i am so ANGRY right now (OCT related)

lol, i was considering doing FEDex too, esp since it was them that lost my package. i prob.'ll do it after i get all this studying out of the way.
you can do this, but.... think about it this way, if you ran a business delivering millions of packages every year, is it possible not to lose any of them? i dont think so - human error happens. it's not the human error that would prompt me to call BBB, because i certainly screw up orders from time to time with my clients - good grief if they all called BBB that would be ugly - but it's how the errors are handled. when the company just tells you that it's your lost, thats a problem. FEDEX will make good with OCT - i will guarantee it. OCT will be reimbursed. if they dont, then it is OCT that should and would make that call. make sense? if OCT had told you they would give it that 3 - 5 days (fed ex investigates, to see if they can recover the package before they pay a claim - which makes sense) and then they would give you back your money or reship your item - would you have called BBB on them. you might have been a little PU"d that you had to wait those extra days, but you would have ultimately understood that human error does happen. OCT expected you to take the loss, thats another story entirely, and totally unacceptable.
OCT should ensured that someone signs for the package rather thatn make you pay $2 for it. I never liked Fedex anyway, if I have to go to your website and ask for signature confirmation then I don't need to be doing bisiness with you.

But OP I hope you get your money back or a new bottle of conditioner. It's risk we all take when ordering online, which is why I limit my online orders.
So I've been hearing about OCT and how awesome it was for quite awhile now. I've BEEN wanted to get it but I never had the money for it. So my student loans came in recently and I finally bought it. It was supposed to come in today and i was SUPER excited. I read up on all the threads for it and trying to figure out how to use it for maximum results, was looking at pictures, the whole 9. Just getting myself hyped up for when it comes right?

So today's the day. I was sleep and my bf woke me up and told me he just checked the mail and my OCT wasn't in there. (I've been talking about it for awhile and he knew how excited i was about it, and how much I was looking forward for it to get here.)
I told him though that it wouldn't be in the mail cause it was a FEDex. He said ok, but then paused for a minute and said.."well the FEDex guy already came and the girl next door got her delivery." So now I'm like :look:. oookay. I go online to check up on the tracking number and see where it was. I then saw I got an email already saying it's been delivered. there was no one home and they left it outside.

I check outside nothing's there. meanwhile the girl next door has a FedEx sticker on her door. it was one of those "no one was home but we left the package on your doorstep cause no one was home." type stickers. but there was nothing on her doorstep. So I wasn't sure what to think. My bf suggested we check the front office. We went but..surprise, surprise, nothing was there for me.

I called the FEDex customer service and they told me that they delivered it and no one was home and they left it on the doorstep. I inform them I in fact WAS home and I didn't get anything. The customer service lady said she will forward the message and i should get a phone call w.in an hr. (an hr just passed, no call yet)

I thought maybe the girl got my package and just didn't know who it was for. My bf mentioned he had heard knocking on her door and later saw that she went outside and got a package from her doorstep and went back inside her house. So I decide to just go ask her. She says that she didn't get anything but if she does she'll let me know. She promises. :rolleyes: Meanwhile I'm looking at the big FEDex sticker on her door. But what can I say? The chick said she didn't have it. I can't rush into her house and check myself.

So now i don't know what to do. I'm so ANGRY. I don't know whether to laugh or cry or who to call. I mean I've wanted this for so long. And of course I didn't check the option that for $2 extra if my mail gets lost or anything I can get another free one from ovation. I figured that never happens anyway. Now I'm screwed.

And another thing I just saw. The sticker is no longer on this girls door. Which really leads me to believe she took it. She probably opened it saw what it said about growing your hair down to your *** and decided she wanted to keep it.
Idk what to do ladies. I'm so upset. Any advice will be good advice. Any consolation is welcome. TIA :cry3:
Go and b*#@% handle that *****:perplexed!
She took it and she lied about it. You can also ask the person who delivered it to check the signature and to make sure it was you who signed it( obviously you didn't but some ***** trick b*#@% did...:lachen:).
So, go out there and do you...
OCT should ensured that someone signs for the package rather thatn make you pay $2 for it. I never liked Fedex anyway, if I have to go to your website and ask for signature confirmation then I don't need to be doing bisiness with you.

But OP I hope you get your money back or a new bottle of conditioner. It's risk we all take when ordering online, which is why I limit my online orders.

yea i know ordering online is always risky. but before now i've never heard of anyone who has had problems w. OCT and i've actually never had problems before when i ordered my package. i always got it, and i'm really shocked that both parties are reluctant to do anything about it. but yea im glad i got my money back altho its only a provisional credit and if OCT or FEDex makes it seem like it was an error on my part, they can take the money back so.. i guess i'll just have to wait and see.
So I've been hearing about OCT and how awesome it was for quite awhile now. I've BEEN wanted to get it but I never had the money for it. So my student loans came in recently and I finally bought it. It was supposed to come in today and i was SUPER excited. I read up on all the threads for it and trying to figure out how to use it for maximum results, was looking at pictures, the whole 9. Just getting myself hyped up for when it comes right?

