Lenzi's Request Results


Tricking the president
has anyone been using it for a while now? have you noticed a significant difference? if you had thin edges, is it helping to fill them out? i will hopefully recieve mine sometime this week, so i should be posting soon enough. my edges are BAD and i need serious help.
I posted about Lenzi's request before. Both my mother and I have experienced great results using it, which is rare because usually nothing works for me (MTG, Sulphur 8/Glovers, etc.) You can see my mom's progress in my album. It grew out her hair in the back. As for me, my edges are growing quick but I am yet to take pics.
Although this has worked for me, these products aren't always successful for everyone, so don't get too upset if you don't have amazing growth after 7 days.....all the best to you though!!! :)
My mom and I have also had wonderful results with Lenzi's Request. My mom lost some hair due to a relaxer snafu, and her edges and kitchen area have really filled in.

I've also noticed that my edges and hair overall are coming in quickly and very thick. I had a bond weave mishap a few years ago, and nothing seemed to really thicken it up noticeably, except for the Lenzi's.

As Ginsana, said, everything doesn't work for everybody, but this has been doing the trick for my family.

Good luck!

I have also had good results with it and I have noticed that I have not wanted to comb my hair after using it because of such thick new growth.
It gets a :up: from me.
thanks for answering you guys. even if it doesnt work miracles for me, i just feel better about the whole thing knowing other people have had success.
I just wish Ms Sue would answer my question so I could order some, I've e-mailed and phoned her, left her my phone number and e-mail address. I asked her about changing the address to accomodate international shipping and an option for USPS instead of UPS.
LondonDiva said:
I just wish Ms Sue would answer my question so I could order some, I've e-mailed and phoned her, left her my phone number and e-mail address. I asked her about changing the address to accomodate international shipping and an option for USPS instead of UPS.

I know from experience that Ms. Sue is a very a busy woman, and she STAYS in her kitchen.

If she is working on a recipe, (and she constantly is) then she will not stop in the middle of making it.
Koffie said:
I know from experience that Ms. Sue is a very a busy woman, and she STAYS in her kitchen.

If she is working on a recipe, (and she constantly is) then she will not stop in the middle of making it.

You're making excuses for her bad customer service. So I deserve to be ignored cause Ms Sue is in the kitchen???? News about bad CS spreads like wildfire.

Well she must have left the kitchen to answer my call take down my phone number and e-mail and then proceed to tell me that either her or her secretary would get back to me within 3 hours.

I'm sure everybody who runs a business is busy, I'd expect them to be, but this is customer service, which when provided brings in MORE business to keep it going. She would have at least a $30 order from me, plus if it was any good which it sounds like it is I would have ordered for at least 4 other people and if it worked for them that's recurring money coming through the door and in bulk too as it's coming Internationally. I wonder if Bill Gates and Donald Trump were too busy in meetings to welcome more money being made into their businesses. :scratchchin:
OK....I have to admit that all this mystery around this woman and this product is making me a little nervous. I mean it doesn't take much to respond to a potential customer's email...ESPECIALLY if you are trying to build your business up.
Oh Well, I'm Happy With My Experience With Ms.sue.i Feel Like This,if You're Nervous Or May Not Like The Way She Conducts Her Business Then By All Means,don't Buy!!!!!!!!!!!! But For Me I'llllllllll Be Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For More!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LondonDiva said:
You're making excuses for her bad customer service. So I deserve to be ignored cause Ms Sue is in the kitchen???? News about bad CS spreads like wildfire.

Well she must have left the kitchen to answer my call take down my phone number and e-mail and then proceed to tell me that either her or her secretary would get back to me within 3 hours.

I'm sure everybody who runs a business is busy, I'd expect them to be, but this is customer service, which when provided brings in MORE business to keep it going. She would have at least a $30 order from me, plus if it was any good which it sounds like it is I would have ordered for at least 4 other people and if it worked for them that's recurring money coming through the door and in bulk too as it's coming Internationally. I wonder if Bill Gates and Donald Trump were too busy in meetings to welcome more money being made into their businesses. :scratchchin:

No, I am not making excuses for her or anything she does.

