Keratin Treatment Support Thread

I noticed that too. BKT thread have slowed down but I think people still use BKT. I have my Rejuvenol BKT in my cabinet.

My BKT process is here:

I think it's like anything else on the boards - once that initial rush of popularity is done & gone, folks don't talk about it as much.

I'm still BKT'ing and coloring - the BKT let my hair keep up with the bleach for a while, but with the change of seasons, I'm starting to see a lot more breakage. :ohwell: So, I'm going to stop using the 'lifting' color for a while, but still layer color and BKT so that I don't have a horrible demarcation line. I came through hoping that someone had used the Elixir BKT - it's one that you can wash out the same day, and I'm SO excited about that, as straight hair is still not my thing. *wrygrin* I'm waiting for the postman to get here now - I'll TRY to come back and let y'all know what I think of it, but I'm not making any promises. *lol*
Hello Everyone
I guess I've been living under a rock b/c I only stumbled upon Keratin treatments about a month ago on the internet while looking for deep conditioners. This is my story.... I have 4b pass my shoulders relaxed hair. However, after researching Keratin I decided to transition from relaxed to natural. This is a big step for me. I haven't been all natural since about 1989-91. Its seems that I've always had long hair and I like long straight hair. However, my hair is breaking and shedding so I need to try something different even drastic.
My first BKT was w/ the brand Keratin Cure. I did it on about 11/19/11. I decided to use this brand b/c it stated that it was formaldehyde free. It may have been fumes free but it was not worth the money. Please hear me out there: DO NOT use the brand. It is all over like a bad rash but don't be tempted to get it. :nono: It did nothing for my hair other than making it soft the first 3 days! Thereafter, my hair reverted to a thick, tangled, frizzy, dry mess. Disappointed and still trying to remain formaldehyde free I bought a sample of QOD max. I really like it. I followed the directions on the bottle the only thing is I used different products for clarifying then washing and conditioning. It is thick like a Queen Helene's Cholesterol, so I added some water to the dye bowl to make it easier to apply with a color brush. I rollerset my hair instead of blowdry and flat iron and it left my hair soft and manageable. QOD max does change the curl pattern in the hair. It may not be as drastic as the BKT w/ formaldehyde but its an option.
I am going to take the plunge and get either Global 4% or QOD Gold depending on what price is right. I'll keep u posted
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Tonight I'm going to start the process of doing the Brazilian Blowout keratin Original formula. I'll let whoever still reads this know what the results were. Stay tuned....
Wow, this thread has totally died. :lol: No one is doing BKTs anymore?

I'm still faithful with mine, although I do them much less frequently. I'll probably do my next one next week. :yep: After I do my henna and BKT, I'll get my hair pressed for a length check (not expecting great results there :ohwell:) and then get a sew-in for my birthday.
^^I think those of us that are doing them just don't post much. I am pretty much in a routine. This year I plan on only doing 4(1 per quarter). Pretty boring over here:)
I decided to BKT with Brazilian Blowout Original (BBO) this weekend. Friday night I washed with Redken Gentle Cleanse Clarifying poo mixed w/ 30% developer. I read several pages of the thread that using developer allows for the BKT to absorb into the hair shaft, particularly with natural roots. I know that 30% is kinda strong but its the only % that my local beauty store had.

Saturday I applied the BBO. I used about 1.5 oz of a 2 oz sample for my pass shoulder length relaxed hair. The only downside to the application was that the fumes were killing me!!! :spinning: I opted to air dry my hair instead of the recommended blowdry. The reason being is that my hair is recovering from my first ill fated BKT (a.k.a. the Disaster) where I followed the products instructions and flat ironed my hair at 450 degrees which literally fried my ends. Yes, my hair sizzled like bacon! :yep: This weekend I cut 2 - 3 in. of heat damaged hair. :sad: My hair has since been even more dry and dull. The Disaster was even more disappointing b/c never absorbed the keratin. That's what happens when you use cheap brands. Anywho, once my hair dried the fumes, if any, did not bother me.

I flat ironed my roots with my Babyliss Nano 1/2 in. flat iron. This flat iron does not have a heat setting but it is marketed as going up 430 degrees. I did 7-9 passes on my 2 month post roots. I flat ironed my relaxed hair w/ the Izunami at 380-400 degrees and I did 3-4 passes. My hair had swang and it looked freshly relaxed but no shine. BBO instructs that it can be rinsed the same day of application but I waited 24 hrs b/4 rinsing.

