Do you think your hair is long?

Nope. I won't consider my hair even approaching long until it's longer than my locs at their longest - which should be soon, as my locs were just barely touching APL when I started taking the scissors to them.

All the same, I'm regularly surprised by how long it is, since it's up 95% of the time. If I ever get brave enough to press my hair, I might fall out in shock. Or cry, because it's not as long as I thought it was. :lol:
Speak those things that are not as though they already are..

Yea my hair is long. I put it a lot of work learning about my hair and the right routine and products. That helped to get me to this place of LONG HAIRNESS (not a word ha!). Since my hair is all down my back these days I just feel weird sometimes. Because I remember when it was all short and NL. Lol..sometimes when I wear it down I feel like something is crawling on my back.

But, you know I bun usually during the winter. So I won't have that problem.

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This hair anorexia is running rampant, huh. All of you APL and longer ladies have beautiful hair. I am all about health. It has been a year since I started seriously taking care of my hair and during this year I have not been stingy with the scissors. My goal has been to grow it and trim it at about the same rate and now all of that old hair is nearly gone.

My problem is now I am sooooo confused. I use to be able to make my damaged hair pop and look like I just stepped out of the salon. It was bone straight and stringy. lol. Now that I have a head full of thick, yet relaxed, healthy hair, I fight so much to figure out what to do to it.
This hair anorexia is running rampant, huh. All of you APL and longer ladies have beautiful hair. I am all about health. It has been a year since I started seriously taking care of my hair and during this year I have not been stingy with the scissors. My goal has been to grow it and trim it at about the same rate and now all of that old hair is nearly gone.

My problem is now I am sooooo confused. I use to be able to make my damaged hair pop and look like I just stepped out of the salon. It was bone straight and stringy. lol. Now that I have a head full of thick, yet relaxed, healthy hair, I fight so much to figure out what to do to it.

Girl, thick, healthy hair is its own style and sort of beauty. Run with what you got!
I would have to say yeah..but not super long..just longish
Once it's waistlength i'll believe that it's long
I know my hair is long but I sometimes I feel it isn't because I always wear it in the natural state and I have shrinkage.
I don't think my hair is long. But other people think I have pretty good length. Thanks to my scissor happy self, it is now back to collar bone length. But the funny thing is that when I see other people with the same length as me, I see their hair as long. what is this phenomenon and am I the only one suffering from it?

I think that my hair is long but I don't tend to see it as long because it is not where I want it. It is BSL and like you, when I see that on another black woman I think it is long because I guess I have lower expectations for her or someone else than I do for myself.

Like my standards are higher when it comes to my hair length and I guess after being on LHCF for so long but once I reach a full healthy WL (God Willing) I will officially consider my hair indisputably long. Not that it is disputable now cause' i am often the one telling others that my hair isn't long when they insist it is.
Heck no!!! That's why I came on this board so I could grow me some hair! :lachen: Seriously, I would just like to reclaim my hair length from my youth, and get it healthier.
:nono:. Everyone else tells me how long it's getting, but I can never see it. It's most likely because I'm always watching my hair and so I never notice the growth. Most people probably never get to see my hair (because I wear it up a lot) and so when I finally do wear it down they notice the length. It would be awful if, when I finally reach WL, I am still saying the same thing, lol.
I can't really talk about anyone because I have hair anorexia a times myself :)

However, even if you don't consider your hair to be long... you have got to be aware that other people will.

Even anorexics KNOW when they are severely underweight and that other people view them as being skinny.

Now, we aren't to the point where we are mentally sick over our hair (I hope :lol:)...

I find it strange when someone BSL and longer says "I don't get why _____ thinks my hair is long"

I always wanna pull out that fish slap smiley after that :fishslap:

It may not be long by your personal standards, but unless you live under a rock, you know that some people will consider your hair to be long.

Just like we are all aware when some people will consider us to be fat or skinny, even if we personally don't feel we are.

*whispers* I just think some people are playing dumb about it because they think it's cute/it's an indirect way to fish for compliments. For example...

"Omg Neith, your hair is so pretty"
"No, it's so short and ugly"
"No, it really is pretty Neith!"
(Neith smiles on the inside)

Alright, let me shut up now.

