i am so ANGRY right now (OCT related)

lol. no progress yet unfortunately. just me hoping against hope that she felt guilty enough to return it and it not happening =/

the more time goes by i just keep getting angrier and angrier. esp when i see her door. i just hope i never see her b/c i just know something smart is gonna come out of my mouth. but like my cousin said me saying she took it is clearly speculation. i have no actual PROOF. and if something were to go down and the cops were to come i'd be in the wrong.

but thank you guys for all of your support, i'll let you guys know how everything works out

FEDex: they were closed sat and sun so i have to wait til tomorrow for the driver to verify where he left it.

OCT: they say this happens often since the product is now pretty popular. they get calls left and right about someone stealing it. they said since i didn't pick the $2 option that gets rid of the signature service and my insurance and since i didn't select that their hands are tied. she said the only thing she can do for me is go ahead and file a claim and i can purchase the product again and if the claim goes in my favor they'll just give me my money back instead of sending a new one:ohwell: but yea.. thats the only help i'll be able to get from them. meanwhile someones using my OCT :crying3: what should i do guys? :sad:
I'm really sorry this happened to you, this is like a PJ's worst nightmare. :nono: It sounds like she definitely stole it after reading your story. I would go confront that witch immediately. I can understand how you would be reluctant to do that if you're shy like me, but you can have your boyfriend come with you if it makes you feel better. If you're not that familiar with her, it's incredibly likely that she just kept it because she didn't expect you to say anything. I have stuff delivered to the wrong house all the time because there is another house with the same number like two houses down from me because the street name changes right in the middle, but my neighbors are always kind enough to return my items. I know it's probably not like that everywhere. And for a $60 item, I would not let that kind of blatant theft go unquestioned.

Aside from that, I would say complain to OCT some more and tell them how cheated you feel and that you probably won't buy from them again after this experience and try to get them to do you a favor to keep you as a customer (like you would do with a cell phone company, you know the deal lol). And as for FedEx, I really don't know what you can do since you didn't get the insurance and as far as they're concerned, they did deliver your package. There's probably not much they can do.

I would NOT let a stupid, trifling neighbor steal my precious hair growing product!!

Get even angrier and claim what's yours!

Tell her you'll call the police for theft! It's THEFT!
everyone keeps saying to call the cops on her and say she stole it but what proof do i have?
they can't just roll up there and search her house and i can say what i want but it'll be my word against hers.
I would say go next door and say you saw her with it call her out but she might have gotten a package too that day (though I doubt it) and call Fedex and say they left it on the wrong doorstep and your bf SAW him do it and now the girl has taken it and make a big hoodoo. No way that stuff is too expensive
i considered taking the sticker off the door but what would that prove? that doesn't prove who's door it was left on. plus there was no name or info on the sticker. in hindsight i should have taken a picture but i didn't think of it until she had already taken it out of the door.

and plus i already asked her and she looked me in the eye and said no. and that was prob before she even opened it. so asking her after she did and saw what was in it would yield the same results. if not something more hostile. and he said he couldn't say it was a box but saw her bend down and pick up something that looked like it might've been. however we had the yellow pages delivered to our door and im sure hers too so he said it might've been the yellowpages she brought in. he cant say for sure =/
i hope shes not a member of this forum....tsk tsk tsk...sorry gilrie

thx..i would think that the girls on this forum are more classy than that and know how important hair is. but i guess you never know.. there are alot of lurkers here after all...
I think you're just out of the product, unfortunately.

