Let's Start a "Newbie Challenge"

I'm in !!!

I am 4a relaxed and I had started the MN challenge 2 weeks ago. Now I am putting on braids to track my growth and for a protective hair style.

Here is my challenge:

I will keep my braids until 12-15-2006. I won't have a choice to flat iron my new growth in december because I am right now about 16 weeks post-relaxer so imagine in 2 months! And I have to do that to prevent shredding... But a lease, I will use a ceramic flat iron to prevent heat damage.

I will put braids again on 12-29-2006 till 03-02-2007.

I will relax with Phytorelaxer on 03-09-2007

I will strech my relaxer until july 2007 for my wedding (!!!!)

With all this, I will continue my MN challenge on and off (1 month on 2), I will co-wash every week, sleep with a plastic cap when I have my braids to retain moisture and I will apply leave-in cond every day, drink alot of water, lock-in moisture with l'huile mascriti and/or WGO. I am also taking hair vit, MSM, brewer's yeast and Omega 3. When I don't have braids on, I air dry my hair.

Sorry, my challenge will be a bit longer than until 14-02-2007 because I will have braids on at that time. I hope I can still join in...

My goal is to have bra trap lenth before my wedding in july so I won't need to add any other piece of hair to make a nice style!!! My longest strands are 11" and I want them to be at least 4" more by march.

OK, nuf said !

Good luck everyone!
I think this is exactly what I need. Here goes. I am in.

I am coloring tonight. My last relaxer was late Oct. Braids in on Wed. Been wearing a phoney poney for a while, so when the braids come out in a few weeks, I will ride the pony again. I hot curled my hair 2x this year, so I can do the no heat with no problem. I have no clue what i will do if I have too much new growth. Havent thought that far out. Dont know how...
Excersise is mandatory in my job, but i will take it a step farther and do the every other day walking. Water - definitley. My fav drink right now.
I need some help then. I can do all of the rules, but I need help on the NO heat thing. :crying3: How do I maintain my roots with no heat :eek: ? I stretch my relaxers to every 3 months. I am due now for a relaxer, but what do I outside of a relaxer to maintain the new growth. Please help :confused: . Oh yeah, I forgot to add that I have just started air drying my hair, but flat iron the roots of my hair. Any suggestions are appreciated.
mightycute912 said:
I need some help then. I can do all of the rules, but I need help on the NO heat thing. :crying3: How do I maintain my roots with no heat :eek: ? I stretch my relaxers to every 3 months. I am due now for a relaxer, but what do I outside of a relaxer to maintain the new growth. Please help :confused: . Oh yeah, I forgot to add that I have just started air drying my hair, but flat iron the roots of my hair. Any suggestions are appreciated.

There are several threads about how to tame your new growth. Try doing a seach for "stretch" and you should come up with threads for those who stretch their relaxers. There should be some good tips in there. From what I recall, a lot of ladies rollerset or airdry with their hair tied down with a scarf. I hope that helps!
sarel said:
Sure, I'm in! :) So, just keep up a healthy hair regimen until Feb 2007 & post results?

Yup! But honestly, feel free to post results anytime you want. And if you find something that really works for you, please share it with the rest of us! :D
I am SOOOOO in! This will be my first challenge since joining this month. I am the least loyal PJ ever!!!! But I will stick to my keracare line and I will not stray unitl Feb 2007! Man, thats gonna be so hard, because LHCF is like a crack house no line no waiting!!!!!!!!:lachen:
I'm in! Member since Oct 2006, I am a fellow Mizani Lover, last relaxer Oct 2006. Current supplements Biotin,Silica, Nioxin, MSM. Current length, end of the nape, Goal (short term) Shoulder length. Plans No heat, except for wet sets, and deep co, maintain same products and implement some of the things that I'm missing, drink more water!!!!
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Hey for this challenge, do you want us to post pics of our progress every month or what? If so, where can i do an album online for free? Also how do i put this challenge on my siggy?
God's Anointed said:
Hey for this challenge, do you want us to post pics of our progress every month or what?

You don't have to update every month, just whenever you feel like it. I'm not that strict. Besides, I'm too forgetful to post pics every month myself (but I'll try to in my Fotki).

Good luck to everyone!
Hello All :)
You can count me in too. I'm a newbie. I plan on alternating between the following protective styles will bagging. Falls, wigs, phony-ponies and bun. I think that i well wear each one for a week at a time. So i can let my hair rest from being in a ponytail. I will also make sure I keep my hair up underneath.

Hi Preciousjewel,

I'm sorry. I didn't see these "official" newbie challenge rules when I opted in originally. I am commited to everything, but I do use direct heat some. How strict are the "rules"? I want to be fair.

preciousjewel76 said:
It's not too late to join! I didn't come up with an official "due date" or anything, LOL.

The challenge is open to newbies like me from October until Valentine's Day 2007 (that's an easy date to remember:love: ). Feel free to post updates or before/after pics as often as you like. The rules are copied below, from my earlier post:


Our "official" newbie challenge rules will be as follows::user:

1. No direct heat! Put those flatirons away! Use of a bonnet or hood dryer is allowed.

2. Moisture, moisture, and MORE moisture! Be sure to moisturize your ends and the rest of your hair AT LEAST once a day. Remember, a good moisturizer will list water as the first ingredient (basically, grease is NOT a moisturizer, LOL). And don't forget to seal in your moisturizer with an oil.

3. Protective styling - maintain your ends. If possible, wear protective styles as much as you can. Buns, twists, ponies (real or phony), braids, braidouts, twistouts, etc. are your FRIEND!

4. If you relax your hair, try to stretch for one week past your usual touch up time. Try to stretch even longer if you think you can, but keep in mind that you will have to really take care of your hair once you have a mix of new growth and relaxed ends.

5. Drink AT LEAST six cups (48 ounces) of water each day. If you don't like water, try flavoring it with some Crystal Light drink mix. Hydration is important for your entire body, not just your hair.

6. Step up your physical activity. If you're not already exercising, an easy way to get started is to take a 30 minute walk every day. You can break it up into segments (walk in the AM, walk at lunch, walk after dinner). Just get moving! And find an activity that you like....if you hate running, PLEASE don't go out and try to train for a marathon! Find a "workout buddy" if you think that will help. We need to aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on 5 or more days of the week. Moderate activity = activity that makes your heart rate go up and causes light-moderate sweating.

7. Most Important: Be positive! We're new to this board, so we're still learning how to take care of our hair. Don't set your goals too high. Give it time. Don't obsess over the length of your hair. Just try to get it HEALTHY!!:)

I'm really happy that this thread has generated a positive response. Let's keep it going, ladies, and see what a few months of healthy living can do for us...and our hair!

Be Blessed!:angel:
I'm in besides the no direct heat rule:ohwell: . I'll minimize direct heat instead of cutting it out completely because I dont have a hood or bonnet dryer and I need to slowly ween myself off the flatiron. :)
Royal Glory said:
Hi Preciousjewel,

I'm sorry. I didn't see these "official" newbie challenge rules when I opted in originally. I am commited to everything, but I do use direct heat some. How strict are the "rules"? I want to be fair.

Since we're all new, I don't plan to be super strict, LOL. Just do your best to wean yourself off of the direct heat if you can't quit "cold turkey". I won't hunt you down, I promise.:D
ok ok ok - coming outta hiding and joining a challenge - or at least telling ya'll :lol: ! I am so in. I do most of these but not consistently.
My routine is pretty simple: I DC & Detangle once per week. NO HEAT!!! (But i may have to for a comparison pic - i got some MAJOR shrinkage - i like it tho...keeps my real legnth a secret :sekret: )!! After D & D make 4/6/8 (depends). I moistureize (shea butter HomeMix) and make twists every nite (using my fangahs) and spritz in the am with my MorninMist (aloe juice, coconut oil, evoo, water).
I take vits daily and that water thang is killin me but I am wurkin on it ya'll. I get my walk on 'bout 4 times per week but i aint gonna lie and say i wurk up a sweat....more like strolling - lol.
Let's Do This....
I'm totally in!
I finally found a protective style for my hair so i won't have to flatiron. Now, i just need to buy 4 or 5 cases of bottled water and some workout clothes! :D
I'm in this challenge. My goal is to get to shoulder length by February, so I better get serious if that's going to happen...

protein+moisture+gentleness=growth retention

I know the formula, so it's just a matter of execution.
i'm down!
i was already planning to start a protective challenge
since i joined nov.2
which includes

1)not wearing my hair down in braidouts as much :perplexed
b/c my hair is layered @ shoulder level and apl (rubbing against clothing)

2)not touching up my color or straightening until my bday (jan 3)
i will c if i can hold out until feb

3)drinking more water for sure

4) baggie method
let's c if this baggie thing works!!!!!!!!!!!!
moisture moisture moisture!!!!:grin:

i will probably post results after this is all done..
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I'm in! I've been lurking for a while and a challenge will definitely keep me motivated.

My hair type and goals...

4a/b relaxed
1st goal: APL

2nd goal: bra strap
final goal: mid back

Currently using...
MTG :) ,
Vitamins - Biotin, MSM, Multi, Flaxseed oil
Stretching relaxers and direct heat twice monthly
Im in. I joined a gym last month. all i have to do is try to increase my water intake. it will be hard but ill try. Also i started the baggy method 2 days ago..lets see if it works.
I'm in. I need some motivation and support to stay on track.

I bought and started taking multi-vitamins and Hair vitamins, started back in the gym this week and drinking 8 glasses of water everyday, and eating healthy. I stopped drinking lattees (this one is going to be hard).

I also have a hair regimen. I have a flat iron, curling iron and blow dryer, but I rarely use any of them. I love the hood dryer, I don't like rolling my hair, but I only have to do it e/o week (I go to the salon e/o week). and I either put a few rollers in my hair or wrap it at night with a satin scarf or bonnet or both.

My goal is to stop my edges and hair from thinning, and get my hair to bsl and maybe find a good stylist who knows how to apply a good perm for my hair type. But I'll try to stretch my perms. I'm not sure what my hair type is, I think it's 2a, It's fine and wavy.

Someone please tell me, what is MTG?

Hair Album: http://public.fotki.com/kls4c03/
password: back2god07
kls4c03 said:
I'm in. I need some motivation and support to stay on track.

I bought and started taking multi-vitamins and Hair vitamins, started back in the gym this week and drinking 8 glasses of water everyday, and eating healthy. I stopped drinking lattees (this one is going to be hard).

I also have a hair regimen. I have a flat iron, curling iron and blow dryer, but I rarely use any of them. I love the hood dryer, I don't like rolling my hair, but I only have to do it e/o week (I go to the salon e/o week). and I either put a few rollers in my hair or wrap it at night with a satin scarf or bonnet or both.

My goal is to stop my edges and hair from thinning, and get my hair to bsl and maybe find a good stylist who knows how to apply a good perm for my hair type. But I'll try to stretch my perms. I'm not sure what my hair type is, I think it's 2a, It's fine and wavy.

Someone please tell me, what is MTG?

Hair Album: http://public.fotki.com/kls4c03/
password: back2god07

MTG is Mane-Tail-Groom. It's a sulfur based product that aides in hair growth. Here's the site where it can be purchased: http://www.shapleys.com/