Let's Start a "Newbie Challenge"

I'm a newbie too. I've only been on this board for a couple of weeks.
My hair is natural, and I want to grow it long (don't we all!), so I definitely want to keep my ends (and overall hair) healthy. I don't use heat on my hair at all. I have started taking MSM which I want to carry on taking.
I have IBS and have been suffering from fatigue for years, so I want to cut out wheat from my diet for two months to see how I feel. I'm hoping that my energy levels will rise again so I can go to the gym.
I have also started drinking lots of water.
So yes, I'm in for the challenge!!!
shaydufblu said:
Count me in too!!! I have been around here for a while, but I recently texlaxed so I'm basically learning all over again about my hair. I've never done a hair/body challenge so this should be fun!!!

AtlantaJJ, I'm like you (with hiding the weight well...or so I thought!) I'm 5'9".

Excited to get started! Are we going to check in or anything like that?
I say definatly we need to check in because I'll get lost in the forest without ya'll reeling me in every day! LOLOL...
I would recommend that all of us subscribe to this thread so that we can keep up with any/all updates.

No specific "dos and don'ts" yet, but if you have some ideas, just go on and post them! My suggestions:

No heat (except for hooded/bonnet dryers)
Moisturize 2x/day
Drink at least 8 cups of water daily (64 ounces or 1/2 gallon)
Exercise for at least 30 minutes 4 or more days per week
Stretch relaxers/chemical treatments

Any others? Personally, I'm also trying to avoid mineral oils and 'cones in my hair products....
Sounds good. I do all of these now except the exercise...I'm the worst when it comes to that! I will stretch my relaxer until January, baggy my ends everynight, minimize combing, and continue protective styles.

My goal length by Feb is 12" which includes a trim. I have to stop this breakage to retain length though. It's gotten better with Emergencee, but it's still breaking...
I'm in too. Also a newbie after lurking for months and months.

Hair Type: 4a/4b
Current Length: almost shoulder
1st Goal: Armpit
routine: Shampoo weekly, co-wash weekly, Biotin, MSM, Carrot Oil w/monistat, deep condition weekly, no heat
preciousjewel76 said:
I would recommend that all of us subscribe to this thread so that we can keep up with any/all updates.

No specific "dos and don'ts" yet, but if you have some ideas, just go on and post them! My suggestions:

No heat (except for hooded/bonnet dryers)
Moisturize 2x/day
Drink at least 8 cups of water daily (64 ounces or 1/2 gallon)
Exercise for at least 30 minutes 4 or more days per week
Stretch relaxers/chemical treatments

Any others? Personally, I'm also trying to avoid mineral oils and 'cones in my hair products....

Yikes! This IS going to be a challenge. I'll do my best yall.
Great Post. May I suggest one of the requirements included be daily moisturizing of ends. This is one of the most important factors is growth retention. Good Luck Ladies!
preciousjewel76 said:
I would recommend that all of us subscribe to this thread so that we can keep up with any/all updates.

No specific "dos and don'ts" yet, but if you have some ideas, just go on and post them! My suggestions:

No heat (except for hooded/bonnet dryers)
Moisturize 2x/day
Drink at least 8 cups of water daily (64 ounces or 1/2 gallon)
Exercise for at least 30 minutes 4 or more days per week
Stretch relaxers/chemical treatments

Any others? Personally, I'm also trying to avoid mineral oils and 'cones in my hair products....

The bolded are going to be serious challenges for me!! I'm glad I have a bathroom right outside my office!!!
Cocothekitten said:
Well hello there - I'm up for this too. :)

Hmmm......I really going to need to force myself to drink water tho

Lol.. girl, i felt that way till i upped my MSM. I was forced to start guzzling water like a fish!..either that or risk having huge zits on my face!:eek:
oldskoolmomma said:
Count me in! I've already become a mini PJ.
New favorites : NTM Leave In, Flexirods , Suave Milk and Honey Con
How do you use the flexirods? I brought some a couple of years ago, because the stylist I was going to didn't have any. When I grew my hair out before having a rodset really helped my progess of keeping the heat out. I have the small green, yellow, red, and grey. Any suggestions? Also do you now how to wrap it around as if you were doing a straw set?
shortdub78 said:
How do you use the flexirods? I brought some a couple of years ago, because the stylist I was going to didn't have any. When I grew my hair out before having a rodset really helped my progess of keeping the heat out. I have the small green, yellow, red, and grey. Any suggestions? Also do you now how to wrap it around as if you were doing a straw set?

:wave: I played with them on my dry hair so I could figure out how to keep them on. I have the gray and purple ones. I take the amount of hair that I am going to roll and start from the bottom and wrap sideways up to the scalp, then fold the ends over into sort of a cross. To my surprise, it stayed. I've never had a straw set but I would assume that you would wrap the ends the same way.
oldskoolmomma said:
:wave: I played with them on my dry hair so I could figure out how to keep them on. I have the gray and purple ones. I take the amount of hair that I am going to roll and start from the bottom and wrap sideways up to the scalp, then fold the ends over into sort of a cross. To my surprise, it stayed. I've never had a straw set but I would assume that you would wrap the ends the same way.
I guess I'm going to have to play around with them too. I'm kinda scared though. I hate wasting product and I don't want to snatch my hair out pulling too hard. Wish Me Luck!
I'm in, this is exciting,:yay: I have been lurking for a minute but I'm ready. My goal is to have healthier, thicker, longer hair. I am also trying to get my hairline back. I am officially a PJ and still trying to find the best products for my hair.
My staples right now include:
MTG, jamaican black castor oil, keracare mois/detl poo, humecto in the tub(luv it) & QP mango butter for my edges. I am also on the henna bandwagon.
This is what I am currently doing:
-No heat except to DC
-protective styling, the only thing I can do right now is a lousy pony:ohwell: but hey my ends are protected
-henna every couple of weeks
-stretching my relaxers
-sporadically taking vitamins including, biotin, MSM, Flaxseed, evening primrose & supreme vital hair vits. I am also drinking horsetail tea, and intend to buy biosil soon.
On this challenge I intend to be more consistent in doing all of the above.
Happy Hair Growing Ladies
SerenityBreeze said:
Great Post. May I suggest one of the requirements included be daily moisturizing of ends. This is one of the most important factors is growth retention. Good Luck Ladies!