Hopefully OCT can come up with something. But this is why I dislike FedEx. I ordered something a while ago and it was delivered by FedEx. The driver rang the bell and I was right in the room next to the door. In the short time it took me to open the door, he was half way down the block and my box was placed next to a plant. He had the nerve to wave and keep going. :perplexed At least he looked back, I guess.
:whyme::censored::angry2: GOD!!! talk about giving someone the runaround!!! ok. i called FEDex today and they basically said they'd have to start a claim and there's nothing they can do. they also said that its up to OCT as to whether or not they'll give me the money back. I told them they said OCT said it was up to FEDex, FEDex says no. they'll open a claim and it'll take 4-5 business days and thats when OCT will tell them whether or not to give me the money back and then they'll do so. puzzled, i call OCT and ask them about this b/c everything they said conflicted w. what OCT said when i talked to them yesterday. OCT said it will take 30-45 days. the 4-5 days they're talking about are the "tracer days" where the FEDex guy will have to physically come to the site where he left it and say "this is where i left it" which is what i got from talking to someone from FEDex yesterday, she told me that the driver will have to come back and verify where he left it. talking to someone today they told me that the driver can't go to every single location. I told them that it's not possible for a driver to give all these locations to the wrong ppl can they?! she said in a week they get alot of calls of stolen packages. I told her thats all fine and dandy but its not just that someone stole it but they left it in the wrong place so basically its them that stole from me. thats when she asked me if i wanted to speak for someone else:rolleyes:

this other person basically just kept pushing the claim on me but i didn't want it to go down that easy. I told them I paid for a service, i paid for them to give me my package and they didn't do so. when i told her that i talked to someone yesterday and they said the driver will come out and verify where he left it thats when she said she'll call that location specifically and see if they know something she doesn't. she told me she'd call me back :pinocchio: i cant remember how many times i've heard that from them. but i did get her contact info.

so basically i'm getting the runaround. someone's lying but i don't know who.
FEDex is saying a claim will only last 3-5 days, OCT says it will be 30-45.

FEDex says the decision of whether or not i get my money back lies with OCT, OCT says the decision of whether or not i get my money back lies with FEDex

oh lord help me!! :crybaby: i just wanted long hair :reddancer::sad:
oh lord help me!! :crybaby: i just wanted long hair :reddancer::sad:

:lachen::lachen:. Im sorry for the :lachen:. ((((hugs)))) i really hope that everything works out. I'm sure that it will and that u will get to the bottom of this all. And u will definitely get your long hair.:yep:
So I've been hearing about OCT and how awesome it was for quite awhile now. I've BEEN wanted to get it but I never had the money for it. So my student loans came in recently and I finally bought it. It was supposed to come in today and i was SUPER excited. I read up on all the threads for it and trying to figure out how to use it for maximum results, was looking at pictures, the whole 9. Just getting myself hyped up for when it comes right?

So today's the day. I was sleep and my bf woke me up and told me he just checked the mail and my OCT wasn't in there. (I've been talking about it for awhile and he knew how excited i was about it, and how much I was looking forward for it to get here.)
I told him though that it wouldn't be in the mail cause it was a FEDex. He said ok, but then paused for a minute and said.."well the FEDex guy already came and the girl next door got her delivery." So now I'm like :look:. oookay. I go online to check up on the tracking number and see where it was. I then saw I got an email already saying it's been delivered. there was no one home and they left it outside.

I check outside nothing's there. meanwhile the girl next door has a FedEx sticker on her door. it was one of those "no one was home but we left the package on your doorstep cause no one was home." type stickers. but there was nothing on her doorstep. So I wasn't sure what to think. My bf suggested we check the front office. We went but..surprise, surprise, nothing was there for me.

I called the FEDex customer service and they told me that they delivered it and no one was home and they left it on the doorstep. I inform them I in fact WAS home and I didn't get anything. The customer service lady said she will forward the message and i should get a phone call w.in an hr. (an hr just passed, no call yet)

I thought maybe the girl got my package and just didn't know who it was for. My bf mentioned he had heard knocking on her door and later saw that she went outside and got a package from her doorstep and went back inside her house. So I decide to just go ask her. She says that she didn't get anything but if she does she'll let me know. She promises. :rolleyes: Meanwhile I'm looking at the big FEDex sticker on her door. But what can I say? The chick said she didn't have it. I can't rush into her house and check myself.

So now i don't know what to do. I'm so ANGRY. I don't know whether to laugh or cry or who to call. I mean I've wanted this for so long. And of course I didn't check the option that for $2 extra if my mail gets lost or anything I can get another free one from ovation. I figured that never happens anyway. Now I'm screwed.

And another thing I just saw. The sticker is no longer on this girls door. Which really leads me to believe she took it. She probably opened it saw what it said about growing your hair down to your *** and decided she wanted to keep it.
Idk what to do ladies. I'm so upset. Any advice will be good advice. Any consolation is welcome. TIA :cry3:

Wow! I'm sorry this has happened to you. You should have snatched that fed ex sticker off of her door:yep: I think she got ya stuff. I really do! If, you hadda took that sticker you would have known fa sho!
Aw, I feel so bad that this happened. At least you may help some other people to get the insurance next time! I'm one of those people who always skips that.
I'm really sorry that this happened to you! :cry3: Whenever I have trouble in dealing with corporate America, I just file a claim with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). You can do it right online. I'd file against FedEx personally, since you declined the insurance from OCT. When I haven't been able to get results from complaining directly to the companies, the BBB has come through for me 7/10 times. Good luck to you!
:whyme::censored::angry2: GOD!!! talk about giving someone the runaround!!! ok. i called FEDex today and they basically said they'd have to start a claim and there's nothing they can do. they also said that its up to OCT as to whether or not they'll give me the money back. I told them they said OCT said it was up to FEDex, FEDex says no. they'll open a claim and it'll take 4-5 business days and thats when OCT will tell them whether or not to give me the money back and then they'll do so. puzzled, i call OCT and ask them about this b/c everything they said conflicted w. what OCT said when i talked to them yesterday. OCT said it will take 30-45 days. the 4-5 days they're talking about are the "tracer days" where the FEDex guy will have to physically come to the site where he left it and say "this is where i left it" which is what i got from talking to someone from FEDex yesterday, she told me that the driver will have to come back and verify where he left it. talking to someone today they told me that the driver can't go to every single location. I told them that it's not possible for a driver to give all these locations to the wrong ppl can they?! she said in a week they get alot of calls of stolen packages. I told her thats all fine and dandy but its not just that someone stole it but they left it in the wrong place so basically its them that stole from me. thats when she asked me if i wanted to speak for someone else:rolleyes:

this other person basically just kept pushing the claim on me but i didn't want it to go down that easy. I told them I paid for a service, i paid for them to give me my package and they didn't do so. when i told her that i talked to someone yesterday and they said the driver will come out and verify where he left it thats when she said she'll call that location specifically and see if they know something she doesn't. she told me she'd call me back :pinocchio: i cant remember how many times i've heard that from them. but i did get her contact info.

so basically i'm getting the runaround. someone's lying but i don't know who.
FEDex is saying a claim will only last 3-5 days, OCT says it will be 30-45.

FEDex says the decision of whether or not i get my money back lies with OCT, OCT says the decision of whether or not i get my money back lies with FEDex

oh lord help me!! :crybaby: i just wanted long hair :reddancer::sad:

Dang. That just sucks. I know I hate being given the runaround. Hope things work out!!
I'm really sorry that this happened to you! :cry3: Whenever I have trouble in dealing with corporate America, I just file a claim with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). You can do it right online. I'd file against FedEx personally, since you declined the insurance from OCT. When I haven't been able to get results from complaining directly to the companies, the BBB has come through for me 7/10 times. Good luck to you!

wow thanks alot, ill do that. maybe that'll work. i've reported someone to the better business bureau before and nothing really came from it. im gonna wait til tomorrow first but i'm sure they'll just give me the runaround again then i'll inform them i'm reporting them and just go ahead and do so.
This isn't the first time something like this happened ordering from OCT and OCT giving the runaround and being unaccomodating.
:whyme::censored::angry2: GOD!!! talk about giving someone the runaround!!! ok. i called FEDex today and they basically said they'd have to start a claim and there's nothing they can do. they also said that its up to OCT as to whether or not they'll give me the money back. I told them they said OCT said it was up to FEDex, FEDex says no. they'll open a claim and it'll take 4-5 business days and thats when OCT will tell them whether or not to give me the money back and then they'll do so. puzzled, i call OCT and ask them about this b/c everything they said conflicted w. what OCT said when i talked to them yesterday. OCT said it will take 30-45 days. the 4-5 days they're talking about are the "tracer days" where the FEDex guy will have to physically come to the site where he left it and say "this is where i left it" which is what i got from talking to someone from FEDex yesterday, she told me that the driver will have to come back and verify where he left it. talking to someone today they told me that the driver can't go to every single location. I told them that it's not possible for a driver to give all these locations to the wrong ppl can they?! she said in a week they get alot of calls of stolen packages. I told her thats all fine and dandy but its not just that someone stole it but they left it in the wrong place so basically its them that stole from me. thats when she asked me if i wanted to speak for someone else:rolleyes:

