Karen's Body Beautiful Products Review Vid


New Member
Hey Ladies,

I just did a review of some KBB product I was able to get earlier this summer after doing an in store focus group. Overall I liked many of the products and found a new staple DC. Karen was very nice, and I really like how she handled the focus group. I live close so I can just stop by and get her products, so I like the convenience. I'm not sure what everyone's experience is with the company, but I did find some of her staff a bit rude on a consequent visits to the store. I remember her saying that people can be so mean online, but I'm guessing that may be a staff issue, because Karen herself is very sweet.

Anyhow, here's the link: KBB Review.

Hope you find it helpful :yep:
I did find it helpful! I'm in BK too and I just got around to using KBB's Sweet Ambrosia in Lavender Vanilla. It smells awesome and I like the consistency. A def rebuy for me and its great bc I can just drive down to the store and get it!
Are her new products available in store? I just see them as free samples - but nothing on the site for sale. I like the products. Not close enought to BK to stop by. Shipping price is great, but can take close to 2 weeks with processing and shipping, and I am only 1.5h hrs (if that) away from BK.

Love the heavenly jojoba in the Lavender Vanilla! Smells amazing, and the the oil feels nice and light.
I didn't notice the ne stuff last time i was there, but I have to stop by this wkend to get the poo so will let you know.

Are her new products available in store? I just see them as free samples - but nothing on the site for sale. I like the products. Not close enought to BK to stop by. Shipping price is great, but can take close to 2 weeks with processing and shipping, and I am only 1.5h hrs (if that) away from BK.

Love the heavenly jojoba in the Lavender Vanilla! Smells amazing, and the the oil feels nice and light.