Ladies who go the salon I have a ??????. Vent


Hi Ladies,
I'm not new here mostly just a lurker. But I really had to come out of hiding and as ask you ladies something. Recently, I just started going back to the hair salon because I was having some major issues with my hair, damage, shedding, breakage, so I went for help. But as I was at the salon I got major frustrated because it seems to me that the stylist was hiding disguising every product that she put in my hair. Has anyone else experienced this. I mean everytime she put a product in my hair it was disguised in a plain ol spray bottle. I would ask what is this and what is that and I just got some vague answer like Oh that's just a deep conditioner, or that's a moisturizing shampoo, etc. etc. etc. maybe it's just me but I was under the impression that she didn't want me to know what products she was using, especially after I even asked and still did not get a specific answer.:wallbash: My hair felt great for the most part but I would like to know what she's using, and why she picked this particular product or that product for my hair. I'm trying to whip my hair back in shape with the help of going to a professional/salon, but if they're going to be secretive and play games, just forget it. So salon user's have any of you come across this kind of craziness. Sorry for the long vent.
I have observed that on several occasions...I have also observed them pouring like discount bulk items into nicer bottles like Mizani, Keracare, etc...I think they know that now with the internet you can get the same products as them and with a lot of us upping our technique they worried about losing business...but what they dont realize that if they took the time to learn our hair and take care of it and teach us to do the same they would have clients for life...oh wells...I refuse to go to a salon this calendar year---unless I can get a consultation with Reniece
Sorry you had to deal with that stylist. My stylist always lets me know exactly what products she uses in my hair; the salon carries mostly all the products, so it is only advantageous that stylists let customers know what they are using. Even if the salon doesn't carry a certain product, she lets me know what it is upon request, and even gave me a bottle of heat protectant the salon didn't carry once.
Sounds to me like your stylist is afraid that if you know what products she uses, you won't come back, and that she's more concerned about your dependency on her than the health of your hair. Not good; I'd consider getting a new stylist if I were you.
I haven't had this experience, but it does not surprise me at all.

Whereas you said you would stop going if she'd continue to be so secretive, she probably thinks that her "magic potions" will keep you coming back for more LOL
Before I moved, my favorite stylist always told me what she was using. She sold the products in her salon, so it was to her benefit to do so. I would get my services and products from her.
That sounds like a red flag to me. I refuse to see a stylist who doesn't help me learn how to take care of my hair. I don't go to the salon often but my stylist loves telling me new products she's been using and the latest gadgets (flat irons, blowdryers, FHI clips). She even gives me advice on how to rollerset.
I've been to stylists like that.
And nail techs.
It's just a form of loss-prevention. You can already watch they are doing, so if you know what they are using, then you can just go and buy those products and start replicating salon results. And if you do that, then you won't ever come back, thus taking money out of their pockets.

But I'm curious...why didn't you just ask around here? I'm sure someone would have known what to do.
I use to go to a stylist many years ago who did that. She had all her products in the back and all of them were hidden in different containers. It could be that she ordered in bulk and use different containers to carry things easier or it really could be that she is shady. Knowing her she was more shady then trust worthy

Maybe its like KFC or certain restaurants who have a "secret recipes" They don't want you to find out so you can do it all your self. Even that I wouldn't trust.
The one stylist I ever had decent results from before I went DIY, ALWAYS used the original containers and LOVED to let you know what he was using, why and encouraged you to use the rest of the line's products to keep your hair up in between visits.

I had others who did what your stylist did. They didn't see me again.

Particularly after one of them sprayed something on my SCALP that burned MORE that the average relaxer burn. When I actually cried out in pain and asked her what it was horrified (I fully turned around in the chair to look at her, the pain was that bad and LINGERED), she just laughed it off and went to the back to put it away.

She didn't see me again either, for the record, LOL.
I just went to the salon this past weekend after years of not going. I asked the sylist what she was using on my hair, and she flat out told me she wasn't telling me in a joking manner.

That did rub me the wrong way, but in the end she did recommend some products to use and my hair did turn out great.

I probably could do everything she did if I had the right products. Obviously my hair loves whatever she was using b/c it never comes out this silky or bouncy for me (I have 4a/b natural hair).

I'll find out eventually