just got my ovt, but is signature now required?


Well-Known Member
well, after reading all of the threads about ovation cell therapy, i decided to give it a try, and ordered it last week. after reading some of the horror stories, about the fedex delivery, i still decided not to get the signature request, b/c i figured i'd be home anyways when they delivered and didn't want to have to wait to get my product. so, i hear a couple of knocks at my door, and figured it was a sales person b/c fedex and ups usually don't deliver until night for me for some reason. and since i didn't request signature confirmation knew if it was fedex, they'd leave it outside my door. i decided to look out the window, and saw the guy walking away, after placing something on my door, which said that my package required signature confirmation. i ran outside to catch him, and i swear they have to be running at the speed of light, b/c he was clear across the parking lot delivering packages to someone else in what was a few seconds. :lachen: so is this something new? i know i didn't request signature confirmation, and after looking at my invoice it doesn't show it either. anyone else experience this?
Sometimes the driver will leave it at the door anyway, signature requirement or not. You are a risk taker my friend, next time pay the extra $2 because the heartache and sleepless nights is not worth it.

Anyway Fed Ex stinks LOL and its up to Oct to request the signature requirement, that's not extra for the company to pay.