Ladies...would you trust your man to do your hair?


New Member
Reason I ask is because, last night I let my man trim my ends and even me up and can I say that he did a BOMB JOB! I got alot of complements on my hair when I got to work. Jokingly I told him I would love to teach him how to do my relaxer and he said he would do it. I love this man

But seriously, I would not let him because if he mess up that could cause problems
...but it got me wondering if any of you ladies let your man wash, trim, roll your hair...basically are they involved in your efforts to grow you hair?
My SWEETIE is a barber. I trust him with the clippers, when I need a shape-up.
That's as far as I'll let him go!!!
Reason I ask is because, last night I let my man trim my ends and even me up and can I say that he did a BOMB JOB! I got alot of complements on my hair when I got to work. Jokingly I told him I would love to teach him how to do my relaxer and he said he would do it. I love this man

But seriously, I would not let him because if he mess up that could cause problems
...but it got me wondering if any of you ladies let your man wash, trim, roll your hair...basically are they involved in your efforts to grow you hair?

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I told my husband I was going to have him start watching the hair dresser when I go to get my touch ups. I'd trust him more than a stranger. After he gets enough training (watching), we'll probably do a run through; Instead of using relaxer cream, we'll use shaving cream or something. Of course, this probably won't happen for another year, but I'm seriously thinking about it.
Heeeelllllll NO!!!

However...yes he is involved in my efforts to grow my hair...he hands me my satin bonnet whenever I'm too sleepy and forget to put it on at night.
My ex used to do my trims and he was the bomb. I think it was because he was just as dedicated to my hair being long as I was and he meticulously did whatever I told him to do. (A good quality in any man.) Anyway, its not a bad idea as long as you know your man pays as close attention to detail as you do. Its definately not for everyone.
Reason I ask is because, last night I let my man trim my ends and even me up and can I say that he did a BOMB JOB! I got alot of complements on my hair when I got to work. Jokingly I told him I would love to teach him how to do my relaxer and he said he would do it. I love this man

But seriously, I would not let him because if he mess up that could cause problems
...but it got me wondering if any of you ladies let your man wash, trim, roll your hair...basically are they involved in your efforts to grow you hair?

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When I was in my third trimester & didn't feel like grooming my hair, hubby did it for me. I was actually thinking about going to a stylist (
) cuz I just didn't feel like dealing with it. Yep, the raging hormones were making me insane to even contemplate seeking a stylist.

Well, hubby knew that i truly didn't want to go to a unknown / therefore untrusting stylist, so he took it upon himself to care for my hair. He washed, deep conditioned, trimmed & did several hideous rollersets, but hey, i had flowing curls when it was dry
. I also trust him with my touch ups, but the smell of it makes him sick,
. Of course I had to tell him what to do, but he follows directions very well.
lol... my sister told me that last week she was running short on funds and couldn't get her touch up; her hair looked so toe up that even the white guy on her job asked her what was wrong with her hair! anyway... she had never done her own relaxer and couldn't see well enough to do her kitchen so her man did it for her, he ended up doing the entire touch up! it came out ok too; although he didn't leave it in long enough...

as for me? no way!!!!!!!
i would trust him more than some stylists. see, the way i figure... the stylist ain't gonna... umm... want none later that night. he is. so he has more motivation to do a good job. and it seems to me that the reason stylists mess up is because they're in a rush to get you out of the chair. so they're extra sloppy. someone doing it for the first time... wanting to get some later... is going to be EXTRA careful. ya dig??


p.s. my ex-husband did my retouches for me a couple of times. he did a good job...
i would trust him more than some stylists. see, the way i figure... the stylist ain't gonna... umm... want none later that night. he is. so he has more motivation to do a good job. and it seems to me that the reason stylists mess up is because they're in a rush to get you out of the chair. so they're extra sloppy. someone doing it for the first time... wanting to get some later... is going to be EXTRA careful. ya dig??

