Last night wash was a disaster...


New Member
So, I tried Alma powder last night.:nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono:

One wrong move and POOF!!! Progress up in flames. I mixed 2 teaspoons of alma powder with 2 cups of hot water and let it sit for a while. I used it as a rinse after shampooing. I then rinsed it out and proceeded to condition.

The pros- My hair feels stronger and my scalp doesn't seem as itchy and irritated.

The cons- My hair was hard as a brick and even after two hours of detangling, I lost 3 handfuls of hair.

I really don't know what to do. I took my time and used a shower comb to detangle and my hair just kept comming out. It feels strong but very hard and dry today. I rinsed for what seemed like forever and I don't see any amla residue in my hair but my hair looks and feels like crap. I lost so much hair:nono: I started my hair at like 1 in the morning and I wasn't finished until about 5 this morning. I think I am going to need to cut an inch after this if not more.
What deep conditioner did you use?

Only 2 teaspoons of alma powder?! I can't see how that little bit can do so much damage! :nono:

Well, I use henna every 5 weeks or so (WAY more than 2 teaspoons, though) and it can do that to you if you don't watch it. But, I have to mix it with plain yogurt and it rinses well. Even then I have to really up my moisture routine for a week before I am really back to "normal".
What deep conditioner did you use?

Only 2 teaspoons of alma powder?! I can't see how that little bit can do so much damage! :nono:

Well, I used henna every 5 weeks or so and it can do that to you if you don't watch it. But, I have to mix it with plain yogurt and it rinses well. Even then I have to really up my moisture routine for a week before I am really back to "normal".

I used ORS replenishing with a little Aubrey Honeysuckle and Rose, that combo helped me last week with moisture so I used it again after this.

I don't know what is going on.:nono: My last henna was a disaster too and it usually works for me. My hair was acting funny for weeks afterwards. I think I lost more hair last night than I lost during my last henna session. I really want to try to just deep condition it again tonight but when I tried that with my last henna session, as soon as water touched it, my hair got hard all over again.
I usually only use amla as a pre-shampoo treatment. I mix it with an oil (olive or coconut) and then shampoo and condition. I focus more on the scalp than the ends of my hair. It does make your scalp feel really good.

It is supposed to tighten the cuticle of the hair, so it can make it stiff for a few days afterwards. I've gotten used to that aspect of it.

I would hold off on the cutting for a little while. When was the last time you washed or combed your hair before using the amla powder? You might just be shedding hair that was supposed to come out anyway.

Try slathering a cheap conditioner on dry hair and letting that sit for a while, then rinse and use a leave-in conditioner. HTH.

I am sorry to hear you lost handfuls of hair. I know you normally use NTM mask maybe need try another deep conditioner for softness.
What deep conditioner did you use?

Only 2 teaspoons of alma powder?! I can't see how that little bit can do so much damage!

Well, I use henna every 5 weeks or so (WAY more than 2 teaspoons, though) and it can do that to you if you don't watch it. But, I have to mix it with plain yogurt and it rinses well. Even then I have to really up my moisture routine for a week before I am really back to "normal".

I use half a cup or more. :confused:

I also have a procedure I use to combat henna dryness. Mine is to DC my dry hair with heat, rinse, allow to dry a little so it's not dripping, apply henna/alma/indigo/whatever, rinse, poo, oil rinse.
I use half a cup or more. :confused:

I also have a procedure I use to combat henna dryness. Mine is to DC my dry hair with heat, rinse, allow to dry a little so it's not dripping, apply henna/alma/indigo/whatever, rinse, poo, oil rinse.

I have some shikakai oil and castor oil. Maybe I should soak my hair in that? My hair is so funny sometimes...I really hate it because I can tell the amla has helped my scalp, my scalp isn't sore or flaky anymore.
I usually only use amla as a pre-shampoo treatment. I mix it with an oil (olive or coconut) and then shampoo and condition. I focus more on the scalp than the ends of my hair. It does make your scalp feel really good.

It is supposed to tighten the cuticle of the hair, so it can make it stiff for a few days afterwards. I've gotten used to that aspect of it.

I would hold off on the cutting for a little while. When was the last time you washed or combed your hair before using the amla powder? You might just be shedding hair that was supposed to come out anyway.

Try slathering a cheap conditioner on dry hair and letting that sit for a while, then rinse and use a leave-in conditioner. HTH.

Thanks. I got tons of vo5 so I will try that.
I have some shikakai oil and castor oil. Maybe I should soak my hair in that? My hair is so funny sometimes...I really hate it because I can tell the amla has helped my scalp, my scalp isn't sore or flaky anymore.

