Ladies, how do you protect/care for your hair in the winter??

For the past few winters I rotated between braided buns, half wigs, phony ponies, braids and weaves. This winter I will be rotating between buns, weaves and half wigs.
I don't really change my routine, I just switch up my products. For example. Qhemet Biologics Amla and Olive heavy cream is too much for my hair duing the warmer months, but works like a charm (in very small quantities) in the winter.
I plan to do like I did last fall/winter....WIG IT UP!!! I plan to stretch my relaxers longer this way. I got my sister wearing half-wigs now as well. This method worked wonders for my hair last year. This, along with my regime..I might make my goal.

Thanks, hs. I want/need to investigate more about this. For one, I've never seen a half wig that I liked. Any suggestions (online) for purchase? Plus, I have not a clue how to wear them. Like I said, much to do in this area. We're experiencing Indian summer which usually means in a few days the bottom will fall out, i.e.,cold as a witch's tit coming veerrry shortly. I need to get on this now.
I was just thinking of how am I going to cowash and wet bun in the winter without getting also and how am I going to accessorize this bun... do I get earmuffs??? Lol.. because i don't think I can wear a hat and the bun..
I'm trying to figure this one out too...this winter I'll be working downtown and requires me to walk at least a block to my building. So, I need to protect my hair and cover my head :ohwell:

I'm thinking of getting something like this, a hooded scarf:
I'm trying to figure this one out too..
I'm thinking of getting something like this . . .

I'm going to crochet lock crowns out of acrylic (to not pull out hair) and I'm going to start with the rasta type crown like the one I made for this customer. I may also use other materials (which I would line with silk/satin so as to not pull hair).


I will customize it to fit around/over my baby bun. Whoa yeah :yep:
i wear twists, use heavier products and oil consistently. and i use a satin cap that you sleep in under my winter hats!
BRAIDS..... that is always my winter regime. Come think of it, that's also my summer, spring, and fall.:lachen:

Seriously, I use to wonder why all those fine older black women had silk scarves around their collars... it's to protect your hair against the wool on your coat and the constant rubbing that will shed you.

So you may wanna check up on the bun as a protective, at least outside or if you wanna leave your hair out then you need a scarf to prevent rubbing.
i wear twists, use heavier products and oil consistently. and i use a satin cap that you sleep in under my winter hats!

YUP!!! ITA!! This has been my routine for years. I CERTAINLY understand funky weather. I am in NE Ohio and it's been like in the 70's all week, but by sat/sun the highs will be 40's. Soooo I am pulling out my satin cap lined winter hats.

TIP: it was super easy to get a $2-3 satin sleep cap and sew it into your favorite winter hat. This way you can grab it and go, not worrying that it will cause damage to your hair. :)
I live in NYC, and this is going to be my first very cold season as a natural. When I did my BC in January, I was on hiatus in Texas. Texas winters are a joke so I didn't have to do much.

I went out tonight and was wearing a scarf and it kept snagging on the hair at my nape and now the hair is all tangly. I'm guessing I'll have to invest in some silk/satin scarves because if I wear cotton, I won't have a nape by January.:rolleyes:

I've also stopped doing daily WnG's and I've noticed that my hair is softer. Strange, huh?

Well anyway, I want to know how you ladies protect your hair in the winter. Do you change up your regimens? Use different products? And I would also like some tips on how you physically protect your hair from clothing like scarves, turtle necks, coats, etc.

Everyone please chime in, but I'd especially like to hear what other naturals are doing.

Welcome to NY winters. LOL. And you're right on time for a bad one, because this year is supposed to be one of the worse winter's we've had a awhile. I'm not natural but I figure keeping hair moist is a struggle we all have to deal with.
Some of these things other memebers have suggested but I'm just repeating them because they've worked for me too:
- Weekly deep conditioning (i got lazy with this over the summer but it's a MUST in the winter)
- co-washing every 2-3 days with a heavy conditioner (i don't even know if you could call what I do co-washing, i just soak the hair with warm water to open the cuticles and add moisture, slap the conditioner on and leave on about 90% of it)
- I wear my hair up off my shoulders and away from my scarf and clothing ALWAYS
- No hats
- moisturize daily