I have tried to contact her lately and she has given me no response either.

Therefore, no one really knows what's going on. It's not like she has anyone working for/under her to help her out. This woman has orders to fill in GINORMOUS quantities. She can only do so much at once by herself.
She has LHCF orders and hospital orders to fill. Sheesh!

Ya'll are lookin at the surface of things with out seeing the whole picture.
Let me give you an analogy.

I could go up to somebody for raping by baby cousin, and shoot them in the head and then walk off from the scene as though what I did was justified.

But, if you were looking at just that situation alone, not knowing this dude raped my family member, then you would think I was a cold hearted murderer, who just randomly shot an innocent dude in the head.

That is why I say, you really don't know what's going on with her right now.
Koffie said:
No, I am not making excuses for her or anything she does.

I have tried to contact her lately and she has given me no response either.

Therefore, no one really knows what's going on. It's not like she has anyone working for/under her to help her out. This woman has orders to fill in GINORMOUS quantities. She can only do so much at once by herself.
She has LHCF orders and hospital orders to fill. Sheesh!

Ya'll are lookin at the surface of things with out seeing the whole picture.
Let me give you an analogy.

I could go up to somebody for raping by baby cousin, and shoot them in the head and then walk off from the scene as though what I did was justified.

But, if you were looking at just that situation alone, not knowing this dude raped my family member, then you would think I was a cold hearted murderer, who just randomly shot an innocent dude in the head.

That is why I say, you really don't know what's going on with her right now.

i get your point but i'm LMAO that you had to bring in a so much criminal activity to make it :lol:
@ LondonDiva

And you don't deserve to be ignored, but by all means, does Ms. Sue deserve to be crucified on a public forum????

Even if she is providing a service, WE are the ones who went to her. She already had PLENTY of orders to fill before LHCF even knew about Lenzi's request.

And trust you me, I was getting PMed left and right for her number b-4 her website went up and ironically some of those people are probably the ones crucifying her right now.:nono:

No one put a gun to any of the members head and MADE them do business with her.

And about the kitchen comment. Ms. Sue does not like to be distracted while she's whipping up batches, just for the simple fact of trying not to forget what step she is on, to avoid putting too much, too little, or the wrong ingredient in someone elses product.
You know what? When she said she was in the kitchen, I was thinking she was cooking food! :lol: I didn't realize she was in the kitchen cooking up batches of product! :lachen:
Koffie said:
@ LondonDiva

And you don't deserve to be ignored, but by all means, does Ms. Sue deserve to be crucified on a public forum????

Even if she is providing a service, WE are the ones who went to her. She already had PLENTY of orders to fill before LHCF even knew about Lenzi's request.

And trust you me, I was getting PMed left and right for her number b-4 her website went up and ironically some of those people are probably the ones crucifying her right now.:nono:

No one put a gun to any of the members head and MADE them do business with her.

And about the kitchen comment. Ms. Sue does not like to be distracted while she's whipping up batches, just for the simple fact of trying not to forget what step she is on, to avoid putting too much, too little, or the wrong ingredient in someone elses product.
I don't think she was crucifying anyone. You seem somewhat agitated about the situation, which I don't quite understand. Yes, "we" are the ones that are coming to her, but the fact is, she is not doing anyone a favor, she is running a business. And LD was just making the point that, as someone who is running a business, there are certain professional courtesies that she should aim to extend.
London Diva, maybe she doesn't know how to answer your question I know that if it is pertaining to International shipping she is having a very difficult time with it.
Not that I am making excuses for her either but that is one busy woman. This is not the only thing she does, she also works full time, and she doesn't have much help if any at all. The last time I talk to her she was taking her orders to the hospital and doing a presentation. Not only that I think her webmaster is a novice. Because some time ago she ask me if I knew anyone who built websites and I don't perhaps you all could give her a referral.

Yep, I think she is going to need some help or quite her job or the hair care business.
For F*** sake does it sounds like I'm crucifying anyone!?!?!

