Kinda got tired of long hair...


New Member
...At least for the moment so I hacked mines down. I was curious if anyone else had reached this point? Now that I know I can take care of it and cultivate it to the length I want I'm suddenly scissor happy...I think also I have this perception that it's easier to care for at a certain length...I say perception because to keep it healthy it still takes a bit of work - long or short.

Any how, knowing that this is a board for growing hair and not cutting I'm still wondering if anyone else feels similar?
Your hair is beautiful both long and shorter!

I've never had hair past chin length so I'm excited at the prospect of getting tired of it being long! :lol:

Seriously, my preference is just to have healthy hair, I don't really want it very long at all, I like short hair, it's fun! But the DH wants to see it longer so we shall try to accommodate him.
I think your hair is beautiful. I used to get tired of my hair blowing everywhere when I wore it down, and the constant need to comb or brush it into place but I wear it up a lot more, so I'm not tired of it at all anymore.
i remember hacking off my locks a couple of years ago because I grew tired of my long hair, it just sat there and i wore the same style literally everyday. I don't think I will be doing that again now that I'm older and more mature. :bookworm:
Your hair is gorgeous long and shorter. For me I will never tire of having long (& healthy) hair once I get to my goal.
(Thanks LaNecia, Pradalover, and Jewell for the hair compliments :) ).

It was funny, when I cut it I was all excited I felt "free" for lack of a better desciption. I even went over my mom's house and was like "look! isn't it cute!" :lol: she wasn't feelin it though, she said she liked it longer, but later I got her to fess up and she said it was "nice".

It felt nice to end my comb out sessions earlier, and when I wear it out, I'm not so worried about getting "caught" on something ( I actually got stuck on my cousins braces once! loooong story...)

Knowing me, I'll soon be bored with this too and I'll start growing again, but this will do for the summer...I hate my hair in my face and on my neck in the summer :mad:
Your hair is pretty both ways. Yes, I've gotten like that often. My hair would be at bra strap and I'd cut it to my shoulders. It always grew back. I've been cutting it steadily for about a year and it's still the same length it was a year ago. I may just cut it again soon. :lol:
Your hair is so pretty! What matters is that your hair is healthy and you're happy.

BTW, I just realized that you're a newbie. Welcome to LHCF! :)
DivineEndurance said:
...At least for the moment so I hacked mines down. I was curious if anyone else had reached this point? Now that I know I can take care of it and cultivate it to the length I want I'm suddenly scissor happy...I think also I have this perception that it's easier to care for at a certain length...I say perception because to keep it healthy it still takes a bit of work - long or short.

Any how, knowing that this is a board for growing hair and not cutting I'm still wondering if anyone else feels similar?
Been there and done that, but it was way before I discovered this, or any hair board. At the time, my hair had grown longer than it ever had before (brastrap). I enjoyed it for a while, and then kinda got tired of everyone believing that it HAD to be a weave or a wig. I was also going through a turning point in my life. When I decided to get it cut, I had to do it right away. I almost couldn't stand it anymore, and I didn't rest until I found someone who would cut it for me. Once the stylist made sure that I didn't have a parent, boyfriend or husband who would come after her, she cut my lengths into a very cute, almost pixie hairstyle. And I loved it. It was quite a while before I even missed my hair being long. I've heard that hair is very powerful and sort of holds onto things in your life, good and bad. I guess in my case, I had to get rid of it to release some things that were holding me back.
You hair is beautiful!! There is nothing wrong with changing your mind once you have acheived your goal or even main stream. The shame would be holding on to something you didnt want because it was expected of you. Welcome and happy growing!! :)
Hi everybody :wave: Thank you for the comments and warm welcomes :)

balisi said:
...Once the stylist made sure that I didn't have a parent, boyfriend or husband who would come after her, she cut my lengths into a very cute, almost pixie hairstyle... holding me back.

:lol: Ok, lets call 911, a black woman wants to cut her hair. Should we life flight her out and take her to a 24 hour intervention clinic to let her think it over :spinning:...
Divine, I totally feel you on this. I am always cutting or coloring my hair, I have this constant need for change. I'm trying to just leave my hair be so I can reach my goal, but I really don't much care for the feeling of hair. Like feeling it on my shoulders or on my back. It's funny, but I'm more excited to reach a goal I set for myself than to have long hair. I think after I reach my goal I'll do something else like cut it off and go natural! I am dreading the warm weather b/c I feel I'll be at a loss for what to do with my hair. All that heavy thick hair on a hot summer day...whew! Your hair looks gorgeous both ways!