Letter I Received From My State Senator!


Well-Known Member
I had sent a letter to my Senator regarding an issue that AFA brought to my attention and here was his response. I'm happy to see that we do have God fearing leadership in our country:yep:

Dear Mrs. Bragg:

Thank you for inquiring about the use of federal funds to subsidize abortion. I appreciate having the benefit of your comments on this important matter.

On January 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court concluded in Roe v. Wade that a woman’s decision to carry her pregnancy to term or abort her pregnancy falls within a right to privacy guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. Simply put, the Court’s decision created a previously unrecognized legal right to privacy and severely restricted states’ ability to regulate abortion. I strongly believe that the Roe v. Wade majority substituted its own will for that of the American people. Though Roe v. Wade remains the law of the land, I am committed to building a culture of life in America. Every life is a precious gift from God, and we must protect those who cannot protect themselves, ensuring—from conception to natural death—that every human being is treated with the dignity and respect he or she deserves.

Furthermore, the Family Planning Services and Population Research Act of 1970 (P.L. 91–572) established family planning programs in Title X of the Public Health Service Act. State and local public health agencies, as well as private entities, are eligible to receive Title X grants to train personnel and disseminate information regarding available family planning options. However, P.L. 91–572 expressly prohibits the awarding of Title X funds to programs that include abortion as a method of family planning. Additionally, groups receiving federal funds are required to ensure that the American taxpayer is not subsidizing abortion. I support these restrictions and will fight to ensure that they are not weakened.

I appreciate having the opportunity to represent the interests of Texans in the United States Senate, and you may be sure that I will keep your views in mind should relevant legislation be considered. Thank you for taking the time to contact me.


United States Senator