Ladies of the Northern Winters


New Member
Hey Y'all! I'm really new, so hopefully this works!
Alright, so I'm from Wisconsin where the winters are comparable to those of ANTARTICA. Consequently, I have to fight VICIOUSLY to keep my hair moisturized from the paper-dry air and the evil cold, especially when walking around on campus. I've never had issues with wearing hats, but they obviously don't help with locking in moisture. So, about a month ago I decided to start wearing a plastic shower cap UNDER my hat (as ghetto as this sounds, it's awesome for locking in moisture.) Anyway, all I did was grab a pack of cheap caps from Sally's, and before I even leave the house, whether I'm going to be outdoors for a SECOND or HOURS, I lightly coat my hair and ends with Hot 6 Oil, throw on the cap, the hat, and I'm out! It works like a CHARM! AND it doesn't mess your 'do up! That's my strategy. But I want to know what you ladies do to protect your hair from these winters 'cause dag! They're KILLER for our hair!! Oh, and you can take the cap off WITH the hat, so no one notices. As far as putting it back on...hit up the restroom!
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Why don't hats keep in moisture for you?Maybe you need to line your hats with silk or satin.Where I am experiences temperatures comparable to Wisconsin and my silk lined hat is what saves my hair.Also silk lined hats don't mess up your hairstyle.I usually wear a pony and tuck it all into the hat so no hair is left out.When I reach my destination and remove it ,surprisingly,my hair is neater than before I put it on.
Lol! Thanks Katie! I don't have a silk-lined hat. I've been looking around for one...maybe not hard enough. I could wear a silk bonnet under my hat though...
And beware of those wool scarves. They may be cute but boy, they can do a number on your hair. Try wearing a silk scarf around your shoulders (especially if your coat is wool too). That way your ends won't get ripped out by the fabric. I usually wear my hair up, but I do this anyway to protect my, ahem... :look: "kitchen" area.
LDebagoria said:
Lol! Thanks Katie! I don't have a silk-lined hat. I've been looking around for one...maybe not hard enough. I could wear a silk bonnet under my hat though...

I couldn't find a silk lined hat either.I bought a normal wool hat and a large piece of silk.I had a seamstress line it for me.
Humidifiers are good too! Keep one in your dorm room to keep the air moist, this is good because it replenishes some of the moisture in your hair. Deep conditioning/moisturizing treatments are most in artic type weather as well.
I'm not a hot oil fan, but boy it does wonders to help hair dried by winter weather. I did a few and rinsed it out (rather than pooing it out), so alot of the oil was left in my hair. It wasn't as bad as I thought when it came to styling (twistout) and it's left my hair improved ever since. ;)