Ladies, how do you protect/care for your hair in the winter??


New Member
I live in NYC, and this is going to be my first very cold season as a natural. When I did my BC in January, I was on hiatus in Texas. Texas winters are a joke so I didn't have to do much.

I went out tonight and was wearing a scarf and it kept snagging on the hair at my nape and now the hair is all tangly. I'm guessing I'll have to invest in some silk/satin scarves because if I wear cotton, I won't have a nape by January.:rolleyes:

I've also stopped doing daily WnG's and I've noticed that my hair is softer. Strange, huh?

Well anyway, I want to know how you ladies protect your hair in the winter. Do you change up your regimens? Use different products? And I would also like some tips on how you physically protect your hair from clothing like scarves, turtle necks, coats, etc.

Everyone please chime in, but I'd especially like to hear what other naturals are doing.
I plan to do like I did last fall/winter....WIG IT UP!!! I plan to stretch my relaxers longer this way. I got my sister wearing half-wigs now as well. This method worked wonders for my hair last year. This, along with my regime..I might make my goal.
The wig thing is a really good idea, the only problem is that sometimes I model hair (see siggy) and I hate the way I look in wigs. I have yet to find one that I don't need a face full of makeup to pull off. When my face is natural, the wig takes over my face.

Do you take your wigs to salons to get them styled to fit your face? I might consider doing that if I can find a nice one.
The wig thing is a really good idea, the only problem is that sometimes I model hair (see siggy) and I hate the way I look in wigs. I have yet to find one that I don't need a face full of makeup to pull off. When my face is natural, the wig takes over my face.

Do you take your wigs to salons to get them styled to fit your face? I might consider doing that if I can find a nice one.

I don't care for full wigs, just half wigs. That way, they show my face, and the hairline looks real. They actually look quite natural when I wear them.
I'm relaxed. I use a silk scarf to protect my hair during the winter. I really like to use qhemet's products(amla olive heavy cream and burdock root butter) during this time as well. GA winters are aren't that bad but it's cold enough to suck the moisture out of your hair.

You look great in your avi and siggy!!! Very pretty.
I am still using my same regimen..moisturizing lightly 2x a day w/ Seyani hair butter and wearing my hair in a bun on the top of my head so it won't touch anything everyday. As it gets colder I plan to wear my silk scarf around my neck/shoulders so my hair doesn't touch my jacket and if I wear a hat I will wear a satin breatheable scarf under it so the cold won't dry out my tresses. I think as long as we maintain moisture and protective style it we'll be fine.
I am going to wear a wig. I have 3 big cornrows. I protect my hair with satin and put that wig on. I look forward to it cooling down and not having to worry about messing up my hair when I take my hat off.
I'm relaxed. I use a silk scarf to protect my hair during the winter. I really like to use qhemet's products(amla olive heavy cream and burdock root butter) during this time as well. GA winters are aren't that bad but it's cold enough to suck the moisture out of your hair.

You look great in your avi and siggy!!! Very pretty.

Thank you!

Thanks for the responses ladies. My SO is mailing me some of my silk scarves from Texas.

I don't see myself changing up my reggie too much, other than cutting back on the co-washing. I'm seriously thinking about doing the wigs though.
I was just thinking of how am I going to cowash and wet bun in the winter without getting also and how am I going to accessorize this bun... do I get earmuffs??? Lol.. because i don't think I can wear a hat and the bun..
I plan to do like I did last fall/winter....WIG IT UP!!! I plan to stretch my relaxers longer this way. I got my sister wearing half-wigs now as well. This method worked wonders for my hair last year. This, along with my regime..I might make my goal.

this is a great idea
in the winter i use heavier products like pure shea butter, black castor oil and glycerin in my hair..and i wear lots of twists that time of year, i like that crown and glory method, but i only seem to follow in when it gets cold. oh, and i love me some hats and headwraps too..i hate for my head to be
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i did twists and twists out...but when I was in an awkward length stage i did tiwsts and pinned them up into a fancy up do because they didnt look right loose. I sealed the ends with avocado butter and elucence MB I believe.this year Im too lazy to do either of both, so Ill do WNG's and use my diffuser.
I slow down with my CW but other than that I don't really change my routine much. I moisturize and protective style like always.
I'm trying to figure out a reggie too for the winter. I'm a hair wetter. I wet my hair daily, but don't want to end up in the hospital. And then I would still be worried about my hair getting dried out and I'd just pi$$ off my doctors and nurses asking them to baggy my hair or corn row it.:lachen: I like the idea of wigs, but I've NEVER worn a wig. The half wig sounds nice. I was thinking more along the lines of a whole head weave but how would I wet my hair daily and keep the weave looking fresh. Here's to a whole new encounter. I learned how to care for my hair properly in January so I'll be lurking for winter ideas...
I second the half wig idea. I've never worn a full wig (and don't plan too because I think they just look kind of weird on me). For me, half-wigs are the way to go. I just braid/twist my hair up and put the wig on in the morning. I like it because I can still wet my hair in the morning if I want to because the wig stops my head from being cold. And, I can change my style everyday while still protecting my own hair. It's the perfect styling option.
I second the half wig idea. I've never worn a full wig (and don't plan too because I think they just look kind of weird on me). For me, half-wigs are the way to go. I just braid/twist my hair up and put the wig on in the morning. I like it because I can still wet my hair in the morning if I want to because the wig stops my head from being cold. And, I can change my style everyday while still protecting my own hair. It's the perfect styling option.

msa, that sounds like a winner. Now, I need to go to the beauty supply and check them out. This sounds like a wonderful idea and I'm glad to know you wet your hair lots too. That info was useful for a girl like me!
I think I'm going to do tree braids this winter. We'll be moving again, and packing/chasing 2 toddlers, unpacking etc will not allow me lots of time to do stuff to my hair.
I like wigs and esspecailly half wigs......they help get me through the winter. I'll only wear my real hair down like maybe twice( one of those days are Christmas).
What is a half wig and how do you wear one?:blush:

It's basically like a regular wig except you leave out the front of your hair (from ear to ear usually) in order to blend with the wig hair. It has combs so you can attach it.

I don't leave my hair out, I just wear headband (just a piece of black silk from the fabric store) to cover the front and that works for me.

The wig challenge 2008 thread has lots of useful info on them as well.
msa, that sounds like a winner. Now, I need to go to the beauty supply and check them out. This sounds like a wonderful idea and I'm glad to know you wet your hair lots too. That info was useful for a girl like me!

I'm glad I could help! Half-wigs have really helped me because I don't feel comfortable with wearing my hair out because it's short. And, I'm lazy and the wigs are easy.

I love wetting my hair. Nothing like a clean scalp. Oh, and I'm always in your fotki. You inspired me to use only things I can eat on my hair. Your hair is beautiful!!
I whip out all the heavy products (like castor oil, shea butter, carrot oil, etc.) and have my hair cornrowed so I can sew on my wigs. I also shed during the winter months so I dos garlic hot oil treatment to my hair more often. But I do not expose any part of my hair during the winter months it always wrecked havoc on my curls. :(
Well so far I'm doing okay. I keep up my weekly DC treatments. Thinking of upping it to twice weekly. I do not handle my hair immediately after coming from outside. My fine hair usually hates shea butter, but I used a light coating (after warming it in my hands for a good while) on my braids the night before and my braidout was soft today, and stayed pretty soft. I suppose the heavier products will work better for this season. I still use my castor/coconut oil 50:50 mix, but I used 70% castor oil to 30% coconut to make it heavier as well. I spritz my hair with water at least everyday. I refuse to let it dry out. I'm also going to stick to pretty low-manipulation styles. I braid my hair in small braids, but I'm gonna make them medium-ish and just bun the ends for most of the winter. So far, the winter hasn't affected me much yet. But I know it's gonna get a lot colder so hopefully I'll hold up. HTH and good luck =] I know new york winters are @_@.
i am in a sew in now and the girl who does them makes wigs i am going to have her make me a wig wear that for a month and get anthor sewin by then is should be spring
I usually wear buns throughout the winter so that's what I'm planning on doing.. I hate to wear my hair down in the winter trying to look all cute with wind blowing, raining and snowing so I hibernate during the winter..