Ladies who flat iron; how do you section/seperate to get it done?


Well-Known Member
I know this must seem like a stupid question, but when I flat iron, it seems like a task and I never know the quickest but most accurate way to get it done. Do you seperate your hair in quadrants or halves or what not and then do little sections from there? Do you start from the front or the back?

In a lot of flat ironing videos, I dont really see where they start, or how the seperate it, usually because they edit it to show them starting and then right when they're just about done. Even in ateyaa's video's, I've seen her start in different area's and I'm looking for some idea's that might help me.

Can you tell me how you go about it?:grin:
Yep I divide my hair in 4 sections. Then starting in one the sections in the back/nape area take small pieces and flatiron them. Then move to the next back section. Then on to one of the front sections. I always flatiron back/nape to front.
I use a CHI iron and I part my hair down the middle. Clip one hlaf to the side, out of my way, and start with small sections on the other side from the bottom all the way to the top. Then I do the other half the same way. Its kind of time consuming but the results are salon quality. :-) If I may say so myself. lololol
I start in the back with thin sections and just work my way up my head. I do my hairline separate.

But the four section method sounds good too...
Yep I divide my hair in 4 sections. Then starting in one the sections in the back/nape area take small pieces and flatiron them. Then move to the next back section. Then on to one of the front sections. I always flatiron back/nape to front.

This is what I do also and sometimes I divide in six sections (front is thicker than the back)