Sunday I rinsed. I immediately noticed that the curl pattern to my natural roots changed. I'd say I went from a 4b to 3c. My hair was soft and detangled easily. I opted to roller set vs. blow dry for the above reasons. Once dried, my hair was still soft and had some shine. However, not the shine that I experienced with the Disaster.

Its been two days since I rinsed the BKT from my hair. This morning I had to put some coconut oil in my hair because it felt dry which helped. This is not surprising to me since I've always been prone to dry hair but I thought it was due to it being relaxed. Part of the reason I was drawn to BKT was that it helped hair better retain moisture . I'm unsure if my continued dry hair is due to my relaxer, that I'm 2 months post, the Disaster or a combo of everything.

My questions are the following:

Is anyone suffering from dry hair? How are you coping?

I read online about steam treatments w/ DC. I've never had one but I'm planning to do it w/ Joico DC (i.e. Moisture Recover, K-pak, etc.) Has steam treatments worked for any of you?

I read a few pages back that w/ BKT some of you experienced little to no shedding/breakage. I had shedding/breakage in the BKT application process but not what I'd expect at 2 months post. Have any of you experienced breakage/shedding? Is this normal w/ BKT?
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i hope you figure out the solution to your dryness problem @cruziankink

im thinking of transitioning to bktd hair. i liked my hair the best when it was bktd. i think i will try the qod organiq next.
Thanx Napp! I saw that you may try QOD Organix. I tried a sample QOD Max (I don't know if it was part of the Organix line). I read on this thread that it technically does not have any formaldehyde in that its only 0.02%. It didn't take to my roots as well as I would've liked. But I suspect its b/c my roots were virgin and I didn't know of the techniques that I've learned here that I couldv'e done to have my hair absorb it. I'm actually thinking of buying a bottle so I can alternate b/w it and Global 4%. Good luck!
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Well it appears hardly anyone is posting on this thread anymore. It's dissapointing in that I recently discovered BKT and I need some serious advice. As stated in my earlier posts, I did the BBO. That was my 3rd attempt to do a BKT (my other attempts are chronicled in this thread). As w/ all my BKT attempts, it seems that when I do my first wash a week after the BKT is applied and rinsed, my hair reverts!!! I thought getting a BKT w/ formaldehyde would be the key but unfortunately for me its not. I am dissapointed. I thought BKT would be the answer to my transition... I don't know what I doing wrong.
Well it appears hardly anyone is posting on this thread anymore. It's dissapointing in that I recently discovered BKT and I need some serious advice. As stated in my earlier posts, I did the BBO. That was my 3rd attempt to do a BKT (my other attempts are chronicled in this thread). As w/ all my BKT attempts, it seems that when I do my first wash a week after the BKT is applied and rinsed, my hair reverts!!! I thought getting a BKT w/ formaldehyde would be the key but unfortunately for me its not. I am dissapointed. I thought BKT would be the answer to my transition... I don't know what I doing wrong.


What type of flatiron are you using again and what is percentage of formeldahyde? I've been BKT'ing since April 2009 and I've used so brands it's insane.

What is your natural texture?

Edited to say I'm going to read your initial post.
Well it appears hardly anyone is posting on this thread anymore. It's dissapointing in that I recently discovered BKT and I need some serious advice. As stated in my earlier posts, I did the BBO. That was my 3rd attempt to do a BKT (my other attempts are chronicled in this thread). As w/ all my BKT attempts, it seems that when I do my first wash a week after the BKT is applied and rinsed, my hair reverts!!! I thought getting a BKT w/ formaldehyde would be the key but unfortunately for me its not. I am dissapointed. I thought BKT would be the answer to my transition... I don't know what I doing wrong.

Since you have relaxed hair, I don't think it was wise to use the developer (unless you only put it on your roots) because the relaxed hair is already porous.

I always ask people what type of results are you looking for? If you are expecting your hair to look and behave like relaxed hair you might be disappointed. For some people, like myself, the BKT is like a relaxer. I'm 3b/c and my hair gets BONE STRAIGHT from the treatments. My challenge has been finding a treatment that allows me to keep curl (QOD MAX ORGANIQ is my fav).

In terms of breakage and shedding that's likely to happen because of the high heat used, which is why the products were not initially marketed to the black community. This treatment works best for people with hair that is naturally very strong and resilent enough to withstand the high heat so medium to coarser textures will not experience as much damage.