I just wish Ms Sue would answer my question so I could order some, I've e-mailed and phoned her, left her my phone number and e-mail address. I asked her about changing the address to accomodate international shipping and an option for USPS instead of UPS.

I UNDERSTAND that Ms Sue is a busy woman

Do you think if I never had this board to refer to that I'd even know half of what Ms Sue does in her spare time. From a customer's point of view it's unprofessional and Ms Sue (I'm sure as nice as she is) is going to lose custom. If we were all here talking about Shapeley's or sams247.com about our orders being late and e-mails never being answered we'd be all in agreement about the CS is shoddy. Sorry you guys are personally involved with Ms Sue that's why you're getting sensitive about it and you can't see it from my point of view as a customer and hers as a business woman. I spoke to Ms Sue on the phone. If she'd have told me she was very busy fulfilling orders or that it was gonna take 2-3 weeks to get back to me I would have understood., posted that here so everyone else would know what's up. Don't tell me that either you or your secretary are going to get back to me then don't. I have a right to say what I want about customer service (within means) if it's going to benefit other members who have ordered on here. They can make up their own minds whether they want to buy or not, I'm not telling anyone not to buy, I'm merely reading all the good things abot LR and wondering why I haven't been answered by e-mail or by phone. When it comes to business and customers the customers want to pay for a product and the business owner oversees that they get it. We don't want to hear all the in between, even though I can empathise the woman's trying to make a buck, but between Ms Sue and the 2 other partners a little fixing up is necessary.
LondonDiva said:
For F*** sake does it sounds like I'm crucifying anyone!?!?!

I didn't say it was you, but why don't you take a look at the vendor review board, and other threads and read some of the snide comments.

And I get what you are saying about the cust. service. point-of-view

@ jd_bdfly totally understand your POV.
London DIva, I don't think you are crucifying her, I see your point . the other business you are mentioning are not solo owned businesses. In fact I don't know of any businesses that we have patronized on this forum that were like hers in that it is one person doing the shipping, shopping, cooking, taking the order etc. That is what I take into consideration.
This thread is starting to take a negative turn. Ladies please on behalf of the starter of this post let's keep things civil and keep this thread on topic.
I've been browsing for a couple of days now, and I think that this forum is glorious. I never thought that there would be such a disagreement like this. I too, do not want to side with anyone, but I can imagine how hard it must be for the lady to be filling many orders all on her own. If I wanted to order from her, I would tell her to put me on a waiting list or something. Knowing that she is doing it all by herself would make me more considerate. I would either offer to help her (if possible), or just pretend that she put up a sign infront of me saying "Sorry, this product is out of stock"
Having owned my own business, I can truly say that it can get to be a BEAST that takes on a life of it's own when things get busy. It's hard to get back to everybody at times. Having a background in customer service, I knew how I liked to be treated. I've seen both ends of the spectrum, from an ideal customer to an irate demon-seed trying to score some free stuff. It's especially tough when you're doing EVERYTHING. When you are the accountant, shipping department, manufacturer, etc. it's hella tough. I'm not taking up for anyone just offering my 1/2 a cent on the topic of business.

As far as using the product. I like it so far. I haven't been using it for very long but I can say that my scalp likes it alot! I haven't had any problems with scalp dryness or dandruff. I use one of her other products for my ends.... and it's ok. It's heavier which is good because I'm relaxed and color treated. I tend to lube my ends and rock twin buns. I just may try it on my wet hair to see how it works. :)
For those who are getting good results, How often are you using it? I have been using it 2 times a week for 3 weeks and wash/condition at the end of the week. Don't see much progress. Should I use it more often? And what color is it? Mine is yellow.....maybe I got a bad batch?
diamoness said:
For those who are getting good results, How often are you using it? I have been using it 2 times a week for 3 weeks and wash/condition at the end of the week. Don't see much progress. Should I use it more often? And what color is it? Mine is yellow.....maybe I got a bad batch?

Mine is yellow as well (light squash-like color)

I use mines once a week and let it sit on my scalp. I can honestly say my newgrowth is thick as all get out. Sorry that you're not seeing progress. :sad: