Ladies how'd you get your man?


New Member
Ok, so here's the thing. You ever see a guy and decide that he is going to be your's? I mean, not blatantly in your face persue him, but still set out to get him and succeed?
Do you all get where I'm coming from? You know you want him, he may not know you, or know that he wants you, but you cleverly help him realize that you are the woman of his dreams :grin:
How did you go about weaving the web? :sekret:
Come on ladies, I want all the dirt...
Shucks. I pulled out all weapons when I knew I wanted DH to be mine. I can't remember everything right now, but I showed off my best qualities to make myself as original and compelling as possible.

(Remember this was towards my DH, every guy is different)
I was:
- listening to everything he said and remembering it for preparation of more weapons:yep:
- inviting myself into his life in a flirty way (i.e. He says, "I've never been to X place before" I say, "So, when will we go there?":grin:)
- threw our compatibility in his face (i.e. I'd listen to different things he said and then bring them up days down the line as a quality I liked in a man...He says, "I'm a country boy..I use to shell corn as a child" ...I say days later so I wont sound obvious "You know, all my family is from the country, I can appreciate a good country boy.." :grin:)
- touch him off guard during the conversation..NOT when laughing because that's so fake. I mean touching his hand or something when I'm making a point or when I'm responding to him

When we were talking/dating
- cooking him his favorite foods and showing him how "non-high maintenance" I am instead of wanting to go out to eat every date,
- chatting about things he never knew females my age had an interest in (i.e. politics, philosophy, college sports),

eta: I was trying everything. 3 girls were wanting to date him and were calling him up when we started talking. It was all or nothing! :look:
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I was just being myself. I didn't do anything EXTRA. Take me or leave me for the NEXT man.

I think women should be themselves and not try hard to get a man.
I was just being myself. I didn't do anything EXTRA. Take me or leave me for the NEXT man.

I think women should be themselves and not try hard to get a man.

MzTami, did you notice him before he made advances and thought he was attractive? Or did you not even know he existed until he came knocking (if thats the case). .....Please excuse me if i'm too personal.
I met my husband online(AOL). We met the next day at my job. I thought he was average looking, but his conversation and personality made me fall for him.
Keeping a sweet, meek spirit
Making sure I always looked pretty (not necessarily sexy)
Having meaningful conversation
Putting all my heart in soul into cooking for him

I didn't pursue him perse... but while being pursued, these things sure did help. :yep:
He came into my job and I spoke with him. The following day I received a letter from him and he wanted to get to know me better.
I did this with my DH, well sort of...I had just gotten back on the dating scene seriously when I met my DH. The first evening we really talked about status (single, kids, dating seriously, etc.) I had a date so as we were wrapping up I was like "it was great speaking with you but I do need to run-I don't like to keep people waiting" (I left the door open for him to ask who???) I replied "oh I have a date this evening-take care"! :grin: We still laugh about this. I wanted him to know that I had options cause like ClassyND there were females sniffing around and I had to set myself apart. That was the first step...after that I was really just myself BUT I made sure I paid attention ( I still do this). You would be amazed how many things people miss because they don't listen or pay attention. My DH likes limes in his cokes so I would call and say "I have the limes, you bring the coke" he would be amazed that I even noticed things like that. But trust step #1 sealed the deal!!!
Well this isn't my current SO, but it was my college sweetheart.

It started out in high school. He was a grade older than me, but because I was advanced in mathematics skills I was always placed a grade ahead in math classes. I spotted him when I was in 10th and he was in 11th. HUUUUGE crush for the entire year. The following year with me in 11th and him in 12th, HUUUUGE crush the entire year again. At the end of that school year when there was only 1 day left for the senior class I told my bff that I had a super crush on this dude who was a senior and I'll probably never see him again in my life. Her crazy butt said,"just do it. Tell him. You said it yourself, if he turns you down, at least you'll never see him again :lol:"

So despite being the shy and quiet girl I was, I decided that at lunch period I would walk up to his table and let her rip. My heart was pounding the entire lunch hour as I first spotted his location, observed his mood, and waited patiently for all of his boys to get up (they used to play cards during lunchtime) so that I can make my way over. Magic! All but him and another guy were left; since the bell would be ringing in 2 minutes, I thought to myself, 'It's now or never'. This would be the first words I had ever spoken to him. Once I got to his table I said,

Me: Hey, my name is [foxxymami], do you remember me?
Him: Yeah
Me: Oh yeah, where do you know me from then?
Him We took Ms. B's class together
Me: Oh okay well I wanted to tell you that I think you're cute. This is your last day and all so I just wanted to let you know before you leave.
Him: (blushing) Ok
Me: So, here's my phone number and you can call me if you're interested.

I gave him my number and me and my friend walked away of course I screamed in disbelief cuz I couldn't believe what I'd just done!!!!!! :yahoo:All I know is that when I was at his table he was really quiet and didn't say much. I didnt think he'd call. His graduation came and went and just as I was about to give up hope, he called!! The rest, as they say, is history. We were together for about 5 years. It was a cool college relationship and he became my first love, but because we both still had a lot of maturing to do, it didn't work out. I always think it's such a cute story and to this day I still can't believe I walked up to him like that!! :lol:
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Well this isn't my current SO, but it was my college sweetheart.

