let's play a scenario

Okay so here is the scenario...

A Woman was seeing a man for two years. Durring this time he has an exgf that periodically shows up or calls. The woman blatanly told the man that she did not feel comfortable with him seeing or talking to the woman. He tells her, that "she has nothing to worry about, because he wants nothing to do with this other woman". Time goes by and the Woman finds out that the Man and the Ex Girlfriend had been secretly sleeping with her and the ex and the same time (neither had knowledge of the other). Now the woman is pissed, but is trying to work out things with the Man because they now have a child together. She forgives him and just when things are on the up and up. The ex comes back because she heard around town that the man has a baby by this woman and wants to just be "friends", with the man. The Woman doesn't feel comfortable with this, because the Man keeps saying that nothing is going on, that he feels he can be freinds with her. even though the last time he said all of this he was hooking up with her. The ex is engaged to be married, but has been engaged before and broke her prior engagement to be with this guy. And when she calls (the ex), she asks questions about her and the man's previous sexual relationship, because she supposedly is "having relationship problem" and wants male insight. Not keeping the conversation casual. Now the woman has spoken to the man, about this. But he continues to tell her she's over reacting. He's not listening to her, so thinking maybe the ex would have some sense, sends the girl and message asking her to end the "friendship". ". Which she ignores and continues to call the man. Not to mention she sent an email to the man's mother in which she says he "broke her heart. And to ice the cake, the man's family and friends hate the ex. The man and woman aren't "together", but you couldn't tell because they still have an intimate relationship.

Now my questions are
1. Who do you side with in all of this and why?
2. If you were the woman what would you do?
3. If you were the ex what would you do?
4. If you were the man, what would you do?

This is a real situation that is happening to a friend of mine and I would like to give her some advice. But my advice would involve something more on the lines of removing the man's manhood and knocking some sense into the ex (none of which are good for the situation)
1. Who do you side with in all of this and why?I side with no one because none are using good sense

2. If you were the woman what would you do?Get child support set up and stop doing him. Actually I would have dumped him after he didn't respect my wishes regarding his ex.

3. If you were the ex what would you do?She needs to go about her life but obviously she will keep boinkin' this man.

4. If you were the man, what would you do? He's got it all. Why should he change his actions?

I really don't get it. They aren't in a relationship so she (woman) doesn't have any say of who is he intimate with. They are cut buddies.

She chooses to lay with him knowing what he is about. She needs some sense knocked into her head.
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My take on this is similar to the proverb:

If you do what you "always" did, you'll get what you "always" got! :yep:

Dude has no "incentive" to change. He revels in her begging him to make a decision of what she should do with her "own" life.

She needs to quit giving him that power, move on....and get "court ordered" child support for her baby! :yep::yep: