Let's Start a "Newbie Challenge"

gelati said:
I have one question what kind of moisturizers and products should I use while in the plaits?:confused: I don't want to take them out until couple of days after Thanksgiving.

Some good moisturizers are Profective Breakfree (I use this and my hair loves it) or Neutrogena Triple Moisturizer. You can also use Nexxus Humectress as a leave in conditioner and seal with an oil like WGO coconut oil or EVOO.
O.K. I'm jumping on board!!

No heat is going to be my BIGGEST challenge, but I know I can do it :grin:

Let's get this hair growing!!!:yay:
The rules are great! I may have to break the no heat challenge once since I have a wedding to go to in Vegas next month :cool: , but other than that, I'm good to go! It's been about three weeks since I've used heat and today I finally came to accept that it's okay if my hair isn't straight, and there are no such things as bad hair days when you're trying to improve the health of your hair.

Happy growing ladies!!!!!!
preciousjewel76 said:
OK fellow newbies, here's the update on the Newbie Challenge. Your mission, should you choose to accept it :D, will be to stay on this healthy hair/body challenge until Valentine's Day 2007. I think 4 months is a good jumping off point.

Every month, I will post a new thread for you to share your progress. You can use this thread to post before/after pics and such. And be sure to put this in your signature, to remind yourself of the challenge. We need to represent!!:

***2006-2007 Newbie Challenge*** :rosebud:

Our "official" newbie challenge rules will be as follows::user:

1. No direct heat! Put those flatirons away! Use of a bonnet or hood dryer is allowed.

2. Moisture, moisture, and MORE moisture! Be sure to moisturize your ends and the rest of your hair AT LEAST once a day. Remember, a good moisturizer will list water as the first ingredient (basically, grease is NOT a moisturizer, LOL). And don't forget to seal in your moisturizer with an oil.

3. Protective styling - maintain your ends. If possible, wear protective styles as much as you can. Buns, twists, ponies (real or phony), braids, braidouts, twistouts, etc. are your FRIEND!

4. If you relax your hair, try to stretch for one week past your usual touch up time. Try to stretch even longer if you think you can, but keep in mind that you will have to really take care of your hair once you have a mix of new growth and relaxed ends.

5. Drink AT LEAST six cups (48 ounces) of water each day. If you don't like water, try flavoring it with some Crystal Light drink mix. Hydration is important for your entire body, not just your hair.

6. Step up your physical activity. If you're not already exercising, an easy way to get started is to take a 30 minute walk every day. You can break it up into segments (walk in the AM, walk at lunch, walk after dinner). Just get moving! And find an activity that you like....if you hate running, PLEASE don't go out and try to train for a marathon! Find a "workout buddy" if you think that will help. We need to aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on 5 or more days of the week. Moderate activity = activity that makes your heart rate go up and causes light-moderate sweating.

7. Most Important: Be positive! We're new to this board, so we're still learning how to take care of our hair. Don't set your goals too high. Give it time. Don't obsess over the length of your hair. Just try to get it HEALTHY!!:)

I'm really happy that this thread has generated a positive response. Let's keep it going, ladies, and see what a few months of healthy living can do for us...and our hair!

Be Blessed!:angel:

Cool! I'm in!
I have never in my life air dryed my hair! I don't know how on earth that would work because my hair holds on to water. I'll have a wet head all winter or I'll have to stay in doors. I think I'm going to have to become very familar with wraps and roller sets. I have to do con washes at least 4 days per week because of my running and sweating and Taekwondo. I sweat buckets doing those exercises.
Girl, I hear you on the air drying. I've noticed that the last two days I've tried to air dry overnight, I've woken up to a hot mess. So I'm pretty much at a stand still right now which can be frustrating. Any of you ladies have any ideas on air drying hair in the winter that doesn't require heat?
A New Requirement - Starting Pictures

preciousjewel76 said:
OK fellow newbies, here's the update on the Newbie Challenge. Your mission, should you choose to accept it :D, will be to stay on this healthy hair/body challenge until Valentine's Day 2007. I think 4 months is a good jumping off point.

Every month, I will post a new thread for you to share your progress. You can use this thread to post before/after pics and such. And be sure to put this in your signature, to remind yourself of the challenge. We need to represent!!:

***2006-2007 Newbie Challenge*** :rosebud:

Our "official" newbie challenge rules will be as follows::user:

1. No direct heat! Put those flatirons away! Use of a bonnet or hood dryer is allowed.

2. Moisture, moisture, and MORE moisture! Be sure to moisturize your ends and the rest of your hair AT LEAST once a day. Remember, a good moisturizer will list water as the first ingredient (basically, grease is NOT a moisturizer, LOL). And don't forget to seal in your moisturizer with an oil.

3. Protective styling - maintain your ends. If possible, wear protective styles as much as you can. Buns, twists, ponies (real or phony), braids, braidouts, twistouts, etc. are your FRIEND!

4. If you relax your hair, try to stretch for one week past your usual touch up time. Try to stretch even longer if you think you can, but keep in mind that you will have to really take care of your hair once you have a mix of new growth and relaxed ends.

5. Drink AT LEAST six cups (48 ounces) of water each day. If you don't like water, try flavoring it with some Crystal Light drink mix. Hydration is important for your entire body, not just your hair.

6. Step up your physical activity. If you're not already exercising, an easy way to get started is to take a 30 minute walk every day. You can break it up into segments (walk in the AM, walk at lunch, walk after dinner). Just get moving! And find an activity that you like....if you hate running, PLEASE don't go out and try to train for a marathon! Find a "workout buddy" if you think that will help. We need to aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on 5 or more days of the week. Moderate activity = activity that makes your heart rate go up and causes light-moderate sweating.

7. Most Important: Be positive! We're new to this board, so we're still learning how to take care of our hair. Don't set your goals too high. Give it time. Don't obsess over the length of your hair. Just try to get it HEALTHY!!:)

I'm really happy that this thread has generated a positive response. Let's keep it going, ladies, and see what a few months of healthy living can do for us...and our hair!

Be Blessed!:angel:

This is so good, and I can do the bonnet dryer for 4 months fer sure. I'm going to tell my son to hide the blow dryer from me! LOL because I'm so lazy about using my bonnet. I have a new ion BD and my head is dry in 5 mins with that thing! .....everything else on that list is a go, I was already pretty much there!

This is so good I wish the best of luck and blessings to everyone on this journey. I'm going to to a roller set and take pictures without my falls/pony's this weekend. It will be my official start picture.

Question, should we have a due date for all of us to get a before picture up? the proof is in the pudding you know?? I plan to do a style with my hair and then do the same style each month and photograph for progress reports. Let me know what you think ??
vsantina said:
Girl, I hear you on the air drying. I've noticed that the last two days I've tried to air dry overnight, I've woken up to a hot mess. So I'm pretty much at a stand still right now which can be frustrating. Any of you ladies have any ideas on air drying hair in the winter that doesn't require heat?
She did say we could use bonnet dryers. I have an ion, and I swear those things are really better for your hair. I can put it on low heat. I just hate having a wet head...it bugs me to no end. I can't sleep with conditoner on my hair for that reason. I can do oils but on condish over night..
Re: A New Requirement - Starting Pictures

AtlantaJJ said:
This is so good, and I can do the bonnet dryer for 4 months fer sure. I'm going to tell my son to hide the blow dryer from me! LOL because I'm so lazy about using my bonnet. I have a new ion BD and my head is dry in 5 mins with that thing! .....everything else on that list is a go, I was already pretty much there!

This is so good I wish the best of luck and blessings to everyone on this journey. I'm going to to a roller set and take pictures without my falls/pony's this weekend. It will be my official start picture.

Question, should we have a due date for all of us to get a before picture up? the proof is in the pudding you know?? I plan to do a style with my hair and then do the same style each month and photograph for progress reports. Let me know what you think ??

:lol: This is a great idea!!!!

I will also tell my son to hide the blowdryer AND flatiron, and don't tell me where it is no matter what I say! :perplexed Pray for me, and him:(
vsantina said:
Girl, I hear you on the air drying. I've noticed that the last two days I've tried to air dry overnight, I've woken up to a hot mess. So I'm pretty much at a stand still right now which can be frustrating. Any of you ladies have any ideas on air drying hair in the winter that doesn't require heat?

Why don't you try braidouts or twistouts??? Because I still have a lot (all) of my natural texture I wear twistouts mostly. -- I'm too much of a bum to try and straighten my hair, that's why I know I'm good w/no heat! lol -- These last ones I did Mon nite and they are still good (its Thurs). True, you may have to wear them in different ways...out one day..headband the next...up in a ponytail...coils in the front....but imo that's better than feeling the need to sit under the hood dryer all the time. Do them at night while you are watching tv and they will be dry by morning. Hope this helps!!!
shaydufblu said:
Why don't you try braidouts or twistouts??? Because I still have a lot (all) of my natural texture I wear twistouts mostly. -- I'm too much of a bum to try and straighten my hair, that's why I know I'm good w/no heat! lol -- These last ones I did Mon nite and they are still good (its Thurs). True, you may have to wear them in different ways...out one day..headband the next...up in a ponytail...coils in the front....but imo that's better than feeling the need to sit under the hood dryer all the time. Do them at night while you are watching tv and they will be dry by morning. Hope this helps!!!

