"MN Dozens" Challenge

Im in. I will report results every two months with my relaxer:yep:

Mn & Coconut oil every other night.

Also... egg yolk 2x per week ( for sulfur content).
Count me in to. I will probably do a combo of mn and sulfur 8 or mn with castor oil, and coconut oil. Q
OK just call me the queen of research, but ............

Another MN thread mentioned that white women on another "hair site" were getting down with MN too, so I decided to visit. :blush: Well, they have a huge thread (about 70 pages long) of memebers using MN for faster growth!

I noticed that most of our "paler" sisters do not mix MN with any other products. Most just apply a thin amount to their scalp a few times a week.
Some just mix it with water and massage in scalp (seems like a great way to make sure you get full coverage).

Maybe we could still great great result without applying daily - this would help to strech/limit the amount used for anyone concerned about long term effects.

CD - did they report what kind of growth they were getting?
Hey Everyone!
I just joined LHCF today but I've been browsing through the threads for the past month. I tired using MN but my scalp started to itch a lot. I was wondering if this is a normal side affect or is there any way to prevent it.
Hiya:grin: welcome.

Om Namah Shivaye
ooh im in that's cool that's my goal anyway. im currently using my own version of tasha's mix: it has MN (family $), coconut oil, rosemary and peppermint eo's, sulfur 8, and wonder 8 oil. im not currently wearing braids or weave (had to give that hairline a break) but im stretching my relaxer unil february. my hair is in 2 big plaits that i cover with a headwrap everyday so it can get some rest!!
Count me in. I'm going to try this. I need all the help I can get. I think I'm going to pick up my MN from Walmart or Rite Aid. I want to get the 4%.
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I'm in this too. I started on the 9th. I'm using the Rite Aid 4% straight--no chaser every other day. I'm also journaling my progress each week. :grin:
i'm in! using target brand MN (and i'll switch to the family dollar brand once i find it) w/ no special mixture. just straight up MN.
how do you mix MN with ceyenne pepper??? You apply it and leave it on... maybe throw it up in a phony pony? Won't your hair be all gritty?
I read on here that if you heat the MN it won't work the same...I don't know for sure cause I never used it.

well i am on the bandwagon. I just started with MN. this is one of the non ayurvedic things i use.
recently i start to blow out my hair again. but with low heat. so i just use MN alone.

with my natural air dried hair i use Vatika oil with the MN. I heat up the oil with the MN in it and shake so it won't seperate. it stays together even after it cools.

Om Tat Sat
I'm in. My current MN mix has MN 4%, cayenne pepper, olive oil, coconut oil, amla oil, and castor oil, and a castor oil pink lotion moisturizer (not lusters, BB brand, which has no mineral oil:))

I am transitioning, and trying to ward of the BC, so I am weaved up and keeping my hair out of my face.

Are you ladies using your MN mix daily or only a few times a week?
I JUST started back using MN this month. I am going to attempt to use it for 6 months...and see what I get.

Anyone have progress pics from this?

I have a confess that.......... I totally fell off this challenge :nono:...:nono:....:nono:...:nono:...... I started Mega Tek for a hot min but haven't used any type of growth aide in ages!

I want to hit BSL in 2009, so I'm thinking about starting MN again!
I'm in since I just made up an MN mixture to start off the new year with. I'll be using:

Family $ MN
Emu Oil
Aloe vera
Ketty Hair Growth Lotion
Nubian Silk Stimul-X oil
Betty Hutton Pommade De Treatment
Virgin Hair Fertilizer
Pomade de Azur
WEN Fig Oil
Rosemary, Lavender, Ylang Ylang 111 & Peppermint Oil
I'd like to join this challenge for Jan. 2009. I made a MN mix as part of my Use it up challenge. I added 1/2 tube Family Dollar MN to 1/2 jar of Lenzi's Request. I think I'll add in a tea/coffee rinse with that too.
I just applied a mixture to my head it had...
ORS Carrot Oil
Vatika Oil
Peppermint Oil
and maybe some more stuff I cant remember.
i want in. I have been using MN for the last two weeks and I am pleasantly surprised with the results.

My hair grows very slowly (2 inches in 6 months) but what I am pleased about is how my scalp seems to like the mix. No dryness like I had with the other things that I tried.

My mix is really simple:
MN 2%
sulfur 8

I apply at least once a day, usually at night
I shampoo every two days with Burts Bees
Deep condition about once a week (this is my aim, I don't always make it)

And, that's it. I wake up in the morning and if I have time (I usually don't because I like to sleep as much as possible) I will put some MN mix on my scalp and put my wig on.
Is Tasha still around? Has anyone consistently used MN for more than 3 months & if so what were your results? TIA...

I used it consistently for about 6 months. I got the most growth using MN and vitamins. I got about 3 inches of growth. I strongly recommend using MN...that's why I'm joining this challenge.

Good luck!