Just Like the Ex?


formerly nicola.kirwan
That meeting the first love thread got me wondering, do you all feel like you're generally more similar to or different from the women your guy has dated in the past?

When I met the ex of my "beau" (right before they got together, and way before "us"), we hit it off great--like at a level I've rarely experienced with anyone. We had so much in common in our values, outlook on life; and more than that, our hobbies and personalities were really similar, and both of us were considering the same type of vocation. We never talked again after that one meeting, but now I keep learning about more similarities and on one hand it makes perfect sense, on the other hand, I'm kinda like, :perplexed. The only thing I can say is that we don't look anything alike.

He doesn't mention her, but we all went to the same small school, so people know one another.

So, are you more alike than different than your man's exes? Is your man more alike than different than yours?
I think most people have a "type" that they like. I know I do. Lookswise and personality-wise too :)

It seems like the men I have dated had a type too. If they don't love long curly hair and brown skin, they are at least butt-men :lachen:
My SO is very different from my EX's, both in looks and demeanor (thank God).
I am very different from his Ex's.

I have only met one of his EX's and she is the total opposite of me.
He's very different from my ex's, and I'm very different from his. Both in appearance and personality - but we are surprisingly a lot like each other, and even in the ways we are different, we compliment, not clash.
DH's first wife and I share a birthday! LOL I brought that to his attention when I was looking over his divorce decree. He knew what day mine was….just forgot that her was on the same day.

We’re about the same complexion and possibly same type of build (I’m taller) from what I can tell in pictures.

We’re nothing alike.

He never mentions her, and has no idea where she is.
I only know about 1 of my husband's exes, we look alike physically but he always emphasized that she just wasn't very smart but he loved her anyway (he says this as if he had to sacrifice/compromise on this point.)

As for my exes, my exes are all over the spectrum in terms of appearance, the only thing all of my exes have in common was they all loved to cook. Go figure. Religion, lifestyle, education, sense of humor, and interests were all different.