Keratin Treatment Support Thread

Hey girls!!!
VeeJee (that's gonna be your name forever to me!) Thanks for the compliments..

lilikoi .. It was on "Hello Atlanta or Good day Atlanta".. one of those shows.. it was a weekday when I was home sick that I saw it...

It's not horribly expensive.. who am I kidding.. yes it is... IF I'd bought it.. I'd get the middle one..

But I feel guilty with so much "the one that I don't speak of"...
Im seriously thinking about just using BKT on my new growth only. Im finally starting to get my texlaxed curls back. Its been 3 1/2 months and my texlaxed hair hasnt fully reverted back yet. I guess it is true that it does take 6 to 9 months for it to fully wear off. The curls are starting to make improvements even though its not even close to its original curl potential. The section that I did recently in the front has my new growth looking awesome, but my texlaxed ends are limp and straight. I think that only doing the new growth will give me the look that I am going for while transitioning. I want to be able to do wash goes now before I do the chop and deal with ssks. Im sick of having to truly style my hair in order for it to look decent after washing. If I dont set it or straighten it then it looks like crap.

Here are some pictures of what my hair looks like dry with nothing on it but a little left in conditioner. As you can see my ends are starting to curl up instead of being straight. The only problem is that my natural hair doesnt want to curl with it. When my hair is wet my roots look good, but once dry they look fluffy and straightish. I already know they wont curl on their own until I cut off the relaxed ends. Well, I wont be doing that any time soon. I even tried doing a comb coil on one section and it didnt do anything, but unfurl.So d you guys think doing the new growth only will work? Also, do you feel that doing only the new growth plus a little overlap will mess up my hair?



Im seriously thinking about just using BKT on my new growth only.

I think that's a good idea. Remember that the name of the treatment in portuguese is "escova progressiva" or "progressive brush" (or blow-dry, if you will) implying that the results are cumulative, thus the hair gets straighter with each successive treatment.

I found this out the hard way: I was min-chopping my relaxed ends regularly and kept clipping/trimming straightish ends around my nape, until I realized that it was not relaxed but "overprocessed" (for my taste) BKT'd hair! Yes, it can happen! That area of my head is fine and silky 4a so it straightens easily. This is true also for the rest of my head: the ends are a looser texture that the roots and middle of the hair strand.

Doing the roots only makes perfect sense. I keep meaning to do it but I find it hard to stop myself from flat ironing the ends of my hair, too. I'm weak.:look:

Just make sure to apply the product a little past the roots and past the area you plan to treat, to avoid heat damage.

P.S. Your hair looks great!
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I thought you weren't supposed to use it so close to the scalp...It says apply it about 1/2 inch or more....? I can understand needing it to "soften the new growth but IDK....

Anyhoo I used the Coco's Keratin Treatment. It has formaldehyde, and it will last me 6 months on my natural far so good! Its day 2 so no washing for a few more days...I am still going to work out, my friend who did my hair last night says hers wore off after 6 months, and she is on her second treatment. She's been natural almost a year....She said I can work out but don't overdo it.....

The kit was like 89.00 (includes shipping and handling)....It only is for 1 application though.....It comes with 1 application, a clarifying shampoo, moisturizing shampoo, and conditioner...Its almost what we call a trial also smells like chocolate....My only rant is the smell after blow drying....Must be in a ventilated room.....I am having it washed/conditioned, then professionally blown out & pressed on day 4 for my 30th birthday....I am so excited! PM me if you want the info.....
I got a Keratin treatment about a month ago. My hair feels greasy and its flat. I don't think I will get another. I miss my big hair. Any idea how long it takes to "wear off?"
I was told the ones with formaldehyde takes over 3 months...the ones without takes about 6-8 weeks...Which one did you use? Did you have a 4-day processing time? Did you use shampoos and conditioners especially for hair with the Keratin Treatment? are you relaxed? Natural?

I guess some people love it, others hate it...Maybe Sheba1 can weigh in...
I got a Keratin treatment about a month ago. My hair feels greasy and its flat. I don't think I will get another. I miss my big hair. Any idea how long it takes to "wear off?"

Hey there diadall I'm sorry to hear it hasn't been working for you. You can strip it with sulfate poos. Check out the next two vids to see how quickly this young lady was able to strip it.

I was told the ones with formaldehyde takes over 3 months...the ones without takes about 6-8 weeks...Which one did you use? Did you have a 4-day processing time? Did you use shampoos and conditioners especially for hair with the Keratin Treatment? are you relaxed? Natural?

I guess some people love it, others hate it...Maybe Sheba1 can weigh in...

Yeah, I've noticed there is really no fine line with BKT. I'm glad you're enjoying your hair, naturalgyrl5199.

Thank you for your review on Living Proof No Frizz products. I purchased these products today! I am going to wash the QOD MAX out of my hair (did it last week) and do my hair with the Straight Making Cream for Thick to Coarse hair and with the leave-in. I will post photos tomorrow! I can't wait to try it!:yep:
Ooh, I can't wait to hear how you like them!

I use the Wave Shaping/Curl Defining formula, even though I wear my hair straight. I read on their website that "ethnic" :giggle: hair should always use the Curl Defining formula, because it contains extra conditioning. I haven't tried the Straight Making formula yet, but I will.

Im seriously thinking about just using BKT on my new growth only. Im finally starting to get my texlaxed curls back. Its been 3 1/2 months and my texlaxed hair hasnt fully reverted back yet. I guess it is true that it does take 6 to 9 months for it to fully wear off. The curls are starting to make improvements even though its not even close to its original curl potential. The section that I did recently in the front has my new growth looking awesome, but my texlaxed ends are limp and straight. I think that only doing the new growth will give me the look that I am going for while transitioning. I want to be able to do wash goes now before I do the chop and deal with ssks. Im sick of having to truly style my hair in order for it to look decent after washing. If I dont set it or straighten it then it looks like crap.

Here are some pictures of what my hair looks like dry with nothing on it but a little left in conditioner. As you can see my ends are starting to curl up instead of being straight. The only problem is that my natural hair doesnt want to curl with it. When my hair is wet my roots look good, but once dry they look fluffy and straightish. I already know they wont curl on their own until I cut off the relaxed ends. Well, I wont be doing that any time soon. I even tried doing a comb coil on one section and it didnt do anything, but unfurl.So d you guys think doing the new growth only will work? Also, do you feel that doing only the new growth plus a little overlap will mess up my hair?



Your hair is pretty, @dany. :yep: Maybe try doing traditional transition styles like braidouts and twistouts, to get uniform curls throughout your hair?

I got a Keratin treatment about a month ago. My hair feels greasy and its flat. I don't think I will get another. I miss my big hair. Any idea how long it takes to "wear off?"
Try the sulfate poos like Sheba suggested. Also add a little salt to your conditioner. It's good for your hair, and will help the BKT wear off even faster.
Well, I ended up getting an unexpected BKT touchup on Thursday, this time with Marcia Teixeira Chocolate (I usually use Advanced.)

I went into the BSS looking for developer to mix with my pre-BKT clarifying shampoo, but the hairstylist there told me that I would ruin my hair by putting straight peroxide on it before the BKT. We started talking, and she suggested the Chocolate for my hair type, instead of the Advanced. So I asked her to do my touch up for me the next day.

It looks good so far. :yep: Chocolate has a 3-day wait time, but my hair is straight and shiny, and is blending beautifully with my weave. The MT Advanced always looked awful during the wait period...dry, dull, and stiff.

The only time I've ever had any problems with BKT was after my first treatment, when the stylist used developer on my virgin hair. I ended up trimming almost 2 inches. :sad: Gina has me thinking that it was the developer that damaged my hair.

The stylist is a Mexican girl named Gina, and her prices are reasonable (and she's a total sweetheart). So she is another option for ladies in West LA looking for a BKT stylist. Gina only uses the Marcia Teixeira brand.

I read that Living Proof is compatible with Keratin Treatments on the Sephora website. I bought the trial kit after watching the "How to Use" instructional video on the Living Proof website. I hope this turns out well lol! Here is the link:

Living proof. | How To Use No Frizz
Well, I ended up getting an unexpected BKT touchup on Thursday, this time with Marcia Teixeira Chocolate (I usually use Advanced.)

the hairstylist there told me that I would ruin my hair by putting straight peroxide on it before the BKT.

The only time I've ever had any problems with BKT was after my first treatment, when the stylist used developer on my virgin hair. I ended up trimming almost 2 inches. :sad: Gina has me thinking that it was the developer that damaged my hair.

I am glad I popped in and read this! I just bought some developer from Sally's! I would have CRIED if I did my BKT first, had damage and then read this.

I have read about 80% of this thread and will be attempting my first BKT this week...if time permits. I will be using QOD Gold. I won't be using the full heat, as I don't have a flat iron that goes that high. I only have the original CHI and SO isn't hearing me and how much I NEED the Hana Elite. However, I saw results in this thread that didn't seem to require that high of heat so...fingers crossed! I was always transitioning with the desire to be a straight natural...well, this isn't exactly natural, but I will take it!

The only thing that has me scared is combing my hair after clarifying without and thing on it...but we will see...

I am thinking I will co-wash to detangle...put in sections...then clarify....keep in it...then light blow-dry and proceed per instructions.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to all 3700 posts of this thread!
I'm glad you saw what you needed, blksndrlla Good luck with the treatment. About the naked blow dry, a lot of us skip that step. I've never done my blow dry on naked hair. And when I put the treatment on it to comb through (towel dried hair) I do it section by section so it's like a regular detangling sessiong with the BKT acting as the conditioner.
Hey guys... I got a "dumb" question..
I am thinking about investing in another steamer...
I know it shouldn't matter.. but do you think the steam will start to wear the keratin down? On my previously texlaxed hair (which is straight when wet..) I'm not worried about.. but on this 19 months natural hair.. I don't want to be just steaming it off...

What say the BKT gals?
Hi. Most of the dominican shops in silver spring do them. I have not had good experiences w/their standard blow dry/rollerset/flat iron technique in the past. They used too much heat and it left my hair dry and brittle, so I def wasn't going to trust them to do a BKT. I went to the Ted Gibson salon. If you are not familiar, it is uber high end and was on Housewives of DC. I don't condone that show, but I have a frieind recommended her AA stylist to me. Her name is Tiffany. She is beyond professional and great! I went for a consultation initially and she was very patient, answering my 50mil questions! I got it for $350 on sale! Yikes! It typically costs $450-550! Anyway, I am on day 2 and am loving it so far. My 4b/4c hair is super silky. You have to wear it stick straight for the 1st 4 days. I can't wait to wash it and do a roller set. Hope this helps. If you find a really good, more affordable spot elsewhere in the DMV, please let me know.

Thank very much for responding to my question. How do you like hour hair since the washout? My cousin in NYC is going to hook me up with the stylist that does her bkt. I can't wait because her and her dh hair is gorgeous. I won't be able to go to NYC until the begnning of Oct, but I will keep you posted. I'm still going to look for someone closer to the DMV
After a couple weeks of researching, reading reviews and looking at results, I did it!!! I did my first bkt on natural 3c/4a non-damaged hair. I ordered QOD Max (wanted the Gold but the price was too much for just a sample). I ordered a 4oz sample with the shampoo from keratintoday/keratin4u on ebay for $30. I didn't think I would post up here so I took pics kinda late in the game. I ordered on Friday and got it today (Tuesday) at about 3pm. I ran to the house :lol: and washed with the clarifying shampoo twice. I braided my hair in five sections, detangled, then blowdried each section without a comb or diffuser, just pulled lightly and blowdried. It dried very quickly, literally a minute for each section. rebraided each section, got all my supplies (color bowl, applicator brush, gloves, treatment, and a fine tooth comb) and went to the porch. I don't like opening house windows and letting in bugs, plus I have a 5 month old and didn't want the fumes in the house. I applied the treatment, smoothed it thru for a few minutes, then blowdried again. Even tho I was outside, the fumes did make my eyes water for a bit, I just turned my head and pulled my hair back out of my face till the irritation went away. This is getting I flat ironed in small sections with my Croc infrared on 430 degrees. When I was done with the first section I was amazed and excited. Asian Straight, silky, soft hair. The whole process took from 4pm to 7pm with a couple 2 min breaks.....WOW. WAS going to try to post pics but I see that we can't for now. If I get in the mood I might upload them to Myspace or something and then post the link, but I don't have fotki or anything so....Sorry ladies, I was really excited and ready to post pics, I hate posting without pics...lame. So I hope Nikos finishes this update thing soon.:look:

P.S. I finally reached APL!!
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Oh wow, Crr, I wanna see!!! Post them to my fotki in a new folder for the short term and then we can post a link. We can delete them off the site after Niko gets this update straight. What do you say? PM me for my sign in and I'll send it right on over.

I read that Living Proof is compatible with Keratin Treatments on the Sephora website. I bought the trial kit after watching the "How to Use" instructional video on the Living Proof website. I hope this turns out well lol! Here is the link:

Living proof. | How To Use No Frizz
Thanks for the links! No Frizz is definitely compatible with BKT, and I find that it enhances the results. Have you tried yours yet? Did you like it? :grin:

I am glad I popped in and read this! I just bought some developer from Sally's! I would have CRIED if I did my BKT first, had damage and then read this.

I have read about 80% of this thread and will be attempting my first BKT this week...if time permits. I will be using QOD Gold. I won't be using the full heat, as I don't have a flat iron that goes that high. I only have the original CHI and SO isn't hearing me and how much I NEED the Hana Elite. However, I saw results in this thread that didn't seem to require that high of heat so...fingers crossed! I was always transitioning with the desire to be a straight natural...well, this isn't exactly natural, but I will take it!

The only thing that has me scared is combing my hair after clarifying without and thing on it...but we will see...

I am thinking I will co-wash to detangle...put in sections...then clarify....keep in it...then light blow-dry and proceed per instructions.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to all 3700 posts of this thread!
Well, I understand why they use the developer. They say BKT works best on damaged hair, because the keratin can penetrate better. My virgin hair had great porosity and the cuticle was intact, so the BKT would not have penetrated as well without the developer. This is why they say that the treatment doesn't take very well on virgin Type 4 hair.

I think the problem occurred because my hair is also baby-fine, and that peroxide was probably too strong for it. If you have thicker hair, the developer might not be a problem. Several ladies here use it.

Btw, Gina had a novel solution for this problem. Instead of using developer, she sat me under the steamer for 10-15 minutes after the clarifying shampoo. She said this would open up my cuticle for the BKT to take better, while moisturizing my hair at the same time. I think it's a great might want to try it. :yep:
I am going to return my Pureology shampoo. My new stylist warned me not to use that brand, and so did my original BKT stylist. They were both repeating the instructions they'd been given by the Marcia Teixeira rep who trained them. Marcia Teixeira specifically advises not to use Pureology shampoo...they say that the product will strip BKT because it actually contains sulfates. I don't know if this is true, but when two people tell me the same thing, I'm inclined to listen. I wasn't in love with the Pureology anyways.

I rinsed my MT Chocolate out on Tuesday, and it looks great. My hair is ultra-soft, super-shiny, and it feels strong. The Chocolate got my hair just as straight as the Advanced formula, and it left my hair feeling much silkier (I think Chocolate is a more conditioning formula). If it actually ends up lasting twice as long as Advanced, then I will switch to this formula permanently. The Advanced was wearing off too quickly.

I love the feeling of freshly BKT'd hair. :grin:
Here are my QOD Max BKT results...

QOD Max BKT Results album | Sheba1 |, photo and video sharing made easy.

Thanks to Sheba1 for letting me borrow her space so you all could see :yep:

btw, since QOD Max gave such good results, I'm glad I didn't spend the extra money for the Gold, and I don't even want to try the Gold now. I'm sure it's good too but if I get the same results for less (I can't imagine any better results) I'm not paying for gold I can't see and wear.
crr0121, your results are very pretty! Ladies, I found another shampoo for the treatment:


Just in case you can't see it that well it's called Attibeaute Pearl Keratin Moisture Shampoo and can bought on Amazon. Attibeaute Pearl Keratin Moisture Shampoo (Dry & Damaged Hair Type) 10.1fl.oz./300ml: Beauty

The stylist that did my BKT recommended this for my sister because she will be getting the treatment next month and I'm going to get my second treatment in the next two weeks. I'm going to order this shampoo and see how well it works on my BKT treated hair.
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Here are my QOD Max BKT results...

QOD Max BKT Results album | Sheba1 |, photo and video sharing made easy.

Thanks to Sheba1 for letting me borrow her space so you all could see :yep:

btw, since QOD Max gave such good results, I'm glad I didn't spend the extra money for the Gold, and I don't even want to try the Gold now. I'm sure it's good too but if I get the same results for less (I can't imagine any better results) I'm not paying for gold I can't see and wear.

OMG :notworthy

Your natural hair :drool:
Your BKT blowdried hair :drool:
Your flat ironed with BKT still in :drool:

Just wow.... :thud:
The Chocolate got my hair just as straight as the Advanced formula, and it left my hair feeling much silkier (I think Chocolate is a more conditioning formula). If it actually ends up lasting twice as long as Advanced, then I will switch to this formula permanently. The Advanced was wearing off too quickly.

I think the reason you got better results (straightness) is that this is not a first BKT (is it your second?). Remember, the results are incremental. Just a thought.
I think the reason you got better results (straightness) is that this is not a first BKT (is it your second?). Remember, the results are incremental. Just a thought.
This is my fifth BKT, and the third formula that I've tried.

The MT Chocolate is, as I said before, a more conditioning formula. My treatment was also done by a professional this time, and she was able to get my hair straighter than I ever could. :)

I'm generally pretty good at being able to discern why a particular product works or doesn't work. In the past, I've been able to attribute better results to the cumulative effect, but this time it's something altogether different. I prefer the conditioning of the Chocolate formula, plus it is made for kinkier hair like mine. I can't wait to see how long it lasts!

ETA: I've done my whole head twice. I did the leave-out section of my weave an additional 3 times, with varying results.
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T In the past, I've been able to attribute better results to the cumulative effect, but this time it's something altogether different. I prefer the conditioning of the Chocolate formula, plus it is made for kinkier hair like mine. I can't wait to see how long it lasts!

Does anybody have a list of ingredients of the two different MT versions? It would be interesting to see which components are responsible for the difference in results.

I'm glad you got good results. A good BKT is a beautiful thing...

P.S. Pictures?:look:
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Hey guys... I got a "dumb" question..
I am thinking about investing in another steamer...
I know it shouldn't matter.. but do you think the steam will start to wear the keratin down? On my previously texlaxed hair (which is straight when wet..) I'm not worried about.. but on this 19 months natural hair.. I don't want to be just steaming it off...

What say the BKT gals?

I was just wondering this also! I just received my steamer the other day, and used it for the 1st time (in love!!) ALSO, I received my Softliss today (can u tell Ive been doing alot of ordering online!!? *hee hee*) and I was planning on doing it tonight.

Can anybody else chime in about if its ok to use the steamer while I have my BKT. I had planned on steaming my way thru winter!!! :(
crr0121, your results are very pretty! Ladies, I found another shampoo for the treatment:

OMG :notworthy

Your natural hair :drool:
Your BKT blowdried hair :drool:
Your flat ironed with BKT still in :drool:

Just wow.... :thud:

Lol Sheba1. Thank you both very much, I can barely believe this is MY hair. I :drool: over Pinkskates BKT pic, never thought it would be me with manageable, silky straight hair. If this smoothness lasts thru the first wash I'll truly be amazed. I'm glad I don't feel any residue or anything cuz I wanna keep it this straight for longer than the 3 days. Are there any drawbacks to leaving the bkt in longer than recommended? I think I'll wash on 5th day instead due to some events coming up. Btw, the wind was blowing like crazy here in TX today and the humidity was horrid yesterday and my hair has not poofed one bit. Even with a relaxer (back in the day) my hair never behaved so well. I am in LOVE!!!