Who do you trust to do your hair?

Who do you trust to do your hair

  • Friend

    Votes: 12 11.1%
  • Family Member

    Votes: 62 57.4%
  • SO

    Votes: 12 11.1%
  • Stylist

    Votes: 41 38.0%

  • Total voters
I trust my stylist she has been doing my hair for 20 years and mainly I just go to her for things that I have not master just yet but in time I believe I will go to her maybe 2 to 3 times a year possibly less....
I had a friend in denmark, who actually got me on to this hair board, she is the only one I trust with my hair, unfortunately we dont have any contact anymore :perplexed so now I do my own hair, I would really like to trust someone, but I feel like I've come tooo far to take any chances :look:
I trust family (on my mothers side only :perplexed) my husband, and my NY stylist.

I worked a job yesterday and this 1 caucasian stylist asked if she could curl my hair with her chi iron, because it was pretty and I told her no in the politest way, but when I told my husband about what I told her word for word he told me that I came across stuck up. Oh well :rolleyes:
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My mom.............she did my weaves for years...(before LHCF) and she has braided individuals for me twice this past year:yep::yep:...she is AWESOME:yep::yep:.........
I let my daughters do my hair. They are very good hair dressers. They do my twists, trims, measurements, whatever I need. Though not as fanatical about hair as I, they have learned quite a bit from this site and apply it well.
Just my aunts, especially my Aunt Shon. She braids like a professional without killing your scalp. She's been natural, relaxed, and everything in between. She knows hair. Her daughter is natural (BSL), too, and to see some of the styles she dreams up for that child's hair is unreal.
I actually do my own hair but the only person I trust with doing my hair is my aunt. She has been a beautician for over 30 yrs and trust me, she knows her stuff. She taught me how to properly deep condition, how to trim my ends, and she even takes a hair follicle and studies it under her microscope. My auntie taught me a lot and I would actually be lost and looking a hot mess without her.
Just me and my mom. NO ONE is as careful putting a relaxer in my hair as my mother. She gave me a phytorelaxer at home once and it was better than any one that I ever had done at the shop.

I had been going to Dom stylists, but as my hair has gotten a little longer and I have been stretching my relaxer, I noticed them yanking my hair! so now I don't trust them anymore.
No one but myself! Nobody loves and cares about my hair the way that I do.

I ditto that girlfriend! I am anti stylist for everything. I even considered going to a stylist to get professional color done, but I just don't trust them. They just see clients as little mini- ATM machines and want to get as much out of you as they can. Basically, if I can't do it..it won't get done.
I trust my stylist 100% as she practices healthy haircare routines and the second person is my mom. I only trust her for certain things though, like braiding my hair even though she does it tight as a mother!
Option not listed ... MYSELF :yep::yep:
I don't think anyone will handle my hair as delicate as I do, I know how much manipulation and product is enough but others don't b/c if they did I wouldn't be here... :nono::nono:
I voted my SO and stylist. I trust my stylist with the chemical, myself for the rest, and my SO with scalp massages.
Wow that is a hard one for me, i don't think i can choose because i don't trust anyone.

My DH did the BC for me, i used to get my mum to cornrow my hair for me but other than that i have to do everything myself (not that i do much to my hair anyway).

In the future if i decide to do anything drastic to my hair, im sure i'll do it myself or i might go to a stylist but only after hard research to feel confident that they know what they're doing :perplexed.
I didn't vote because there wasn't one for Me, Myself and I
I'm the aunt/sister/mother that does everybody's hair
My mom and my auntie who is a beautician. It used to be them and my older sister, but when I was relaxed my sister braided my hair too tight (regular cornrows) and it ended up breaking off. This is one of the reasons why I did the BC. If she ever does my hair again I'm going to be extra cautious:yep:
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Just Me. Love my mom, but she doesn't really take good care of her hair and kinda doesn't really seem receptive to my gentle nudges. She has a friend whose really nice and straightened my hair. But she wasn't consistent when I asked her to use the heat protector I brought. And she kept going over pieces of hair tooooo many times. As a result, I ended up cutting off straight strands later.

So yea, just me. Others I'll let in my head under my strict supervision and instruction. ^^;
I trust my mom and my sister. My sister was the only one that ever did my hair for our formals in high school and my mom never jacked up our heads when we were young. I would trust my SO to do my hair because he's so used to watching me while I'm doing my hair.
Just myself as other ladies have said, everyone else I know can do styles but they dont care at all about my hair and practice unhealthy hair acts.
I only trust three people (beside myself, lol) with my hair. That's my Grandmother, my mother, and my friend. I trust my grandmother for when it's time to apply my relaxer. She used to work as a colorist for a salon so she knows how to apply the relaxer just to the NG because she's used to coloring just people's NG. I trust my mother when it comes to braiding my hair and relaxing it (though I prefer to have my grandmother relax my hair). And I trust my friend when it comes to advice on hair care products and supplements to take. She's "in the know" when it comes to these things because she does lots of research. She's the one who turned me on to taking spirulina as a supplement and drinking green tea for antioxidants. She's also the one who introduced me to more natural ways of taking care of my hair (such as using conditioners with mostly natural ingredients in them, etc)
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I would have to see a stylist work before i trust her hands in my hair, and do only as i request. Last time i trusted a friend i came out under processed and lost 51/2'' of progress. There is one other friend i have though who is a member of BHM i would trust her too.