Let's Start an MN Challenge!!!!

I've been doing this for a few weeks, but only in a mix, today I applied directly to my scalp and BOY!!!

First it tingled some, then I felt like the pores in my head were opening up and I could feel like this colling breeze, then I got this MASSIVE:wallbash: headache. MAN...it feels like I am going to topple over..

I know this may sound bad, but I dont care. I will take the headache for more hair.:cry2:= :weird:

I have a headache right now. But what I may do is apply it directly on every other day and the mix in btwn those days.
That's really interesting.

I've been using MN for over a week now, and I haven't been experiencing any tingling or headaches. And I apply it directly to the scalp. No mixing of anything (although, after co-washes, I do a scalp massage with oil...I apply the MN at another time of day).

Maybe it means it's not working, BUT I do have to say that the new growth in the patch test area is really nice and thick compared to the same area on the other side of my head. I'll know for sure with pictures at the end of the 6 weeks :grin:
You may not be getting a headache because you are applying to a small area.

On antoher thread a member was only applying to her nape, and she too did not experience headaches.
I am in as well, started this last weekend.

1 tube of 2% MN with a mixture of MSM powder and Tea Tree oil.

I have noticed thickening and alot more growth then usual.

I also surge once a day.
I am in too, started officially using it yesterday and I am stretching my relaxer to after the new year so lets hope I reap maximum benefits.
I'm in too. Did my first application on Thursday after a wash.....It's so much damn work it's going to be so hard to be faithful. This week I'm planning to get a coat in atleast every other day. I'm using the Monistat 2% because I couldn't find anything else in Wal-mart and I had this on hand. Does anyone have an easier way of applying? I'm doing the 1cm part and finger on. Also, if I was to dilute it with water or oil, would it slow down the result time?
You may not be getting a headache because you are applying to a small area.

On antoher thread a member was only applying to her nape, and she too did not experience headaches.

I've been using it for two and a half weeks. Straight, on my whole head. No headaches!
Okay, I have officially upped my game in the MN challenge! I currently have cornrows in my hair (to get a break) and I have started applying my BT/MN mix on my whole scalp rather than just my nape. So far I haven't really seen any miraculous results at my nape or whole head. I have seen people mention seeing results as early as a few days. I plan on keeping the cornrows in for 2 weeks at the most, so I will see if I notice any substantial growth by then. That will determine whether I will stick to using MN in the future.
I've been doing this for a few weeks, but only in a mix, today I applied directly to my scalp and BOY!!!

First it tingled some, then I felt like the pores in my head were opening up and I could feel like this colling breeze, then I got this MASSIVE:wallbash: headache. MAN...it feels like I am going to topple over..

I know this may sound bad, but I dont care. I will take the headache for more hair.:cry2:= :weird:

I have a headache right now. But what I may do is apply it directly on every other day and the mix in btwn those days.