Thanks for the reminder! I knew I was forgetting something.
Definitely count me in!!!
Here are some of the things Iam doing for healthy hair and a healthy me:
-stretching my relaxers
-jumping on the cassia bandwagon
-moisturizing 2Xs daily-especially my ends
-daily scalp,temple and nape massages
-baggie method everynight
-keeping a good moisture/protein balance
-no heat-except to DC
-taking my vitamins
-working out 5Xs a week(3days at the gym/2days of turbojam or taebo)
-gulping down H2O
-Being Patient, Having Faith, and Leaving it all in GOD's hands
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Here is what I am doing:

No heat (except for hooded/bonnet dryers) - really easy for me, I still wear twistouts
Moisturize 2x/day - I have to start doing this
Drink at least 8 cups of water daily (64 ounces or 1/2 gallon) - :eek: OK this will be the challenge
Exercise for at least 45 minutes 4 or more days per week - my body laughs at me :lol: for doing 30 mins. I'm not a "newbie" at the exercise game
Stretch relaxers/chemical treatments

YAY!!!! Subscribing...NOW! :yay:

(How long did we say we were going? I'll check the OP.)
OK fellow newbies, here's the update on the Newbie Challenge. Your mission, should you choose to accept it :D, will be to stay on this healthy hair/body challenge until Valentine's Day 2007. I think 4 months is a good jumping off point.

Every month, I will post a new thread for you to share your progress. You can use this thread to post before/after pics and such. And be sure to put this in your signature, to remind yourself of the challenge. We need to represent!!:

***2006-2007 Newbie Challenge*** :rosebud:

Our "official" newbie challenge rules will be as follows::user:

1. No direct heat! Put those flatirons away! Use of a bonnet or hood dryer is allowed.

2. Moisture, moisture, and MORE moisture! Be sure to moisturize your ends and the rest of your hair AT LEAST once a day. Remember, a good moisturizer will list water as the first ingredient (basically, grease is NOT a moisturizer, LOL). And don't forget to seal in your moisturizer with an oil.

3. Protective styling - maintain your ends. If possible, wear protective styles as much as you can. Buns, twists, ponies (real or phony), braids, braidouts, twistouts, etc. are your FRIEND!

4. If you relax your hair, try to stretch for one week past your usual touch up time. Try to stretch even longer if you think you can, but keep in mind that you will have to really take care of your hair once you have a mix of new growth and relaxed ends.

5. Drink AT LEAST six cups (48 ounces) of water each day. If you don't like water, try flavoring it with some Crystal Light drink mix. Hydration is important for your entire body, not just your hair.

6. Step up your physical activity. If you're not already exercising, an easy way to get started is to take a 30 minute walk every day. You can break it up into segments (walk in the AM, walk at lunch, walk after dinner). Just get moving! And find an activity that you like....if you hate running, PLEASE don't go out and try to train for a marathon! Find a "workout buddy" if you think that will help. We need to aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on 5 or more days of the week. Moderate activity = activity that makes your heart rate go up and causes light-moderate sweating.

7. Most Important: Be positive! We're new to this board, so we're still learning how to take care of our hair. Don't set your goals too high. Give it time. Don't obsess over the length of your hair. Just try to get it HEALTHY!!:)

I'm really happy that this thread has generated a positive response. Let's keep it going, ladies, and see what a few months of healthy living can do for us...and our hair!

Be Blessed!:angel:
Hi ladies, I hope it's not to late to join but better late then never. Count me in !!!! I was getting ready to turn in but I had to check-in and see what was going on.:look: Glad I did!!!! I just was plaiting up my hair today, so I couldn't have anymore excuses not to get up and exercise. I'm going to do everything in the challenge, Lord knows I need to!!!!:eek:

I have one question what kind of moisturizers and products should I use while in the plaits?:confused: I don't want to take them out until couple of days after Thanksgiving.
I'm a natural 4b and I want some major growth by Feburary,:cool: this also works out good because by then I will have my digital camera and new computer!!!!:grin:

Thanks Ladies, I need this!!!!;)
I am so in! I've been lurking on the forum here for about 2 weeks and you ladies have inspired me so much! I've been taking MSM, Hair Vitamins, and using the odorless MTG for 3 days and I alreayd have TONS of newgrowth and I'm not even 1 week post yet!:eek: I can't wait to see my reslyts 90 days from now!:cool:
Count me in. Right now I'm on the APL challenge and I'm definitely seeing progress due to No Heat and moisturizing. I really need to start working out again so the healthy part of the challenge would be good. As much time as I spend on my hair...I need to donate some of that time to my health. Good luck Ladies.
Welcome everyone, and this is a very good idea to start a newbie challenge:)

I'm not a newbie but can I join your challenge..It fits right in with my regimen anyways.
Kbragg, where did you buy your orderless MTG from? Been thinking of getting some, but didn't because of the smell everyone complains about.
If its not too late, I'm in! I don't have enough hair for protective styling yet, but I'll make sure to keep the TWA moisturized. I've lost 15 pounds since September this year, with modifying my diet, and I know I need to exercise too, so this will be just the encouragement I need. Great challenge!:)