So today's the day. I was sleep and my bf woke me up and told me he just checked the mail and my OCT wasn't in there. (I've been talking about it for awhile and he knew how excited i was about it, and how much I was looking forward for it to get here.)
I told him though that it wouldn't be in the mail cause it was a FEDex. He said ok, but then paused for a minute and said.."well the FEDex guy already came and the girl next door got her delivery." So now I'm like :look:. oookay. I go online to check up on the tracking number and see where it was. I then saw I got an email already saying it's been delivered. there was no one home and they left it outside.

I check outside nothing's there. meanwhile the girl next door has a FedEx sticker on her door. it was one of those "no one was home but we left the package on your doorstep cause no one was home." type stickers. but there was nothing on her doorstep. So I wasn't sure what to think. My bf suggested we check the front office. We went but..surprise, surprise, nothing was there for me.

I called the FEDex customer service and they told me that they delivered it and no one was home and they left it on the doorstep. I inform them I in fact WAS home and I didn't get anything. The customer service lady said she will forward the message and i should get a phone call w.in an hr. (an hr just passed, no call yet)

I thought maybe the girl got my package and just didn't know who it was for. My bf mentioned he had heard knocking on her door and later saw that she went outside and got a package from her doorstep and went back inside her house. So I decide to just go ask her. She says that she didn't get anything but if she does she'll let me know. She promises. :rolleyes: Meanwhile I'm looking at the big FEDex sticker on her door. But what can I say? The chick said she didn't have it. I can't rush into her house and check myself.

So now i don't know what to do. I'm so ANGRY. I don't know whether to laugh or cry or who to call. I mean I've wanted this for so long. And of course I didn't check the option that for $2 extra if my mail gets lost or anything I can get another free one from ovation. I figured that never happens anyway. Now I'm screwed.

And another thing I just saw. The sticker is no longer on this girls door. Which really leads me to believe she took it. She probably opened it saw what it said about growing your hair down to your *** and decided she wanted to keep it.
Idk what to do ladies. I'm so upset. Any advice will be good advice. Any consolation is welcome. TIA :cry3:

I am so sorry about this
i just called wachovia and they said they'll refund the money and they'll send me something in the mail in 3-5 business days, i have to respond to that.

i just checked my acct and they refunded me the money, it's processing so I guess they're gonna contact the company first before it's complete. I'm happy about that but I'm still dissatisfied, so I'm in the process of reporting them to the BBB right now. I had to fill out on the info b/c they weren't on there. But its in San Diego. So if anyone wants to join me in reporting them that's the city that'll take care of it. I'm also going to write them an email letting them KNO that i've reported them and that i am not happy in the LEAST about how I was treated as a customer.

Yeahhh!!1 Sweetie, I'm so glad you got your money. That should never have happened and I thank you for reporting the dangers out there in online ordering. This is very important to know about.
I'm so sorry this has happened to you. Fed Ex and UPS can be real assholes when it comes to delivering packages. Those drivers get paid all that money, yet they can't properly deliver packages and then when you try to make a claim they give you the hooplah. This is why I'm really picky about where I shop from online, like I'm real wary of companies who use UPS and Fed Ex, because I've had problems with both of them before. I personally wish more companies gave you the option of using different shipping companies, cuz I would use USPS (United States Parcel Service). I like USPS because if no one is home to pick up the package after 3 attempts (some of them don't even bother with 3, after the 1st they give up lol), they take it back to the post office and you go there to pick it up. I prefer that over leaving it with other people, or leaving it in front of my main entrance apt building, cuz I don't trust no body. They smile and heee haww all in front of your face, but when given the opportunity, they'll do some grimey ****...and the fact that he mistakenly delivered it to her just makes it even worse, goodluck...you're probably gonna have to get real nasty with UPS and tell them you're reporting them to like Better Business Bureau for like negligence or something. I work in customer service, and most people don't really care about your stuff until you mention "lawyers" or reporting them to the BBB or some other kind of consumer business org...once they here those, they shape up real quick.
yea i know ordering online is always risky. but before now i've never heard of anyone who has had problems w. OCT and i've actually never had problems before when i ordered my package. i always got it, and i'm really shocked that both parties are reluctant to do anything about it. but yea im glad i got my money back altho its only a provisional credit and if OCT or FEDex makes it seem like it was an error on my part, they can take the money back so.. i guess i'll just have to wait and see.
let us know how this ends up - odds are, without a signiture to prove delivery - oct has no legs to stand on. i am glad you recieved your refund i am almost certain that you will keep it. too bad OCT didnt take this opportunity to show great customer service.
It's so crazy reading this because I actually PREFER vendors who ship UPS/FedEx. I've never had problems with them (and I order online a lot!).