this other person basically just kept pushing the claim on me but i didn't want it to go down that easy. I told them I paid for a service, i paid for them to give me my package and they didn't do so. when i told her that i talked to someone yesterday and they said the driver will come out and verify where he left it thats when she said she'll call that location specifically and see if they know something she doesn't. she told me she'd call me back :pinocchio: i cant remember how many times i've heard that from them. but i did get her contact info.

so basically i'm getting the runaround. someone's lying but i don't know who.
FEDex is saying a claim will only last 3-5 days, OCT says it will be 30-45.

FEDex says the decision of whether or not i get my money back lies with OCT, OCT says the decision of whether or not i get my money back lies with FEDex

oh lord help me!! :crybaby: i just wanted long hair :reddancer::sad:

ok - the 3 - 5 days sounds closer to the truth to me, but i will go into my account and double check for you when i get the chance.
it is up to oct, not fed ex, just think about it like this, fed ex's contract is with oct not you - so if they pay the claim, it will be to OCT. now, when one of my clients dont recieve a package, it is up to me, to make that client happy, and i lean on fed ex or ups(whomever i used) to make me happy. make sense? i would not hesitate to call the better business bureau if i were you..... OCT knows that this is their responsiblity, i dont know what the cost of this thing is, but i can almost guarantee you, that OCT will get paid for that package, just a little insider info here, they will probably make a few bucks because it was lost. so dont go away quietly, make them, either refund your money or send you the product. they can, and they should! businesses are responsible for making sure that they deliver the product that was paid for. you didnt take the insurance, so what, that's really extra cash for them(when people decide to buy it), because the bottom line is, if a package is lost, they will file that same clame with fed ex, and get that same reimbursment. i was thinking of trying them, but i personally put a lot of weight on customer service, and they are not looking so good to me. especially since i know the script.
This isn't the first time something like this happened ordering from OCT and OCT giving the runaround and being unaccomodating.
honestly, i think if we start talking about not doing business with businesses who dont have good customer service, we will see this change, real quick. right now, they dont feel they have to accomodate. we can change that! afterall, we are spending our hard earned money and we should hold those businesses to a standard. actually recieving a product that you paid for is just basic business imho
ok - the 3 - 5 days sounds closer to the truth to me, but i will go into my account and double check for you when i get the chance.
it is up to oct, not fed ex, just think about it like this, fed ex's contract is with oct not you - so if they pay the claim, it will be to OCT. now, when one of my clients dont recieve a package, it is up to me, to make that client happy, and i lean on fed ex or ups(whomever i used) to make me happy. make sense? i would not hesitate to call the better business bureau if i were you..... OCT knows that this is their responsiblity, i dont know what the cost of this thing is, but i can almost guarantee you, that OCT will get paid for that package, just a little insider info here, they will probably make a few bucks because it was lost. so dont go away quietly, make them, either refund your money or send you the product. they can, and they should! businesses are responsible for making sure that they deliver the product that was paid for. you didnt take the insurance, so what, that's really extra cash for them(when people decide to buy it), because the bottom line is, if a package is lost, they will file that same clame with fed ex, and get that same reimbursment. i was thinking of trying them, but i personally put a lot of weight on customer service, and they are not looking so good to me. especially since i know the script.

oh really?! from what the lady at OCT told me she said and i quote, "think about it, they're the ones that lost the package, not us. So they should be the ones to pay for it."

from what you think do you think i should report OCT or FEDex to the BBB?
Hi All: Monday, I went to OCT's website to plan an order. I was entering my preliminary information (name, address, email, etc) and noticed the site was not (NOT!) secure. Still, I clicked NEXT to advance to the next page and noticed there was no https:// and there was no padlock to indicate a secure site. I was now on the page requesting my credit card information. I didn't proceed because there were no indicators that the site was secure...so I called DC Labs.