You might try shikakai or alma oil on just your scalp. You can make alma oil from your powder.
When you used it as a rinse, were you over the sink and pouring it over your head like an ACV rinse?
So, I tried Alma powder last night.:nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono:

One wrong move and POOF!!! Progress up in flames. I mixed 2 teaspoons of alma powder with 2 cups of hot water and let it sit for a while. I used it as a rinse after shampooing. I then rinsed it out and proceeded to condition.

The pros- My hair feels stronger and my scalp doesn't seem as itchy and irritated.

The cons- My hair was hard as a brick and even after two hours of detangling, I lost 3 handfuls of hair.

I really don't know what to do. I took my time and used a shower comb to detangle and my hair just kept comming out. It feels strong but very hard and dry today. I rinsed for what seemed like forever and I don't see any amla residue in my hair but my hair looks and feels like crap. I lost so much hair:nono: I started my hair at like 1 in the morning and I wasn't finished until about 5 this morning. I think I am going to need to cut an inch after this if not more.

Girl, NO! :shocked:

Oh, that's horrible :nono: I sawry, chica :hug2:
woah! i'm so sorry to hear that gym! 3 handfuls?!?! i know i'd be in tears... but it will bounce back. i guess you need to do some moisture DC, is amla protein? i'm guessing since it made it hard that you need to infuse some moisture back into it.

i gave my friend a bottle of aussie 3-minute miracle that i had bought which did nothing for me. her hair was a tangled mess no matter what she did to it, and it made her hair snap right back after 3 months of battling with it and trying all my products. it's weird how all the stuff that my hair loves did nothing for her and the one thing that i was about to throw away was the "miracle" product for her....
Aww gymfreak I am sorry that happened to you!!!! Girl you better break out your pantene mask!!!!! :yawn:
The powders scare me too. I would stick with just those oils.
Gymfreak, I think in the end I'm with meaganita... maybe you should let the Ayurvedics go. :confused:
ITA as above,
sorry it did not work for you, as i remember replying to your post yesterday.
Try deep conditioning dry hair, i dont find ors replenishing moisturising, it gives good slip not moisture, i usually follow the rinse with nacidit avocado, try a very moisturising conditioner without protein.
I'm sorry this happened but I know you are knowledgable enuf about hair care to bounce back. I had been thinking about indian hair care regimens and powders and oils and such ( based on DEN1 and Sarecas success) but then I realized I gotta stop jumpin on bandwagons or I'll have no hair in the end!

You and I like some of the some products: Pantene mask, AO honey suckle, and ORS pak. I just say keep it simple.

But hey, look on the bright least no one put listerine on your scalp before your relaxer!!!
Awww, I'm sorry about your hair :bighug:.

ITA agree with everyone else. Just stick to what works & don't try anything new for long time. Stay on top of your moisture game for a few weeks & your hair should bounce right back. You got past the henna disaster & you'll get past this too. :yep:
Dang Gym, that sucks :( Maybe you could try co washing a few times a week and dc'ing twice a week to pump the moisture back in. Don't cut it off, just yet. Give your hair about a month and see how it's doing then. Your hair got through the henna fiasco, and it'll get through this :yep:
I used ORS replenishing with a little Aubrey Honeysuckle and Rose, that combo helped me last week with moisture so I used it again after this.

I don't know what is going on.:nono: My last henna was a disaster too and it usually works for me. My hair was acting funny for weeks afterwards. I think I lost more hair last night than I lost during my last henna session. I really want to try to just deep condition it again tonight but when I tried that with my last henna session, as soon as water touched it, my hair got hard all over again.

Wow, Gymfreak, this is tough even to read, and I'm very sorry this happened to you. My first henna experience was sort of like this, and this is what I did: conditioner (any moisturizing conditioner) + HONEY+ EVOO. I DC with heat for 1 hour, rinsed, and re-applied it, heat for 1 hour, and my hair finally felt normal. I truly HTH.
Wow, Gymfreak, this is tough even to read, and I'm very sorry this happened to you. My first henna experience was sort of like this, and this is what I did: conditioner (any moisturizing conditioner) + HONEY+ EVOO. I DC with heat for 1 hour, rinsed, and re-applied it, heat for 1 hour, and my hair finally felt normal. I truly HTH.

Thanks for your suggestion...that sounds divine!
Wow....sorry to hear about this! Even though I love ayurvedic herbs and such, I had a run in with amla powder long ago and learned my lesson well. That is the only herb my hair and skin can't tolerate. I hope everyone trying these herbs for the first time will take it slow and do test patches, cause amla is not to be played with for fine-haired ladies.:nono:

ETA: Try lots of V05 conditioner and lustrasilk shea butter and mango, mixed with lots of coconut oil. It's a great mix to bring back moisture.