DHL and USPS, on the other hand..... :wallbash: :wallbash:

I'm so sorry this has happened to you. Fed Ex and UPS can be real assholes when it comes to delivering packages. Those drivers get paid all that money, yet they can't properly deliver packages and then when you try to make a claim they give you the hooplah. This is why I'm really picky about where I shop from online, like I'm real wary of companies who use UPS and Fed Ex, because I've had problems with both of them before. I personally wish more companies gave you the option of using different shipping companies, cuz I would use USPS (United States Parcel Service). I like USPS because if no one is home to pick up the package after 3 attempts (some of them don't even bother with 3, after the 1st they give up lol), they take it back to the post office and you go there to pick it up. I prefer that over leaving it with other people, or leaving it in front of my main entrance apt building, cuz I don't trust no body. They smile and heee haww all in front of your face, but when given the opportunity, they'll do some grimey ****...and the fact that he mistakenly delivered it to her just makes it even worse, goodluck...you're probably gonna have to get real nasty with UPS and tell them you're reporting them to like Better Business Bureau for like negligence or something. I work in customer service, and most people don't really care about your stuff until you mention "lawyers" or reporting them to the BBB or some other kind of consumer business org...once they here those, they shape up real quick.
let us know how this ends up - odds are, without a signiture to prove delivery - oct has no legs to stand on. i am glad you recieved your refund i am almost certain that you will keep it. too bad OCT didnt take this opportunity to show great customer service.

thanks. i dont kno how exactly this will turn out but i havent heard anything from them or the BBB yet. i hope i'll be able to keep my money too. i dont see why not. either way i'll keep everyone updated.
ok. another update. so after i completely forgot and have given up on ever seeing my ovation product again, i came home and saw that someone from FEDex came by and left a message for me. When i called him and told him what i thought happened to my package he said ok, he'll drive by where i live tomorrow and talk to my neighbor. He did and of course she denied taking it. but he said he recognized her and also said he was pretty sure it was her that took it. I then called FEDex who then told me to call ovation. Finally after 2 days of back and forths I was able to get ovation to re-ship my product. So therefore I should be getting it tomorrow. IDK whats gonna happen as far as my money seeing how the bank had credited me my money back. but i didnt mention it to them in hopes that they wouldn't notice. lol.

also another thing. my neighbors hair seems to be getting longer. which pisses me off. im pretty sure she's gonna get kicked out pretty soon. she's always causing some disturbance in the complex and the other day i heard that there was this huge fight between her, some of the ppl that lived there and a bunch of other girls that i guess are their frienemies. also i think there might be something wrong w. her b/c the ambulance came for her twice already. my bf blamed it on me saying that i wished it on her. lol. w/e... while i wouldnt wish that on anyone.. i dont necessarily feel sorry for her either. anyway.. thats my update.

btw.. i changed the address that im getting it mailed to. its going to my parents house and im gonna make sure im home when it gets here. plus they added the signature service to it.
I've had this happen everytime I order something, that's why I don't order stuff because either it gets lost of just straight up doesn't arrive at all!

I feel your anger because you get a delivery date and then no package on the delivery date. With where I live UPS just leaves the sticker and doesn't even attempt to ring my bell!!!

Back to purchasing only in stores. I hate all delivery services!!!! they suck!

Wish you luck on getting your OCT.
I read this just in time. I read the first one and clicked on last and you updated. I'm still mad at that neighbor of yours. But the GOOD news is, what you put out there always comes home to you, just worse. Let her use it, she's probably allergic and that's why the ambulance had to come for her. She'll get hers, don't worry. At least you have your goods now, happy hair growing and good luck!
I read this just in time. I read the first one and clicked on last and you updated. I'm still mad at that neighbor of yours. But the GOOD news is, what you put out there always comes home to you, just worse. Let her use it, she's probably allergic and that's why the ambulance had to come for her. She'll get hers, don't worry. At least you have your goods now, happy hair growing and good luck!

:blush::lachen::lachen: omg im DYING!!! that was too funny. i never thought of that. but either way i cant feel too sorry for that thief. like u said what u put out always comes home to you :nono:
I've had this happen everytime I order something, that's why I don't order stuff because either it gets lost of just straight up doesn't arrive at all!

I feel your anger because you get a delivery date and then no package on the delivery date. With where I live UPS just leaves the sticker and doesn't even attempt to ring my bell!!!

Back to purchasing only in stores. I hate all delivery services!!!! they suck!

Wish you luck on getting your OCT.

wow that sucks. thing is i always order online (mostly b/c its usually cheaper) and this is the first time ive ever had a problem. and the thing about OCT is that u can only buy it online right now. so i had no choice. but yea im glad im gonna get it after all.
Glad that all worked out. I was about to ask what was happening. And after all this trouble I hope you actually like it :lol:
yay!! it came today. even tho they still shipped it to the wrong place. i gave them my parents address to ship it to yet they still sent it to my apt. but w/e all is well i guess. thank u ladies for all of ur support ^_^