the hair while you're braiding, and in the latter your hands are under the hair.

see, i'm still new to this-- never even heard of an inverted braid. But yeah- underhanded is the cornrowing from what I was taught. It's not as easy as it looks (for me anyway).

so, can you answer how to cornrow up??? Maybe I just need to practice because i've been trying to cornow a ponytail for dd since learning and it's :nono:. I meant to ask how to do that while with Maria but I forgot.
I guess :sad:. But umm I see that you're in Alabama. How much you gone charge me for a lesson? I'll even be a practice head for you. :grin:

I won't charge you anything & don't play about the practice head. I will pm you for your number,And call to ask: - "so when you want to get your hair done??":yep: If it turns out nice, all i need is a hair pic to add to my album. If it turns out bad, just take it down,let me go practice some more & wait for another phone call. :lachen:

I think we may be in the same city- Blazers??

Maybe we should do a braid meetup and teach each other. I still need to learn the flat twist.

I don't know about under handed and over handed braids, where I'm from we call cornrows "weaving" and french braids "matting". I learned by watching my friends and my sister braid people's hair. Even the weave, I can fix it but I'm not very good yet. I also want to start learning tree braids:grin:

Thank heavens for you tube vids:lachen:
see, i'm still new to this-- never even heard of an inverted braid. But yeah- underhanded is the cornrowing from what I was taught. It's not as easy as it looks (for me anyway).

so, can you answer how to cornrow up??? Maybe I just need to practice because i've been trying to cornow a ponytail for dd since learning and it's :nono:. I meant to ask how to do that while with Maria but I forgot.

Oh that's easy asuperwoman, part the hair into 4 sections as if you were about to relax the hair. Then make your individual row and just cornrow each section until you are done. I don't have a practice head (mine's braided and my mom's cornrowed) I would have pm'd you a tutorial. Let me know if you are still confused
I won't charge you anything & don't play about the practice head. I will pm you for your number,And call to ask: - "so when you want to get your hair done??":yep: If it turns out nice, all i need is a hair pic to add to my album. If it turns out bad, just take it down,let me go practice some more & wait for another phone call. :lachen:

I think we may be in the same city- Blazers??

Yep to the bold :yep:. I'm serious I've been trying to get my hair braided for a minute. :lachen:
Oh that's easy asuperwoman, part the hair into 4 sections as if you were about to relax the hair. Then make your individual row and just cornrow each section until you are done. I don't have a practice head (mine's braided and my mom's cornrowed) I would have pm'd you a tutorial. Let me know if you are still confused

yeah, i'm still a little confused. So when doing a cornrowed updo- you grip the hair in the back the same way as you would in the front? Part the hair in four sections, that makes sense. I get that part.
I am waiting for this because I am dying to learn how to braid.:ohwell: I feel so pitiful because I have white friends who can braid and cornrow.:blush: I feel like I could do much more with my hair if I learned how to braid.
Maybe we should do a braid meetup and teach each other. I still need to learn the flat twist.

I don't know about under handed and over handed braids, where I'm from we call cornrows "weaving" and french braids "matting". I learned by watching my friends and my sister braid people's hair. Even the weave, I can fix it but I'm not very good yet. I also want to start learning tree braids:grin:

Thank heavens for you tube vids:lachen:

:grin: I get excited thinking about any such event. Maybe i need to add a poll to see how many people would really be interested in something like this. I would gladly plan it. It could be an annual event maybe, what would we call it- The LHCF braid fest??? Each year it could be hosted in a different city. It wouldn't get old because there are always new braiding styles & techniques to come out. Maybe get some vendors to sell products (help cover the cost by charging a booth fee) ,etc, I think it would go over well, but maybe that's just me. I have a true love for braiding hair & want to learn to be the best I can be at it. That would be so cool!!

I want to learn tree braids too - from the youtube vids i saw, if you can cornrow well, you can definitely do a treebraid. It's not hard at all once you can cornrow. I've tried it on my practice head & I can do it pretty well, i just need to work on my cornrowing.

I also want to learn how to do sow-ins. There is a new braid technique out too, I forget the name of it --t's like a weave but it looks like braids. Have you heard of it??
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I am waiting for this because I am dying to learn how to braid.:ohwell: I feel so pitiful because I have white friends who can braid and cornrow.:blush: I feel like I could do much more with my hair if I learned how to braid.

I agree with you, which is why I started searching & trying every avenue I could to learn how to braid. Knowing how to braid hair is all pro's in my opinion.
Yep to the bold :yep:. I'm serious I've been trying to get my hair braided for a minute. :lachen:

cool, consider it a deal then. I must practice some more on dd, my practice head & my sis before I get bold enough to try doing someone else's hair. I think I'll be ready before the end of summer to venture out there. If you are still willing by then, I will certainly be contacting you. for real!!
cool, consider it a deal then. I must practice some more on dd, my practice head & my sis before I get bold enough to try doing someone else's hair. I think I'll be ready before the end of summer to venture out there. If you are still willing by then, I will certainly be contacting you. for real!!

That's cool. I'ma still be here. I got a whole nother year of school :lol:
yeah, i'm still a little confused. So when doing a cornrowed updo- you grip the hair in the back the same way as you would in the front? Part the hair in four sections, that makes sense. I get that part.

Okay after parting the hair in four sections, you take each section individually. When cornrowing the back, start from the nape and work towards the middle of the head so all your cornrows in that section should end in the middle of the head.
Think of a circle that has been divided into 4 sections then in each section, draw lines that so that they all meet in the middle.

I would give you a visual but my MS Word is acting up. HTH