
New Member
Hey everyone!
Has anyone heard of the laser brush or comb? I really want one....I think I might get the comb, because I have micros, but I heard it is more expensive. Does anyone know if these work?? Please please let me know....I have super thin, fine, kinky hair, and I really need something to make it thicker! Which one do you guys think would be better with micros? Also, would they be effective on my scalp/hair if I'm wearing micros?

Thanks! :D
Hi Ladies,
I bought a laser comb, the one by Leimo. After some weeks I saw some improvement, but alas after nearly a year and a half no significant improvement from the laser comb- and the comb died to boot! So I can only speak for the Leimo brand I don't think the small improvement was worth the $200 buck I spent on Ebay for a new comb.
The best thing I did for my hair and scalp was a hair analysis:
The detailed report let me know what was going on up there. Turns out for me I have some blocked folicles due to hardened sebaceous oils and DHT excess. Now that I know the culprits, I can begin trying products taylored to my problem, like a good deep cleanser to remove dirt buildup and an enzyme blocker to decrease DHT and stimulate growth.
Hi Ladies,
I bought a laser comb, the one by Leimo. After some weeks I saw some improvement, but alas after nearly a year and a half no significant improvement from the laser comb- and the comb died to boot! So I can only speak for the Leimo brand, I don't think the small improvement was worth the $200 bucks I spent on Ebay for a new comb.
The best thing I did for my hair and scalp was a hair analysis:
The detailed report let me know what was going on up there. Turns out for me I have some blocked folicles due to hardened sebaceous oils and DHT excess. Now that I know the culprits, I can begin trying products taylored to my problem, like a good deep cleanser to remove dirt buildup and an enzyme blocker to decrease DHT and stimulate growth.

Thanks for the website!!!! I have actually considered doing that, but have never gotten around to it....I am wearing microbraids now, but I am taking them out in five weeks, so I will do it then...and then maybe, after that, I will get the comb, if that is what I need. I have heard the LEimo comb is not that good, supposedly the HAIRMAX comb is the real deal(a $600 REAL DEAL!! :p) Has anyone tried the HAIRMAX comb? Again, thank you sooo much Ravensunshine. Did you see more growth after you tried the new system? What were the results?

I want to get the Hairmax Laser comb, there was a report on Dateline (if not that show one of the investigative news shows) and they showed that the men who used the hair max showed improvement in their fight against baldness. $600 is a pretty steep price to pay though.
It is really expensive! It's also making me wonder, is this product targed more to men who are experencing an increase/decrease? in DHT? Would it then be helpful in really making my babyfine, 4a/4b hair thicker? My hairdresser told me that her grandma would get laser treatements once a month, and she died with a thick head of hair. So I am thinking there is something to it.... but maybe I should get my hair analysis first?
What do you ladies think? Any other thoughts on the laser brush/comb?