It started out in high school. He was a grade older than me, but because I was advanced in mathematics skills I was always placed a grade ahead in math classes. I spotted him when I was in 10th and he was in 11th. HUUUUGE crush for the entire year. The following year with me in 11th and him in 12th, HUUUUGE crush the entire year again. At the end of that school year when there was only 1 day left for the senior class I told my bff that I had a super crush on this dude who was a senior and I'll probably never see him again in my life. Her crazy butt said,"just do it. Tell him. You said it yourself, if he turns you down, at least you'll never see him again :lol:"

So despite being the shy and quiet girl I was, I decided that at lunch period I would walk up to his table and let her rip. My heart was pounding the entire lunch hour as I first spotted his location, observed his mood, and waited patiently for all of his boys to get up (they used to play cards during lunchtime) so that I can make my way over. Magic! All but him and another guy were left; since the bell would be ringing in 2 minutes, I thought to myself, 'It's now or never'. This would be the first words I had ever spoken to him. Once I got to his table I said,

Me: Hey, my name is [foxxymami], do you remember me?
Him: Yeah
Me: Oh yeah, where do you know me from then?
Him We took Ms. B's class together
Me: Oh okay well I wanted to tell you that I think you're cute. This is your last day and all so I just wanted to let you know before you leave.
Him: (blushing) Ok
Me: So, here's my phone number and you can call me if you're interested.

I gave him my number and me and my friend walked away of course I screamed in disbelief cuz I couldn't believe what I'd just done!!!!!! :yahoo:All I know is that when I was at his table he was really quiet and didn't say much. I didnt think he'd call. His graduation came and went and just as I was about to give up hope, he called!! The rest, as they say, is history. We were together for about 5 years. It was a cool college relationship and he became my first love, but because we both still had a lot of maturing to do, it didn't work out. I always think it's such a cute story and to this day I still can't believe I walked up to him like that!! :lol:

Dang that was smooth. I doubt I'd have the guts to bring it like that. You go girl. :up:
Shucks. I pulled out all weapons when I knew I wanted DH to be mine. I can't remember everything right now, but I showed off my best qualities to make myself as original and compelling as possible.

(Remember this was towards my DH, every guy is different)
I was:
- listening to everything he said and remembering it for preparation of more weapons:yep:
- inviting myself into his life in a flirty way (i.e. He says, "I've never been to X place before" I say, "So, when will we go there?":grin:)
- threw our compatibility in his face (i.e. I'd listen to different things he said and then bring them up days down the line as a quality I liked in a man...He says, "I'm a country boy..I use to shell corn as a child" ...I say days later so I wont sound obvious "You know, all my family is from the country, I can appreciate a good country boy.." :grin:)
- touch him off guard during the conversation..NOT when laughing because that's so fake. I mean touching his hand or something when I'm making a point or when I'm responding to him

When we were talking/dating
- cooking him his favorite foods and showing him how "non-high maintenance" I am instead of wanting to go out to eat every date,
- chatting about things he never knew females my age had an interest in (i.e. politics, philosophy, college sports),

eta: I was trying everything. 3 girls were wanting to date him and were calling him up when we started talking. It was all or nothing! :look:

This is a cute story:)
I let SO pursue and court me.

BUT while he did his wooing, I:

-Found out he liked lemon pound cake with cream cheese icing so I made this for him every now and again. :lick:
-Made him my banana pudding which he claims is better than his own mom's recipe :grin:
-Would ask him to come over to watch football (I am a sports fanatic too) and made homemade enchiladas, tamales, chile con queso and chips and margaritas. Let him watch and eat. :lol:
-Send little e-mails every now and again to his job just to say 'hi'
-During the first 6mos I didn't see him every day, just a couple of times a week
-Go to college sports games with him or go fishing or to the lake
-When he suggested a Sunday brunch date I set up so we could go to the driving range (he had never golfed) and then get a cone or ice cream afterward

I think men appreciate the little things you do, just like I appreciate things he does for me.
Shucks. I pulled out all weapons when I knew I wanted DH to be mine. I can't remember everything right now, but I showed off my best qualities to make myself as original and compelling as possible.

(Remember this was towards my DH, every guy is different)
I was:
- listening to everything he said and remembering it for preparation of more weapons:yep:
- inviting myself into his life in a flirty way (i.e. He says, "I've never been to X place before" I say, "So, when will we go there?":grin:)
- threw our compatibility in his face (i.e. I'd listen to different things he said and then bring them up days down the line as a quality I liked in a man...He says, "I'm a country boy..I use to shell corn as a child" ...I say days later so I wont sound obvious "You know, all my family is from the country, I can appreciate a good country boy.." :grin:)
- touch him off guard during the conversation..NOT when laughing because that's so fake. I mean touching his hand or something when I'm making a point or when I'm responding to him

When we were talking/dating
- cooking him his favorite foods and showing him how "non-high maintenance" I am instead of wanting to go out to eat every date,
- chatting about things he never knew females my age had an interest in (i.e. politics, philosophy, college sports),

eta: I was trying everything. 3 girls were wanting to date him and were calling him up when we started talking. It was all or nothing! :look:

Ooooohhhh, you're sneaky! :grin:
Apparently it worked out fine! :)
lol some of these stories are hilarious... I really have no idea how i ended up with SO.. I never thought he would date me due to cultural differences. But i got him by helping him study.. Lol we are both in school so i was just supportive with helping him with tests and things that i already know... he said that my intellegence impressed him
I stalked his ass :sekret:. I ain't playing. I saw him when I was in the sixth grade. He was in the 8th grade. I knew I wanted him. For the next 4 years I found myself dating guys that had features similar to his- usually his long eyelashes or thick eyebrows.

