Let's Start a "Newbie Challenge"


New Member
Hey ladies!:wave:

I'm pretty new to the board, but after reading through several threads, I'd like to issue a friendly challenge to my fellow newbies! I'm calling for us to stick to a healthy hair regimen until February 2007. Now, in my opinion, a healthy hair regimen = a healthy body regimen. So I plan to stick to a balanced diet, drink lots of water, and stay physically active throughout this challenge. And of course, I'm going to apply the knowledge I've learned in the LHCF and take care of my hair (moisturizing, protein, protective styles, etc.)!

So, who's up for it? Let me know if you have suggestions ladies!
I'm in. I already shampoo and condition weekly. No heat except for setting and DC. I take vitamins. I MN daily. I also jumped on the MTG bandwagon
I'm in. Can we do a challenge to the end of the summer??? Including updates with new product trials, Vitamins, weight loss or toning updates, topical growth i.e. MTG etc and just overall anything successful going on whether it be love, faith, job...etc but also include hair in discussion too:)
Anyway I'm in
Count me in too!

It's only been 1 week since I was turned on to this site but I jumped right in. I already have my vitamins, MTG, leave-in conditioner, CW conditioners etc. etc. and I'm ready to grow some hair!

I'm also a Weight Watchers Liftetime Member who's been off the program for about 2 years and along with my quest to grow a healthy head of hair, I've also pledged to lose the pounds I managed to put back on.

Let's get this party started right!
Count me in. I'm a newbie and just did a major cut/trim last week. I am transitioning since 04/2006 and want to BC but am scared. Not doing much to my hair right now except putting my fake bun on day after day for no manipulation since taking my braids out last month. I would like to start a regimen for both body and hair.I have already lost 35 pounds since September of last year and have been slacking on body and hair...so having said all of that...

I'M ALL IN! And will definitely post updates!
Thanks for responding ladies! Someone suggested earlier that we make this challenge last until summer. Is that too long? I was thinking of something shorter term, since we're new and all that;) . But I'm pretty flexible.

Also, I'm going to come up with some more definitive "challenge" rules and I'll post them here. Shoot, I guess I need to make a Fotki too!
preciousjewel76 said:
Thanks for responding ladies! Someone suggested earlier that we make this challenge last until summer. Is that too long? I was thinking of something shorter term, since we're new and all that;) . But I'm pretty flexible.

Also, I'm going to come up with some more definitive "challenge" rules and I'll post them here. Shoot, I guess I need to make a Fotki too!
Let's keep it short since we are new!

We can always extend it later.
Count me in!! This is my first challenge since Ive been on here and I cant wait to see the results. I am going to start training for another 1/2 marathon so that right there will help w/ my over all health. As far as my hair I am still playin around w/ a few products and trying to find the perfect regimen for me. Lets make sure we stick to this!!! Seeing women on here who have completely done a 360 w/ their hair I believe we can do the same. Happy growing ladies dont give up we can do it!
preciousjewel76 said:
Hey ladies!:wave:

I'm pretty new to the board, but after reading through several threads, I'd like to issue a friendly challenge to my fellow newbies! I'm calling for us to stick to a healthy hair regimen until February 2007. Now, in my opinion, a healthy hair regimen = a healthy body regimen. So I plan to stick to a balanced diet, drink lots of water, and stay physically active throughout this challenge. And of course, I'm going to apply the knowledge I've learned in the LHCF and take care of my hair (moisturizing, protein, protective styles, etc.)!

So, who's up for it? Let me know if you have suggestions ladies!
I'm in! Yay!
I'm so excited to be a part of this group! I'm also doing weight watchers and I was just basically watching my weight not move! LOL until I started Taekwondo, I've dropped 10lbs fast. So I'm excited about that and the continued weight loss is a part of this challenge for me. I think I have about 15 lbs to loose. I'm 5'11" tall so I hide all the extra in my but and thighs. It will be nice to get back into my skinny pants. AND to have some hair to sling around! LOL

Newbies ROCK!!!:creatures :bouncegre :bud: :bud:
Add me to the list! This should be interesting (for me that is). I've been tellin myself I need to this and I need to do that. I'm bout to make it happen. I'm tryin my bestest to get my hair back on track.
Count me in! I've been transitioning since May 20th and don't plan to BC. My hair is currently neck length, so it's been a challenge trying to find and wear protective styles and stay away from the blow dryer and flat iron. I'm so excited :D
AtlantaJJ said:
I'm 5'11" tall so I hide all the extra in my butt and thighs. It will be nice to get back into my skinny pants. AND to have some hair to sling around! LOL

Newbies ROCK!!!:creatures :bouncegre :bud: :bud:

Count me in too!!! I have been around here for a while, but I recently texlaxed so I'm basically learning all over again about my hair. I've never done a hair/body challenge so this should be fun!!!

AtlantaJJ, I'm like you (with hiding the weight well...or so I thought!) I'm 5'9".

Excited to get started! Are we going to check in or anything like that?
This is a good idea.......

I am trying to reach APL by February so this is great for me.

I promise to focus on my hairs HEALTH :grin:
I promise to use as little heat as possible in my hair..this is easy :D
I promise to drink at least 75 ounces of water a day...:cool:
I promise to keep my hair oiled and moisturized daily;)

I promise that by February 2007 I'll keep these promises as a permanent guide along my hair care journey! :)
I'm in!! Great idea.:newbie:

I just recently added excercise to my regimen. Minimum 3x's week with Billy Blanks (tae boo). This man is fierce!!

I also take vitamins and drink as much water as possible. Stretch my relaxer and moisturize twice a day and wear protective styles all day everyday.

Bring it on girl! :clap: I'm ready to see some progress.

I'm in too! New to the site and need a good challenge. I was starting to get frustrated with my hair already. Do we have specific dos and don'ts?