I'm wondering if I'll just have to break down and purchase a hooded dryer. I'm currently wearing twist outs and have been re-twisting them nightly. But by the morning, they are still wet. You made a good point about doing it one night and wearing it a different way each day. That may be the problem, I'm manipulating my hair too much. I just don't know how to tie up my hair at night without it looking flat in the morning.
vsantina said:
I'm wondering if I'll just have to break down and purchase a hooded dryer. I'm currently wearing twist outs and have been re-twisting them nightly. But by the morning, they are still wet. You made a good point about doing it one night and wearing it a different way each day. That may be the problem, I'm manipulating my hair too much. I just don't know how to tie up my hair at night without it looking flat in the morning.

A hooded dryer is a must-have for me! I will sit under it on a low setting and when it is halfway dry, I either bun it or do twists and it is dry by the morning.
What's up with the BEFORE PICTURES?

Are we all going to post before pictures so that we can visually mark our progress through this journey??????:confused:
Re: A New Requirement - Starting Pictures

DeDewantslongerhair said:
:lol: This is a great idea!!!!

I will also tell my son to hide the blowdryer AND flatiron, and don't tell me where it is no matter what I say! :perplexed Pray for me, and him:(
Oh Lordy, you sound like me! I have to have him hide the Pop-Tarts too, then he eats them all! LOL I hope he doesn't get an idea to blow dry the cat! :eek:
Okay I'm going to have to bow out of this challenge. I'm just going to continue my little daily routine and stay what works for me. Airdrying isnt MY friend. Matter of fact when I tried it this summer I experienced major shedding. I blow dry my hair twice a month when its down and its been working find for me.

I'll be watching you all though. Have fun :)
rootdeep said:
Okay I'm going to have to bow out of this challenge. I'm just going to continue my little daily routine and stay what works for me. Airdrying isnt MY friend. Matter of fact when I tried it this summer I experienced major shedding. I blow dry my hair twice a month when its down and its been working find for me.

I'll be watching you all though. Have fun :)

Well why are you going to bow out because you need to blow dry...we will just have you do 10 extra push-ups a month or something to make up for the blow drys. As long as your hair is healthy, that's the point of this exercise if you ask me. Some of us abused heat so we need to stay away from it. Your hair might like heat. I had a friend tell me that once. That her hair was healthier when she stlyed it with moderate heat.... so I vote you stay on the island with us!!
Hareitiz said:
Some good moisturizers are Profective Breakfree (I use this and my hair loves it) or Neutrogena Triple Moisturizer. You can also use Nexxus Humectress as a leave in conditioner and seal with an oil like WGO coconut oil or EVOO.

Thanks Hareitiz, but which NTM because I just sold a bunch of it.:( My hair just ate it up with no shine(natural 4b, I think my hair is 4g).:lachen:
I’m in...I can’t wait to see the end results.
After months of lurking I finally decide to join a few weeks ago...I Absolutely love this site, I can’t get enough of it. My biggest challenge will be :eek: Exercise:eek: ...working full-time and going to school full-time I am exhausted at the end of the night all I want to do is sleep.
Got to push myself and wake an hour earlier and get it over with.

gelati said:
Thanks Hareitiz, but which NTM because I just sold a bunch of it.:( My hair just ate it up with no shine(natural 4b, I think my hair is 4g).:lachen:

I'm sorry, the Silk Touch Leave-In Conditioner, but if this was the moisturizer you used, it has cones in it and that is why you hair didnt have a shine to it. I've used it and my hair didnt dry out but maybe you can try the Breakfree or the ORS Carrot Oil Moisturizer.
I'm so in this! I'm not brand new, but I'm still wet behind the ears. :lol: This will be the perfect kick-off for the 2007 Head-2-Toe Challenge I'm in. I'll post my starting point once I get my "Progress-n-Inches" T-shirt (just to keep me honest :lachen:) Let's do it!

I am an advocate of many small victories that ultimately win a battle. They say that our hair will grow a minimum of 1/4" a month, so, by February, we should all be a minimum of an inch longer if we nurture our ends properly. :brainy:

Very doable, I think. Don't you? I think this should be the goal. A minimum of 1 inch growth by Valentine's Day. What do you think?
Hi everybody! I've been lurking for forever and finally decided to officialy join. I wanna join the challenge but I may have to modify the heat part as well (sorry :(!!! Is that ok?) I usually flat iron my hair about twice a month (at the salon). I dont feel that I am abusing the heat and my (natural) hair is relatively healthy for using heat this much. It also stays straight and looking nice pretty long until whenever I wash it. So what I'm trying to do is just stretch the amount of time in between salon visits. Here's how i'm planning my (modified) regimen:

1. Get hair flat ironed at salon, wear straight for a 2 weeks or so (I know that sounds long but I found my hair doesn't do well with frequent washing)
2. Moisturize flat ironed hair every night with profectiv healthy ends and break free, seal with WGO (mixed with peppermint oil for smell)
3. Shampoo to wash out press
4. Condition with Nexxus Humectress
5. Use NTM silk-touch for leave in
6. wear twistouts and braidouts until next salon visit
8. Co-Wash w/ VO5 Champagne Kiss moisturising conditioner every few days
7. Take my vitamins: Hair, Skin and Nails vit, MSM, Iron (stops shedding from anemia), Silica, B12 (for energy from anemia too but heard that it promotes hair growth?)
8. Stop letting my stylist give me trims all the time!!!!

Sorry I'm not ready to give up the heat just yet. I like to wear my hair straight so I'll just cut back. How does my regimine sound? Any critiques? I feel like i'm writing a lot lol. And this this is my first post but i'm so excited to grow my hair!

Oh here's my starting point. My main goal is APL, but anything longer than that would be great though. Do u guys think I can make it to APL using heat once or twice a month (but never in between) like this? Ok im done lol


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Krys, be careful with that heat! My hair was natural for 7 years and I didn't use pressing combs or flat irons up until last November. I pressed my hair one time and my hair was permanently straight on the whole right side of my head. I should not have done it myself because it was too much heat. After that happened, I was kinda forced to keep pressing my hair and I ended up burning off parts of my hair down to the roots. I had to get about 4 inches of my hair cut off last month it was so damaged. I got a relaxer so I would not be tempted to use anymore heat due to the texture difference. My hair just does not like heat. Even when I only blow dried my natural hair on medium maybe once a month, I would end up with permanently straight strands of hair in random places. On the other hand, my sister has natural hair past mid back, and when she presses it reverts back with no damage. Just be careful...

Ok, here's a picture of my hair now. :( I have a long ways to go to meet my goal length!

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pureenergy77 said:
Krys, be careful with that heat! My hair was natural for 7 years and I didn't use pressing combs or flat irons up until last November. I pressed my hair one time and my hair was permanently straight on the whole right side of my head. I should not have done it myself because it was too much heat. After that happened, I was kinda forced to keep pressing my hair and I ended up burning off parts of my hair down to the roots. I had to get about 4 inches of my hair cut off last month it was so damaged. I got a relaxer so I would not be tempted to use anymore heat due to the texture difference. My hair just does not like heat. Even when I only blow dried my natural hair on medium maybe once a month, I would end up with permanently straight strands of hair in random places. On the other hand, my sister has natural hair past mid back, and when she presses it reverts back with no damage. Just be careful...

Ok, here's a picture of my hair now. :( I have a long ways to go to meet my goal length!


I understand. I think I already have this problem, the last few inches of my hair are pretty straight and its probably from the heat. I never saw it as a problem though because I never really wore my hair in its natural state. It was always in a press for the most part. But since i'm cutting back on the heat i'll be wearing it in twistouts and braidouts mostly anyways. And I'll style the twistout/braidout however. So, the way I look at it, it just causes me to have less shrinkage since the hair isnt really damaged, just straight. I guess??

But on another note lol, you hair is a nice length already. Pretty much APL. Good luck with your journey...
Thank you Krys. Good luck with your journey too. Your hair does look healthy and I understand what you're saying about loosing your curl pattern a bit. Still, pressing twice a month is a lot of heat. Cutting back some and doing twistouts is a great idea.

My hair has grown about 3/4" since I took this picture last month. Still have about 1 more inch to be APL. I need to order one of those "progress in inches" t shirts too!! :)
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I am an advocate of many small victories that ultimately win a battle. They say that our hair will grow a minimum of 1/4" a month, so, by February, we should all be a minimum of an inch longer if we nurture our ends properly. :brainy:

Very doable, I think. Don't you? I think this should be the goal. A minimum of 1 inch growth by Valentine's Day. What do you think?[/

I *definitely* think that's doable. We need to take baby steps, after all. :babyb: