Keratin Treatment Support Thread

do a comparison check between their site for the kit and ebay...then make a decision. If you haven't used it before, get the kit on ebay so you don't have to commit to the larger quantity
I'd like to hear from ladies with fine hair. I'm not liking this smoothing treatment that I got done at ULTA. My hair looks incredibly thin. Not full or healthy at all. It's been about 5 weeks now and I hate my hair. As soon as I washed the treatment out, a week later, using WEN, my hair completely reverted. (They used Keratin Smoothing Treatment by Coppola with aldehyde.) I paid around $200 for the treatment and it hasn't lasted at all despite the fact that I no longer use sulfates or sodium shampoos.

I'm wondering if I should wait a few more weeks, then try something else.

My hair is so fine that I won't wash or comb for two weeks at a time.

Anyone else with fine hair having success or issues?

My 1st BKT was the one by Coppola, it was done at a salon too. Becuase I just came out of braids, I would have seen anything as an improvement, but after about 5-6 weeks, my hair became really poofy, still soft and I guess coated, but poofy.

My hair is fine too, and never really confirmed my hair type, I think its a 4B, but I have no clue. My hair with that first BKT was thin, especially the ends and it didn't have much body after week 3, unless I went to the salon.
I finally wore my hair as a co-wash-n-go while on vacation in Hawaii. I really didn't have a choice as my hair frizzed up 1 day after I got there.

When I got back, I went to a dominican shop to get a blowout, as I didn't have the energy to do that myself. The stylist asked when was the last time I had a BKT and I told her and she said it (my wet hair) wasn't straight enough. Prior to her saying that,I thought I would go to them to have my next BKT, but now I'm not so sure. I don't want my natural kinky hair to be straight like a relaxer when wet, I'm ok with it like that when dry, but fearful of how it would turn out.

If the BKT makes my hair too straight, do you think I would be able to use a regular shampoo to help bring my curl back?
I took down my sew-in today and did a Henna/indigo treament followed by a protein and DC treatment. Hopefully my bkt will be here tomorrow. Do I need to do anything else beforehand? I am natural. Thanks/
Do you have an application brush, bowl & comb? A plan to do this in a very well ventilated area? Lots of uninterrupted time & patience? If you have lots of hair, finger protectors for your hands are nice, hair gets really hot when flat ironing at 390 plus.
I'd like to hear from ladies with fine hair.
Anyone else with fine hair having success or issues?

I know you asked this question a while ago, but I've been meaning to share my experience.

I also have very fine hair. I've done 3 BKT's now, and have found that the amount of heat used makes a big difference. My hair does not need anything higher than 410 degrees, anything higher than that and my hair just turns out too flat. The better the flat iron, the better the results, IMO.
Do you have an application brush, bowl & comb? A plan to do this in a very well ventilated area? Lots of uninterrupted time & patience? If you have lots of hair, finger protectors for your hands are nice, hair gets really hot when flat ironing at 390 plus.

Thanks Dak! I didn't have the bowl and brush! My hair is also fine so thanks for that advice too. I have a CHI and a FHI flat iron, also an Ed HArdy ionic dryer so I think I am good in that area.
Hello ladies,

I'm dying to get a BKT but I'm still a bit concerned about heat damage...has anyone tried to use sabino moisture block after the BKT blow dry step to prevent heat damage from the flat iron?
Lili411, that final flat iron is what really bonds the BKT to your hair, so adding anything else would mess up that process. Just don't use the full 450 degrees, see how your hair does with less heat.

HijabiFlygirl posted that great link from, which spells it out more.
Hey ladies,

There's a salon in Oregon that specializes in BKT's and they have good before and after photos. I found their link on Facebook and read that they prefer to use Global Keratin 4%.

I had EXCELLENT results with Global Keratin 2% but the fumes were very strong. In retrospect, since that was my first treatment (I did it myself) I think I used WAY too much and that caused strong fumes. I am going to give Global 2% another shot next weekend on my 1 year BKT anniversity (4/17).

Here's the Facebook link of the brands the salon uses and prefers:!/group.php?v=wall&gid=47010564510

You can read about their BKT preference in the "Discussions" section on FB
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That's actually where I got my first BKT done. Back then, they were using the Marcia Teixeira BKT, but the girl who did my hair did a great job, and I was thrilled with the results. Of course, I do my own now, but anyone in the area who's curious could do a lot worse than checking unsprung salon out.
The not-so-good news is that it may be a minute before your texture returns. Mine returned (kinda) after 14-16 washes (4 weeks). I did another BKT 3 weeks ago and my hair was straighter than ever. I rinsed my hair with baking soda this morning, and more of the new growth texture returned. YAY! BUT, the texture of my previously texlaxed hair is still bone straight. I'm talking BONE SKRAIT.

How does the straight BKT hair compare to bone-straight relaxed hair? For example, after air drying, would you say it has more body? Also, you posted this info a while ago, has anything changed since then? TIA
Hi ladies!

I just got the treatment on Friday, and had a few questions.

I'm a little concerned that when I wash on Wednesday that all my curls won't revert because of the amount of heat that was used. We started out at 400degrees, but for some reason it wasn't really straightening my hair well. The stylist upped it to 450, and did about 5-6 passes.

I colored my hair with a permanent jet black color the night before. I think I had a reaction to the treatment because some parts of my hair is noticeably lighter (light red/brown color). Anyone know what could have caused this? I got the Marcia Texeira treatment and it did say that it was safe to use a permanent color prior to the treatment.

Also, I'm having a hard time not being able to do anything to my hair. When I woke up the next morning, it was really frizzy. As the day went on, it kept getting bigger (since I'm natural). I thought this was suppose to help against reversion. Is that not accurate? What are you ladies doing in the 4 day wait period? I know he said I needed to use the flat iron to straighten it if there were any dents, but I'm a little worried about using any type of heat again esp. if I can't use a heat protectant.
How does the straight BKT hair compare to bone-straight relaxed hair? For example, after air drying, would you say it has more body? Also, you posted this info a while ago, has anything changed since then? TIA

My natural hair (10 months post) gets bone straight with BKT right out the shower. The bkt'd hair is stronger, thicker, smoother and more shiny. It air dries much smoother too. I can't wait to have a head full of "natural" BKT'D
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Yeah, I love my BKT'd new growth, but the BKT'd relaxed hair is a bit too flat for me too. However, a month or so out, it's getting better. I'm about 2.5 months post relaxer, and there is NO.WAY I would be able to detangle and style my hair without a lot of breakage were it not for the BKT. When I figure out exactly how to "manage" the treatment, I think this is going to be a great thing!

It is possible, but not likely, that your hair will not revert back. It mostly seems to be based on the texture and especially the strand density; probably the strand density more than anything. For example, my mom is a 4a/4b with very, very, fine hair but her hair got bone straight, relaxer straight, after her first treatment on her new growth.

My hair that was color-treated, bleached last August then covered with black dye 3 weeks later, also gets a red/brown tone to it but it's only the colored treated hair (about 30% of the top layer). I have about 5 inches of new growth 3 1/2 of it has no bleach, nothing, just my natural black colored hair with a BKT and the color is not altered at all by the BKT.

I'm not sure why your hair is frizzy, THAT is baffling to me, but I suspect it has something to do with that permanent hair color and dryness from all the heat at that high temperature. Once that treatment is out of your hair buy some Kenra moisturizing conditioner (if you don't already own some) and deep condition, WITH HEAT, for about an hour. Your hair should NOT be frizzy with the treatment still present in your hair. Your hair, at worse, with the treatment still present might be a little dull and coated if the stylist used a little bit too much but it shouldn't be frizzy.

Also, since you love your curls I would forgeo the strong formeldahyde based treatments and stick with Coppola. Your hair will revert right back to it's natural texture and be a little more shiney and frizz-free when curly. Marcia Teixtera can get 4b kanky curls bone straight so it's nothing to play with!


You can see the my Global Keratin 2% tx from last April and the Coppola Keratin done at Ulta in my Fotki. My hair still had wave/curl with the Coppola.
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Ediese - my first reaction is that too much was done.

I assume when you colored your hair black you used a box kit. I am totally against box kits personally, but because you then got BKT, I can't say where the problem is exactly.

Color or Keratin Treatment

Did you use Marcia Advanced (which you would wash out after an hour) or is it a 2 day formula like Chocolate?

If your hair became frizzy, I would simply blow dry it straight.

Heat protectant is not your key here either as the keratin is coating the hair strand as it is, you should not require hair damaging high heat temperature of the flat iron. A blow out should be enough to accomplish straight hair.

Keratin is wonderful, and yet it, like every other product, it reacts differently for different hair types. The results it gives one person is not guaranteed for the next.

In addition, because you received your service from a salon, you should return to the salon and voice your particular concerns with them, both the hair color change, as well as the frizzing. They should be able to assist you in coming up with a long term care solution until your next treatment.

Back to the color briefly. Did you use a jet black color, or a brown black? Do you know what your dominate underlying color is - most likely red. If you used a black color whose base tone is not green, your red undertone would not be canceled out leading to the red of your natural color to become prevalent.

If you used a permanent color, please do not attempt to correct the color by using another permanent color - you can lose your hair. You can tone it down a bit with a color deposit shampoo like John Frieda Brunette.
After re-reading your post:

Ediese: you can't do anything to your hair for the wait period except wear your hair straight, and removing any frizz, or bends that occur in your hair during that period.

This also includes night time. It should not be pinned or wrapped or bunned.
Hi ladies!

Also, I'm having a hard time not being able to do anything to my hair. When I woke up the next morning, it was really frizzy. As the day went on, it kept getting bigger (since I'm natural). I thought this was suppose to help against reversion. Is that not accurate? What are you ladies doing in the 4 day wait period? I know he said I needed to use the flat iron to straighten it if there were any dents, but I'm a little worried about using any type of heat again esp. if I can't use a heat protectant.

Ediese, I always color my hair right before do the BKT treatment. I do notice a little color difference, I've always thought that it was because my hair was straighter & that light reflects differently on straighter hair. Who knows?

Being frizzy the day after does make me wonder too. Sorry, but do you sweat when you sleep? That might be the reason, though my first thought was that the stylist didn't use enough product on your hair for it to get coated. You do look like you have a lot of hair :cool: maybe they were too lighthanded with the product?

BTW, now that the treatment is done, it's fine to use a heat protectant.
I'm going to do a BKT on my roots with a lower temp and see how it turns out. I don't want to wait the 72 hours required by Global because I'm working out daily and don't want to stop.

I have the OK Keratin wash next day formula... I don't see much posted about results with that product.
My natural hair (10 months post) gets bone straight with BKT right out the shower. The bkt'd hair is stronger, thicker, smoother and more shiny. It air dries much smoother too. I can't wait to have a head full of "natural" BKT'D
I 2nd, 3rd and 4th this statement. I want a full head of BKTed natural hair!! That's going to be the best of all worlds.