One day my bff and I were at the bowling ally and he was there with his friends. She said that she was going to tell him that I liked him and give him my number. I begged her not to do that but when she made it clear that she was going to do it anyway, I gave in. I asked her to wait until I walked out of the building first.

She gave him my number and he didn't call me that night so I was devastated. He called the next day though and we've been together ever since.

I remember sitting in class in high school and reading and re-reading his letters until I got the new one. I'd always tell my math teacher that I was going to marry him. She thought I was crazy. My dreams will come true in a month.
I stalked his ass :sekret:. I ain't playing. I saw him when I was in the sixth grade. He was in the 8th grade. I knew I wanted him. For the next 4 years I found myself dating guys that had features similar to his- usually his long eyelashes or thick eyebrows.

One day my bff and I were at the bowling ally and he was there with his friends. She said that she was going to tell him that I liked him and give him my number. I begged her not to do that but when she made it clear that she was going to do it anyway, I gave in. I asked her to wait until I walked out of the building first.

She gave him my number and he didn't call me that night so I was devastated. He called the next day though and we've been together ever since.

I remember sitting in class in high school and reading and re-reading his letters until I got the new one. I'd always tell my math teacher that I was going to marry him. She thought I was crazy. My dreams will come true in a month.

AWWWW..that's so sweet. Congrats! I wish I was that brave :yep:.
I ran away:look:. Seriously, that boy was stalking me down from the first moment he saw me. He always says I was looking quite foxy the night we met and that I hooked him from first sight. I had just gotten out of a relationship so I wan't really looking for anyone, but he wined and dined me so much I ended up caving in. I'd stalked a guy in the past and it blew up in my face, so I decided to take a play it cool approach and it worked.
Congrats Kia.. you go girl.

Well mine is my friends Brother. All I did was walk in the room and ignore his arse. He kept following me with his eyes. He ask my friend (his sis) my number she told him you better be up to par she will eat you alive. Sometime later my friend and I went shopping he was there helping us with the bags. We start looking thru the stuff I look up homeboy is holding my pink VS lace trim boyshorts in his hands. (I almost died) he has a dumb look on his face. I knew he was mine. I still bug him about the panties story.
I stalked his ass :sekret:. I ain't playing. I saw him when I was in the sixth grade. He was in the 8th grade. I knew I wanted him. For the next 4 years I found myself dating guys that had features similar to his- usually his long eyelashes or thick eyebrows.

One day my bff and I were at the bowling ally and he was there with his friends. She said that she was going to tell him that I liked him and give him my number. I begged her not to do that but when she made it clear that she was going to do it anyway, I gave in. I asked her to wait until I walked out of the building first.

She gave him my number and he didn't call me that night so I was devastated. He called the next day though and we've been together ever since.

I remember sitting in class in high school and reading and re-reading his letters until I got the new one. I'd always tell my math teacher that I was going to marry him. She thought I was crazy. My dreams will come true in a month.

I loooove your story!! Congrats with many blessings!!!!!
I like to say its my swag lol.

But I like to maintain and stay true to myself because I cannot keep up the charade of acting lol.

But some of the traits my ex's commented on that they really liked about me was my low key personality , intelligence, and that I usually connect with them on a level they never really get from women. Maybe it's because I grew up in a male dominated household. A lot of my friends say I think like a dude lol.

I'm attentive and pay attention to small details. I also let a man be a man.
Hmmmm, well I didn't do anything my hubby stalked me. His tricks: he was always at the parties and things I was at, he was super funny, he was looking good, he was extra sweet.....uh I think that is it. I really hated him at first so this might work for you as well. Really I did not like him but he was so funny and always there. I think he had a tracking device on my a**.:sekret::hide:
these are some sweet stories...

but yea i try to woo mostly with my swag and show them that im different then other females:

no drama---no ex's stalking and ready to jump out(example i had a ex that i used this with tell me majority of the females he dealt with in the past were young and full of drama or had kids and baby daddies that were crazy) i used it to my advantage to show that i didnt have any sort of drama.

sexy---kept myself together---shoes, clothes know matter the size worked with it and looked good...

goals----i had goals of working and in school working on higher degrees(i still am doing so sometimes this also gets a man and sets you apart from some of the women depending on what they have dealt with in the past.)

so basically its my swagger.

i dont think you should have to make to much drastic changes to get a man...i havent seen one yet that I want to pursue..but i really dont believe in pursuing men and let myself being pursued.