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Oh, I dig
.... & I totally agree too
i would trust him more than some stylists. see, the way i figure... the stylist ain't gonna... umm... want none later that night. he is. so he has more motivation to do a good job. and it seems to me that the reason stylists mess up is because they're in a rush to get you out of the chair. so they're extra sloppy. someone doing it for the first time... wanting to get some later... is going to be EXTRA careful. ya dig??


p.s. my ex-husband did my retouches for me a couple of times. he did a good job...

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i would trust him more than some stylists. see, the way i figure... the stylist ain't gonna... umm... want none later that night. he is. so he has more motivation to do a good job. and it seems to me that the reason stylists mess up is because they're in a rush to get you out of the chair. so they're extra sloppy. someone doing it for the first time... wanting to get some later... is going to be EXTRA careful. ya dig??


p.s. my ex-husband did my retouches for me a couple of times. he did a good job...

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LOL!! Excellent point!
i would trust him more than some stylists. see, the way i figure... the stylist ain't gonna... umm... want none later that night. he is. so he has more motivation to do a good job. and it seems to me that the reason stylists mess up is because they're in a rush to get you out of the chair. so they're extra sloppy. someone doing it for the first time... wanting to get some later... is going to be EXTRA careful. ya dig??


p.s. my ex-husband did my retouches for me a couple of times. he did a good job...

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i would trust him more than some stylists. see, the way i figure... the stylist ain't gonna... umm... want none later that night. he is. so he has more motivation to do a good job. and it seems to me that the reason stylists mess up is because they're in a rush to get you out of the chair. so they're extra sloppy. someone doing it for the first time... wanting to get some later... is going to be EXTRA careful. ya dig??


p.s. my ex-husband did my retouches for me a couple of times. he did a good job...

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In addition to this, my Sweetie used to be a barber; and he does excellent trims....So Yes.....
Yes. Only because I'll never forget how he helped me take out my micro braids (both times) while I fell asleep on his lap. He stayed up really late doing it too. God I love this man
absolutely not!
Almost everyone in my boyfriend's family has type 2 hair. Even though his father is AA, he has type 1 hair. He still marvels over how/why my hair kinks up so much.
He thinks relaxers and greasing your scalp will solve all your hair care problems and he "shampoos" with Irish Spring soap!

He offers to hot comb, or "wome comb" as he calls it (yes, he is THAT country) my hair and I have passed every time.


wome comb = WARM comb
My ex used to do my trims and he was the bomb. I think it was because he was just as dedicated to my hair being long as I was and he meticulously did whatever I told him to do. (A good quality in any man.) Anyway, its not a bad idea as long as you know your man pays as close attention to detail as you do. Its definately not for everyone.

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too funny but so true.. I had to show my ex how to oil my scalp and wash, and massage it.. he ended up loving to do it all of the time
Yes i would let my man do my hair. he has even done a relaxer for me before and it turned out great. He has washed my head deep conditioned and oiled my hair. He gives the best scalp massages
they always make me sleepy
. The only thing he hasn't done is trim my hair. I have to teach him that one on a baby doll before he comes anywhere near my head with a pair of scissors.
Sure, my husband has touched me up and trimmed my hair back in the day when our funds were tight. It came out good enough for me.
Once I show him how to then I will. Now he shapes me up and trims, but that's it for now. So my answer would be yes.
Re: Ladies...would you trust your man to do your h

Yes I would, he trims my mom's hair once a month and she is pleased with it, he hasn't done mine yet though. He gives me his credit card to stock up on vits and is quite fascinated with he whole hair process since I joined this board. He asks questions and would do anything to help. He suggested washing my silk head scarf with shampoo instead of with the laundry which he does anyway. I love this man!!!
Re: Ladies...would you trust your man to do your h

Yes, he gives me a line when I need one. As far as a trim, I have asked him, but he won't do it. I guess he knows me well enough to know I would
him if messed up my hair.
Re: Ladies...would you trust your man to do your h
