Ladies: Meet The Most 'swiped- Right' Man On Tinder

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The most 'swiped-right' man on dating app Tinder


It's Valentine's Day - and for many single people it may be difficult to find a date. But not for Stefan - the most coveted man on dating app Tinder. He receives more "swipe-rights" than any other man on the app, as he explains to the BBC's Victoria Derbyshire programme.

Name: Stefan-Pierre Tomlin

Job: Fashion model. Previously worked as a toy demonstrator in Hamleys and Harrods.

Height: 6'2"

Age: 26


Claim to fame: The most swiped-right man on Tinder.

Popularity: I get around 40 matches a day. The number's doubled in the last month alone - I've had to turn my notifications off.

Relationship status: I've been single for around seven months now. I was seeing someone, but it didn't really work out.

Do you enjoy being single? When I find the right girl, I'm more than happy to settle down - I want someone who will be my best friend as well as a partner. But as I get older, there is a bit more added pressure to find someone. My mum drops little hints here and there that she wants to be a grandma.


Time spent on Tinder: Quite often half an hour a day, sometimes just 10 minutes.

Tips for success: Have a bit of character on your bio, definitely. There's no point in just being good looking in photos if you're bland to talk to. I always look for personality - someone who can have a laugh. One of my own previous bios was simply "Model. Too stupid to write a bio," playing on the idea that models aren't supposed to be clever.

And when it comes to starting the conversation: I'm looking for someone who has a good opening line, something funny or that makes them stand out. One match recently started with "so what gives you the privilege of me swiping right?". That's been one of the best.


What are your interests? I'm really into aviation. I used to be in the RAF air cadets, so I have a pilot's licence to fly the Cessna 152, a fixed-wing plane.

How often do you date? I don't get a lot of time because of my job. I've probably only been on five or six while on Tinder, but I have also met people at events with my work - so it's not just dating apps.

What are you like on a date? I'd say I'm shy to start off with, and then I warm up and become more confident. I like to think I'm good at getting the conversation flowing, but I think everyone finds first dates can become a bit like an interview with all the questions!

What's your worst Valentine's Day date? There was one time when I made lots of effort, with my girlfriend at that point. I bought lots of little gifts for her, and we went to a really nice restaurant - but I just got nothing back in return. Not even a card.

Do you have a Valentine's date this year? Yes, I'm going on a second date with a girl I met on Tinder - to a nice restaurant in Knightsbridge in London.

Are you paying? Of course! It would be rude not to.

Oh no. If he's the best they got I'm glad I'm not on Tinder. And when I see professional photos on dating sites I automatically think fake orrrrr this is the best pic they have because they're *****. No thanks. The many random white girls can keep him.

Really? I didn't even fake curse. Why did I get starred out?
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