*What is written above is not directed at anyone in particular or with the intent to offend*
nope. other people say my hair is long. im about an inch from top of bsl and people always comment. but when i was just past sl people would always be like "OMG girl you got some long hair". because of that i thought my hair was long but when i look at old pics im like that aint no where near long lol.
kinda:look:...I guess becuz I my hair has a natural "V" shaped layers...once my shortest layers are APL then i will claim my hair "long"...well,by that time the longest layers will be WL:yep:...go figure:rolleyes:
I don't think my hair is long either yet when I wear it down, people are in shock and having fits and saying it's long which ends up making me self conscious and embarrassed. I dunno. I just don't see myself having the right to say I have long hair unless I've reached mid back. I'm just trying to get to BSL right now:ohwell:. It just does not seem long. I feel funny even saying "medium" length.:perplexed
I don't think my hair is long either yet when I wear it down, people are in shock and having fits and saying it's long which ends up making me self conscious and embarrassed. I dunno. I just don't see myself having the right to say I have long hair unless I've reached mid back. I'm just trying to get to BSL right now:ohwell:. It just does not seem long. I feel funny even saying "medium" length.:perplexed

I feel you...:yep:.
Speak those things that are not as though they already are..

Yea my hair is long. I put it a lot of work learning about my hair and the right routine and products. That helped to get me to this place of LONG HAIRNESS (sp). Since my hair is all down my back these days I just feel weird sometimes. Because I remember when it was all short and NL. Lol..sometimes when I were it down I feel like something is crawling on my back.

But, you know I bun usually during the winter. So I won't have that problem.


I'm with you sista! Sometimes, I think, "nah, it's not that long." But then when I look at former NL photos and see my side profile, I'm like "Wow! It's long and lovely!" I also remind myself that when I reached SL and APL, I thought to myself, "I have long hair again!" My one regret with my short hair days is that I dreaded it every day. Now, I realize that it's best to enjoy your hair at EVERY stage, regardless of the length. Life is too short to not enjoy what you have, whether it's hair, a single lifestyle, etc.

But I also have a hair mantra like you..."Thank you Lord for my long, strong, healthy beautiful hair." My stylist encouraged me to say that all time back in days when my sink was full of shed, damaged hair! Talk about "calling things not as though they were!"
No. But I don't consider it short, either. I consider my hair medium length. Um, I think I'd have to actually be able to easily pull it into a non-pitiable looking low pony for it to be long. If you can't put your hair in a ponytail at least, it ain't long.
I know to the outside world my hair is long, but what I've considered to be long has never been in compliance with everyone else since all the women on my mom's side have what's considered long hair (no shorter than BSL). I'm trying to get to my Aunt's level (MBL unstretched) or my mom's hair length before she chopped it off (Tailbone stretched).
Well sometimes long is relative because for example APL on someone else may look long on them and on yourself you might think otherwise. So with that said, sometimes I fall into those moments where I could see someone with the same lenght as I am and think their hair is really long:ohwell:...go figure. I have'nt taken a pic in a minute since I wear my hair up almost everyday now, so until I do I would hope to be pleasantly surprised:drunk:
i think i have hair-a-rexia. :look: I'm apl and feel like meh :look: Until I get to BSL/MBL, it won;t be "long" for me
I don't think my hair is long when I look in the mirror but after I see a photo of my hair I be like "WHOA"!!!!!!!

Crazy huh!
I think SL is long. Have you ever saw even-blunt-swangin SL hair? This girl I know (latina) wears her hair like that an it is long to me. Maybe because its even all the way around?

But yeah Hairnorexia is live and well.
Nope. When I straighten, I'm APL, but it might as well be chin length. I'm at the point where I probably won't even straighten again until sometime next year, because I don't want to be depressed. :lachen: When my hair is in its natural state, I don't stress over length, so I think it's best that I just stick to natural styles for awhile.

Hair anorexia is a beast.
I don't think my hair is long. It's longer than before but has a ways to go before I can stand beside my hair idols (Samantha Jones, Pinkskates, and the oh so fab Miss Pokahantas).
I don't think my hair is long, per se. I think it's BIG, but not "long"....if I got another 3-4 inches or more, though, I would consider it long....
No, not really, but I think the reason is that it's not all even. I've seen people with hair that's shorter than mine but "looked" longer because their ends were blunt cut and fuller. Next year, I plan to cut my hair into a blunt style, then maybe my hair will FINALLY look long to me.