I think you should lay off the treatments for a while and really moisturize your hair. It also wouldn't hurt to go to professional next time and have the treatment done by someone that knows what to do with ethnic hair.
I had the same issue when I first started using bkt ..over a year ago. GOing on 2 years with BKT. I had used QOD gold and my hair was dry and it didn't seemt to retain moisture no matter what I did. So I switched brands I went with MT chocolate and Im hair is stiving more than ever in my life.

You might want to think to look for another brand just in case. Also I didnt use a developer in my hair. When I clarified. I only did the very very first time that I did a BKT after that. I simply co washed deep conditionned real good and then applied my BKt treatments.

I hope that helps.

I decided to BKT with Brazilian Blowout Original (BBO) this weekend. Friday night I washed with Redken Gentle Cleanse Clarifying poo mixed w/ 30% developer. I read several pages of the thread that using developer allows for the BKT to absorb into the hair shaft, particularly with natural roots. I know that 30% is kinda strong but its the only % that my local beauty store had.

Saturday I applied the BBO. I used about 1.5 oz of a 2 oz sample for my pass shoulder length relaxed hair. The only downside to the application was that the fumes were killing me!!! :spinning: I opted to air dry my hair instead of the recommended blowdry. The reason being is that my hair is recovering from my first ill fated BKT (a.k.a. the Disaster) where I followed the products instructions and flat ironed my hair at 450 degrees which literally fried my ends. Yes, my hair sizzled like bacon! :yep: This weekend I cut 2 - 3 in. of heat damaged hair. :sad: My hair has since been even more dry and dull. The Disaster was even more disappointing b/c never absorbed the keratin. That's what happens when you use cheap brands. Anywho, once my hair dried the fumes, if any, did not bother me.

I flat ironed my roots with my Babyliss Nano 1/2 in. flat iron. This flat iron does not have a heat setting but it is marketed as going up 430 degrees. I did 7-9 passes on my 2 month post roots. I flat ironed my relaxed hair w/ the Izunami at 380-400 degrees and I did 3-4 passes. My hair had swang and it looked freshly relaxed but no shine. BBO instructs that it can be rinsed the same day of application but I waited 24 hrs b/4 rinsing.

Sunday I rinsed. I immediately noticed that the curl pattern to my natural roots changed. I'd say I went from a 4b to 3c. My hair was soft and detangled easily. I opted to roller set vs. blow dry for the above reasons. Once dried, my hair was still soft and had some shine. However, not the shine that I experienced with the Disaster.

Its been two days since I rinsed the BKT from my hair. This morning I had to put some coconut oil in my hair because it felt dry which helped. This is not surprising to me since I've always been prone to dry hair but I thought it was due to it being relaxed. Part of the reason I was drawn to BKT was that it helped hair better retain moisture . I'm unsure if my continued dry hair is due to my relaxer, that I'm 2 months post, the Disaster or a combo of everything.

My questions are the following:

Is anyone suffering from dry hair? How are you coping?

I read online about steam treatments w/ DC. I've never had one but I'm planning to do it w/ Joico DC (i.e. Moisture Recover, K-pak, etc.) Has steam treatments worked for any of you?

I read a few pages back that w/ BKT some of you experienced little to no shedding/breakage. I had shedding/breakage in the BKT application process but not what I'd expect at 2 months post. Have any of you experienced breakage/shedding? Is this normal w/ BKT?
@ Dove 56, thanx for taking an interest! I use the Babyliss Nano 1/2 in. and Izunami 1 in. flatirons. My hair type is 4b. I don't know what percente of formaldehyde is in BBO. I did try the QOD Max but it didn't last past the first week.

I am looking to have my curl pattern in my roots loosened to the point that my hair is manageable and not shed as much. I welcome straight roots but do not expect it. The last time I BKT I did not have the heat setting as high as was recommended but I realize that heat is a factor in dry hair. I did use higher heat at the roots than my relaxed hair. However, I'll definately not flat iron at 450 degrees ever again!

I received my bottle of Global 4% today. I plan on doing it this weekend. I wan't to give Global a chance b/4 I raise the white flag. I'll take your advice and limit my developer to roots only. It's comforting to know that you tested many BKTs b/4 finding the right one for you. I don't feel so alone in this journey.

I'll attempt to post some pics to give you a better idea. I'll definately post my results. Stay tuned...
I had the same issue when I first started using bkt ..over a year ago. GOing on 2 years with BKT. I had used QOD gold and my hair was dry and it didn't seemt to retain moisture no matter what I did. So I switched brands I went with MT chocolate and Im hair is stiving more than ever in my life.

You might want to think to look for another brand just in case. Also I didnt use a developer in my hair. When I clarified. I only did the very very first time that I did a BKT after that. I simply co washed deep conditionned real good and then applied my BKt treatments.

I hope that helps.

@ BlackHairDiva, thanx for responding! I am definately going to focus on deep conditioning! However, what I'm getting from you and Dove56 is that I may need to find the best BKT for me. As mentioned b/4, the next time I BKT I will use developer on roots only and it will be 10% instead of 30%. Dove56 mentioned that I may need to have it professionally done. I considered that however, the stylists at the few salons that offer BKTs in my area work with hair that is type 3a and down. They don't generally do black hair. I'll have to beat the pavement and venture beyond the rock to find a stylist that can work with my hair.

Anyway, until then, I received Global 4% today and will try it this weekend. I post my results and possibly pics. Stay tuned...
Hi Ladies

I need some help on a colour issue
I have thick 4a natural hair, shoulder length partially gray (normally dyed dark brown) I did my first BKT a few months ago - loved the results but didn't realise I was supposed to apply colour first, so I had a noticable amount of gray roots. I've just had the second BKT (again - love the results) but the day before I had applied a permanent black to my hair. Since the treatment the colour has lifted to auburn brown. I had read the BKT will slightly lift the colour but this has changed quite a bit.

Have any of you had issues with hair colour and BKT? Any ideas on how to get the colour to hold better?


I had the exact same experience. I'm a natural 3c/4a, and did a permanent black dye prior to my BKT last year. My hair color drastically changed to an auburn/brown color. It never changed back. I had to dye it back black.
I had my 2nd BKT done in late October with the same formula from a different person. It really pointed out that technique makes a difference. Until it wears off enough I have been wearing my hair back almost constantly.
As promised, on Thursday I did my Global 4% (GKT). Sorry my LHCF gals I've been fighting with my camera for the last hour to show you pics I took of my process but I am not computer savy and I can't get the pics downloaded to my computer and attached. (I should have just used my camera phone).
Anyway, I washed my hair twice w/ Redken Cleansing Cream Clarifying poo w/ 10% developer. I used the developer on my roots ONLY. I mentioned in my previous posts that I would BKT my roots only but I decided to do all my hair. Washing and detangling took about 45min- 1hr. Application to took about an hour. Now flat ironing took about 4.5-5 hours! :ohwell:The reason being I used my mighty mouse Babybliss 1/2 in. flatiron on super small sections to ensure that my roots were completely straight. I did about 7-10 passes then the Izunami on my relaxed hair at 380-400 did about 2-4 passes.

The finale was the 4S's: soft, strait, shiny, swinging hair! My hair did not feel coated or heavy; it felt thick and lush like I always wanted in relaxed hair.

GKT requires a 2 day marinating time. I marinated for 4 days for no other reason than it was X-mas weekend and I didn't want to deal w/ hair. GKT also requires that hair be kept straight during this time.WHATEVER! :lachen: I put my hair in a ponytail after that maranthon of a day, tied a scarf over my head and went to sleep. On Friday clipped it up for most of the day and did same on Saturday and Sunday. Guess what - no permanent crimps or indentations!

GKT provides that you must wash but I decided only to rinse my hair and did that today. Prior to rinsing, I did a mixture of 3 of my favorite conditioners massaged it to my dry hair, put plastic cap on and sat under the Pibbs for 30 min. (Got this idea from page 198 I think). When I rinsed my hair it was easy to detangle and it felt moisturize. I had minimal shedding. My roots are still kinky, gone is the straight hair that I've been so used to w/ relaxers and that GKT gave me 4 days to reminise. I think I'm a 3b-c now. I decided to air dry vs. a blowdry or rollerset just b/c as stated in my previous posts blowdrying makes my hair dry and brittle and rollersetting requires the use of a fine tooth comb. The less manipulation the better it is for me. At this stage I need to preserve all the hair that I have.

I added a shea butter mixture, coconut oil and argan oil for softness and to seal in moisture.

@ Dove56. I realized after serious thought that I did want my hair to look and behave like relaxed hair. Going natural is new to me. And I have to realize that it is a process.... a very long sometimes discouraging process. I expected when I rinsed my hair that it continue to be straight as it was when I flatironed it. After doing BKT 4 times in 6 weeks, I realize that that is a pipe dream with my 4b natural roots. However, I am satisfied that my kinks are a lot looser. I'll see if I can get the pics posted during the week...
I am thinking of getting this done. I live in the UK. Does anyone know of any salons that offer this service and the price? Please help. Thanks.
Any BKTer's still out there? I didn't read this whole thread, and I tried searching some of the other threads on this subject but couldn't quite find the question answered that I want to ask.

Background: I've been natural since 2007, with 4b pen sized coils, fine strands but lots of them. I don't straighten often, and mostly wear curly out styes and ps. My hair I think is a little shorter than BSL, maybe BSB?

I want to wear my hair in more stretched and or straightened styles and was seriously considering texlaxing, until I saw a thread on here where a poster mentioned the BKT loosend their curls. I was intrigued. So I've been googling and searching and I think I want to try it.

My questions are:

1. Naturals that BKT, do you find that your texture is loosened after the treatment? Multiple treatments/s

2. What brand would you recommend for hair like mine?I saw some had good results with the drugstore brand Organix BKT, thought's on if this would work for my hair? Or should I just bite the bullet and by the QOD Max, Gold, etc?

4. Is it possible to still wear a wash n' go while the treatment is still "in". Meaning it hasn't been washed out from sulfate shampoo. Or will my wet texture be more liken to relaxed hair with little to no curl?
whit923 I dont have all the answers, but I have done a BKT a few times and im a natural mostly 4a with some 4b. My texture was looser esp after multiple treatments but even when it started to curl up tighter the cuticle was way smoother and easier to handle. Drying time was shorter and I actually got real shine back not just sheen. I was even able to do smooth rollersets without my hands cramping lol. Other stretched styles are alot easier to achieve, but I do believe that 4b needs the real deal, I havent tried the drugstore brands but I doubt the Organix would do the trick esp on truly virgin hair. My wet hair was more like a 3c when "in" and left to airdry but if smoothed down in a ponytail or something like that it would dry straight. Ive tried Rejuvenol and Global Keratin with good results.
no problem and yeah it def wasnt permanent for me. I think if people see permanent change then it was caused by heat damage, I also saw a study that said that heat over 375 is not really necessary it is just advised because only the 'good' flatirons can sustain a high level of heat after several passes so its recommended at the super high temps so that it would get at least the 375 even after a few passes. I just do it slower so my flat iron has more time to recover and I have no complaints and my hair is not burned straight. My hair is fine so I think its easier for mine to get damaged
I'm thinking about doing a BKT on my 100% natural hair for the summer. I was one of the BKT pioneers a couple of years ago, and I know what NOT to do now! :lol: My #1 no no was too much heat, BKTing relaxed hair + using the wrong product. That Dream Hair was a nightmare, it was my demise. Now I'm hoping there is a lot of improvement and variety in the products and more information available.

Let the research begin!! :charge:
no problem and yeah it def wasnt permanent for me. I think if people see permanent change then it was caused by heat damage, I also saw a study that said that heat over 375 is not really necessary it is just advised because only the 'good' flatirons can sustain a high level of heat after several passes so its recommended at the super high temps so that it would get at least the 375 even after a few passes. I just do it slower so my flat iron has more time to recover and I have no complaints and my hair is not burned straight. My hair is fine so I think its easier for mine to get damaged

This is excellent advise. Use a lower temp, give the flat iron time to recover it's temp to 375. :yep:

What brand are you using?
Any suggestions for me on a brand to use? I'm texlaxed 4a/b and I would like to consider going natural and using BKT instead of texlaxing.

Will BKT hurt my texlaxed hair? I'm BSL heading toward MBL for the first time in my life and I'm wondering why I want to stop the process and switch up now. I guess I don't want to be clinging to Mizani Lye Relaxer for the next 20 years....but which BKT would I use?
AtlantaJJ I use a Sedu Revolution, I bought it for the BKT when I thought you had to have a higher temp lol but its nice.

lana I liked Rejuvenol the best so far, but its been awhile and I am fully natural although my hair is color treated. I know this thread is really long but there are plenty of relaxed/texlaxed heads on there with what they used.
Any suggestions for me on a brand to use? I'm texlaxed 4a/b and I would like to consider going natural and using BKT instead of texlaxing.

Will BKT hurt my texlaxed hair? I'm BSL heading toward MBL for the first time in my life and I'm wondering why I want to stop the process and switch up now. I guess I don't want to be clinging to Mizani Lye Relaxer for the next 20 years....but which BKT would I use?

I would go really easy with the temperature and the number of passes on your texlaxed hair. In fact I would BKT treat the texlaxed portion of my hair once and then focus on my roots primarily with the BKT to help keep the textures similar. I in the past, I went too heavy with the heat on my texlaxed hair and it ended badly for me!