The lady that I spoke with said that many folks have called with the same complaint and that I shouldn't worry because the site is secure. Little did she know that I'm on the IT staff for a major company and it was going to take more than her verbal re-assurance for me to enter my credit card information. She asked how I found out about their product and I responded "a hair forum." To which she said, "Was it Long Hair Care Fourm?" and I said, "Yes." So they're aware they a lot of their business is being driven by this fourm.

Be careful, ladies. In a era of rampant ID theft, DC Labs should know better than to have an unsecure e-commerce site. This is negligent behavior.
it is up to oct, not fed ex, just think about it like this, fed ex's contract is with oct not you - so if they pay the claim, it will be to OCT. now, when one of my clients dont recieve a package, it is up to me, to make that client happy, and i lean on fed ex or ups(whomever i used) to make me happy. make sense? i would not hesitate to call the better business bureau if i were you..... OCT knows that this is their responsiblity, i dont know what the cost of this thing is, but i can almost guarantee you, that OCT will get paid for that package, just a little insider info here, they will probably make a few bucks because it was lost. so dont go away quietly, make them, either refund your money or send you the product. they can, and they should! businesses are responsible for making sure that they deliver the product that was paid for. you didnt take the insurance, so what, that's really extra cash for them(when people decide to buy it), because the bottom line is, if a package is lost, they will file that same clame with fed ex, and get that same reimbursment. i was thinking of trying them, but i personally put a lot of weight on customer service, and they are not looking so good to me. especially since i know the script.

Very useful to know. OP, don't give up - you are a paying customer and cannot be left in the dark with no form of recompense whatsoever. Mention to OCT that your contract is with them, and they therefore are liable to you. If they refuse to budge, make sure to mention that you'll inform this forum, and the BBB of their appalling customer service.

honestly, i think if we start talking about not doing business with businesses who dont have good customer service, we will see this change, real quick. right now, they dont feel they have to accomodate. we can change that! afterall, we are spending our hard earned money and we should hold those businesses to a standard. actually recieving a product that you paid for is just basic business imho

Yep, very true. :yep:
As you saw my post I from sunday night /monday morning I had issues with them charging my account 311.00 for an order that did not go thru. Their site kept glitching. They charge 62 dollar 3 time and 114 once. I sent them a letter refering to my membership on LHCF and all. Requested a refund. I had a bit of runaround. It ended with them faxing a signed letter to my bank. Prior to that each was blaming the other.

Here is the info of the person I was in contact with monday.

Carlee Van Kempen | Vice President Sales

Ovation | DC Labs
Telephone 888-411-3252 x110
Facsimile 760-599-0808 Fax


We are so confident that you will see faster and stronger hair growth with Cell Therapy that we offer a 100% money back guarantee.


Hi All: Monday, I went to OCT's website to plan an order. I was entering my preliminary information (name, address, email, etc) and noticed the site was not (NOT!) secure. Still, I clicked NEXT to advance to the next page and noticed there was no https:// and there was no padlock to indicate a secure site. I was now on the page requesting my credit card information. I didn't proceed because there were no indicators that the site was secure...so I called DC Labs.

The lady that I spoke with said that many folks have called with the same complaint and that I shouldn't worry because the site is secure. Little did she know that I'm on the IT staff for a major company and it was going to take more than her verbal re-assurance for me to enter my credit card information. She asked how I found out about their product and I responded "a hair forum." To which she said, "Was it Long Hair Care Fourm?" and I said, "Yes." So they're aware they a lot of their business is being driven by this fourm.

Be careful, ladies. In a era of rampant ID theft, DC Labs should know better than to have an unsecure e-commerce site. This is negligent behavior.

yea.. im considering writing a nasty email to them telling them that a lot of girls on the forum have reported problems with them and that we have been known to drop a company b/c of bad customer service. i'll also let them know that i am reporting them to the better business bureau and will not be taking her up on her offer to buy the product over and "possibly" being reimbursed once the claim goes through.

i also don't think that i should give up even tho thats what i feel like doing right now. a lot of ladies on here buy their product and they shouldn't be getting jipped out of their money. OCT's making alot of money off of this forum yet they cant just spare one extra bottle? the more i think of this the angrier i get.