I heard abou the headaches. LHCF member iaec06 has a MN mix that she swears doesn't give her any headaches. Check it out. HTH:look:
anyone noticed uneven growth? for some reason there is a big patch of ng in the middle of my head and next to none on the sides!! what was that about more circulation in the middle of your head creating more rapid growth? no joke!! but it's been 1.5 weeks and i already ng! i wonder i wonder if i will be able to make my 16 week stretch!!!
oh yeah and those of you who live near a dollar tree they have the large tubes of athlete's foot medication for 1.00!!!!!!!!! with 1% clotrimazole just like the tiny 7.00 tube of neosporin af!!!!!!!:grin: I only got 2 on second thought i think ill go buy them out.........im sure ill look normal with 12.00 worth of athlete's foot medication!!!!!!!!:spinning:
Can I continue to apply mn to my all natural freshly pressed hair? Will it revert? I want to continue in this challenge but want to weat my hair straight too.:ohwell:
the water content in mn may make you roots look puffy--however it should not revert...only hard core protein treatments bring back curl and wave to my relaxed hair
oh yeah and those of you who live near a dollar tree they have the large tubes of athlete's foot medication for 1.00!!!!!!!!! with 1% clotrimazole just like the tiny 7.00 tube of neosporin af!!!!!!!:grin: I only got 2 on second thought i think ill go buy them out.........im sure ill look normal with 12.00 worth of athlete's foot medication!!!!!!!!:spinning:
Ok, I have also noticed that I have lots of ng in the middle of my hair unlike the sides :ohwell:. But I have to say...I, being one of those whose hair 'has never ever been longer than their neck', was surprised this morning as I looked at my ng. Woooooow! I have been using MN for 3 weeks (in braids) and I must say, for the last 2 weeks, I never saw any growth :perplexed. But this last week.... :lick: ..I had to increase the MN in my mix coz I dont get any headaches at all (not that I want to get them :lachen:) . And I also got my BT in the post this morning. So wohooo APL, here I come in Dec 2008 :2cool:
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Does anyone think that MN works better when mixed with something? Before I got my braids I had been applying straight MN to my nape only and never noticed any growth. Now that I am in braids and decided to use it all over mixed with BT I think I'm noticing my braids puffing up from new growth after about a week. Could be wishful thinking, but I'm wondering if anyone else has tried MN plain and then mixed with something and noticed any difference in the growth.
Does anyone think that MN works better when mixed with something? Before I got my braids I had been applying straight MN to my nape only and never noticed any growth. Now that I am in braids and decided to use it all over mixed with BT I think I'm noticing my braids puffing up from new growth after about a week. Could be wishful thinking, but I'm wondering if anyone else has tried MN plain and then mixed with something and noticed any difference in the growth.
It may be the BT causing the growth.
Ok so I mixed mine with some grape seed, alma, peppermint and sweet almond oil, mango butter and that hollywood beauty castor oil stuff that has like mink, jojoba, and safflower oil and cocoa butter in it. I felt a little tingle but I chalk that up to the peppermint oil, because in the past when I applied the MN straight I didn't feel any tingle...anyway, so it tingled and then I got a little headache, bearable but it's still there. I don't know if it's from when I applied it last week, or if it's due but I have a little newgrowth comming up. It's nothing big to measure yet but it feels crunchy up in there. I'm so excited....I even confessed to my husband that I used it. He thinks it's weird but I dont care, he's the same one that will be up in my hair when it's ankle length :grin:
Umm did i mention i wanted to join the challenge? I dont tink i did i just started postig and forgot ot join. Forgot all bout saying IM IN!!!! Don't worry i have been doing the MN thing for like 2 weeks (about when the challenge started. I mixed it with BT/WGO/ and DOOGRO. Also I apply it straight to my scalp. I already have ng but strangely enough there's more in the middle of my head than at the sides!!!!!!!
I am debating to do either one of these mixes... that I found on LCHF and I listed on my journal either...

Family Dollar 2% mn (2 tubes of the 2 %), SULFUR 8 GREASE, bb moisture, castor oil, coconut oil, 20 drops tea tree oil, shea oil, olive oil, 20 drops rosemary and 20 drops peppermint essential oils, and any other generic oils that I HAVE TO MAKE A HUGE batch and it should be creamy fills 4 oz bottles; on scalp everyother day

or 4% MN with capsazin and cortisone...

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So heres another update (I just washed my hair and decided to measure)

I usually get .5 in per month...Last relaxer was October 3rd, I started MN last week and applied thursday, yesterday and today, and now I have .25in of new growth in the front, the middle is at .5 but I dont think it was processed well when it got relaxed and I have to check the back..ill get some pics too
Hi, is this challenge still going on and for how much longer? I've been using the MN for about 2 weeks now so I don't know if it's too late to join or not. Anyone?
I'm joining this challenge. I did my first ever application this past Sunday. I mix mine with lots of stuff (a variation of iaec06's formula, thanks for sharing :yep:). I rinsed out the MN after two days. I plan on testing the mixture for 5 weeks. I took starting pics. I have my hair in medium plaits and I plan to keep them in until the end of the challenge. The routine I plan on following looks something like this:

Day 1: Deep condition hair, then apply MN mix on wet/damp scalp
Day 2:
Day 3: Rinse hair thoroughly with plain water
Day 4:
Day 5: Deep condition hair, then apply MN mix on wet/damp scalp
Day 6:
Day 7: Rinse hair thoroughly with plain water
Day 1:
Day 2: Deep condition hair, then apply MN mix on wet/damp scalp
Day 3: ...
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I'm in!! I have my MN, bought it just for my hair too- I just have yet to use it. I'm going to start on Saturday. Question though... I don't have all that fancy stuff to mix it with. I think I'll just mix it with my Vita-D Hairfood and see how it works for me. I am so excited!! I wish you ladies lotz of growth!